Excursions are must, specially for students. They have a great educational value. That is why schools often organize excursions for students. Apart from educating students and exposing them to various experiences, it is a great means of ' recreation. It is the day all students wait for eagerly. My class was taken on an excursion last month. A bus was arranged. We sat in it and it took us to all the places we had to see. We were all very happy. We sang on our way and the bus speeded through various towns and villages. The sound of the horn was a constant irritant but we could tolerate it because we were too busy having a good singing session in the bus. We were going to Agra from Delhi. The bus stopped on the way at a restaurant. We all got off the bus to have some refreshment. Our more...

Telephone is no doubt one of the important devices of communicating messages in a relatively short period. Messages can be sent though  letters and telegrams as   well, but a telephone message is the fastest to receive. Over the telephone one even hears the voice af the person who sends us the  message and this makes the message more personal. It is so useful that even those who live at a great distance from us can communicate with us. The telephone often brings a cure for loneliness and comforts anyone who can talk to the person he is missing. One can settle various problems within  seconds over phone. Quick decisions can be taken and one can function faster after speaking over phone. There are telephones at home, but they are also installed elsewhere for the convenience of the public. Railways stations, shops, post offices all have telephones where one can more...

Outline : Late night, driving my car; stranger; stop; lift; pistol; threatened; robbed me; went away. These days all sorts of incidents can take place. You cannot expect a thing to happen but it does happen. People know many ways to take money out of your pocket, but this all happens unexpectedly. When you are least cautious, when you take pity on some one; he robs you. He takes an undue advantage of your sympathy and kindness. To whom we should be kind. To whom we should not be. You get a jolt of your life. You are left as a foolish person. You promise in your heart of hearts never to help anyone, come what may. But by then, it is too late. Late night's coming and going is also very risky. You may meet a stranger. He may try to convince all traits of humanity and innocence. He more...

Newspapers play a very important role in our life. We cannot imagine a single day starting well without a newspaper at our doorstep in the morning. No matter how much of a hurry we are in, there is always time for a quick look at the headlines, which tell us in a nutshell what is happening all over the world. The formation of a new government, winning or losing a cricket match, an earthquake, an aeroplane crash, a train accident, all types of tragedies of common man are covered in the newspaper. It gives us valuable information in the form of advertisements, notices and reviews. Expert writers give opinions on politics, society, films, art, drama and books. In a newspaper we can find a variety of things which will satisfy one's various interests. A newspaper brings awareness and consciousness to the literate people and spurs it to independent thought and more...

Books have always inspired us to gain knowledge and do better in life. Some books have changed the lifestyle of the readers. The Ram Chant Manas is one such book. It is a great epic of the Hindus. The Ram Chant Manas was written by Tuisi Das on the footsteps of Valmiki's Ramayana. In it, he depicted the life and times of Lord Rama in great detail, right from the times of his ancestors. It is a mirror of our culture and society which prevailed in those ancient times. It teaches us the noble qualities like self-sacrifice, faithfulness, devotion, courage, piety, determination and perseverance. It teaches us that we can overcome any hurdles in life if we work hard. The Ram Charit Manas has brought Lord Rama into our hearts and souls. It proves how evil is always defeated and how good always triumphs. No other book inspires us so more...

"Soap is... the first manufactured substance with which we come into contact in our lives...” John A. Hunt, A Short History of Soap Soap, in the form we know it today, was first produced by the Babylonians in around 2800 B.C.E. Clay cylinders containing a soaplike material were found during excavations of Babylon. Engraved in the side of a cylinder was a recipe for boiling fats with ashes. Soap works by acting as an emulsifying agent. Each soap molecule consists of a long, fatty tail and an electrically charged "head." In water the soap molecules form small spheres, called micelles, where the charged heads are on the outside and the water- repelling fatty chains are in the middle. As dirt and grease are not soluble in water, they are contained within the micelles. The micelles can then be washed away, leaving behind a clean surface. True soap was made by more...

It is unknown who first irrigated his crops with water brought specially from a nearby river, but archeological evidence suggests that, wherever farming began to take place, irrigation soon followed. There is evidence of irrigation from around 6000 b.c.e. in Sumer in Mesopotamia, and also on ancient Egyptian farms near the Nile. Some 2,000 years later, irrigation occurred in Geokysur in South Russia, and in the Zana Valley in the Andes Mountains of Peru. By 3000 B.C.E.,  the the same techniques were used by the Indus Valley Civilization in what is now Pakistan. When, at around 6000 B.C.E., the first farmers in Mesopotamia planted their crops of barley, wheat, and other plants near the Tigris or Euphrates rivers, they relied on rain, the occasional flood, and the ability of the soil to hold water to ensure that their crops grew from seed to, harvest. Water could be carried in buckets more...

The youth of today are in grave situation. There is unrest among them because they are facing numerous problems like ambition, anxiety, identity etc. They have never rested on their past moments nor they have felt contented with the  possibilities of the present. They are under pressure of high ambition which increases their anxiety and thus problems begin to come one after another in their life. Fired by the stimulus and success syndrome of the living present, the young nurses an ambition to reach the top of the world, however hard and relentless the effort may be. There is deep divide between the urban youth and the rural one. The former is in a state of defiance against the old order. They find it difficult to adjust themselves in the present set up and thus they become victims of alienation or estrangement. Deprived of the opportunity to develop intellectually, many more...

The calotype process was created by William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877) in the very early days of photography. Athough Talbot was not the originator of photography, his calotype formed the basis of the photographic process for more than 150 years. The calotype, or Talbotype, process will be recognizable to anyone who is familiar with developing photographs. Calotype is derived from the Greek, meaning literally "good impression." Talbot used high-quality writing paper coated with light- sensitive silver chloride. The paper had to be prepared before exposure to light, and then needed ten to fifteen minutes of exposure time in bright light, usually sunlight. The paper was exposed to the light in a wooden box functionally similar to a modern camera. Talbot also realized that short exposure of the light-sensitive paper and then chemical fixing could produce a useful negative. The fixing process removed the light-sensitive silver, making the negative easier to more...

A bus conductor is the most important organ of public transport system. He has a very difficult duty His day starts early in the morning as he is to reach the depot early. He is picked by the staff bus to reach the depot. As soon as he reaches depot he marks his attendance and takes charge of his bus. He is provided a form known as way-bill. He notes down the opening number of the tickets of different denominations on the way-bill. He issues tickets of different denominations to the commuters and keeps an account of the tickets sold on each trip. At the end of the trip he notes the closing number of the tickets. His job is comparatively easy in the morning and noon time. He has to deal with passengers from every walk of life. But he is much busy at the hours of the day more...


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