Physical exercise is very essential for all people. It should be carried out under the guidance of a physical instructor. All people, whether manual workers or mental workers, need to exercise in order to keep fit. Physical activity during the course of day's work cannot be called physical exercise, as physical exercise is meant to be done when the mind is free from the day's chores. Physical exercise has various forms. Swimming is the best physical exercise because the entire body gets proper exercise in it. Running, jumping and gymnastics are the other good forms of exercise. Games like soccer, hockey, cricket and tennis are the most popular kinds of physical exercise. Young man like to make their body strong and muscular, for which they can use various types of exercise equipment. Many people in cities and towns go for a morning walk. Yoga is one of the best forms more...

In the nineteenth century there was a confusing multiplicity of units of measurement. In England, for example, length was measured in inches, feet, yards, furlongs, rods, chains, poles, perches, miles, and more. In 1791 the French National Assembly instructed the Academy of Sciences to design a simple decimal system. In 1793 the unit of length, the meter, was chosen to be one ten-millionth of the distance between the north pole of Earth and the equator, the specific meridian that was chosen being the one that passes though Paris. Unfortunately, the length of the meridian had not been measured at the time and this Job was carried out by Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Delambre (1749-1822) and Pierre Mechain (1744-1804). A platinum bar engraved with two marks separated by the new "meter" was then placed in the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris. Decimal divisions, such as the centimeter and kilometer were then more...

We live in a scientific age and scientists are respected everywhere. Science developed for the past several centuries has produced results which have caused different reactions in different sections of society. There are many who think science has bettered our lot. It has given us comforts, progress and prosperity by many inventions and discoveries. On the other hand there are those who look upon science as the chief cause of the sufferings of humanity today. The dabate has been on for a long time. But while people talk and argue for and against, science goes on taking long strides, blissfully ignorant of praises or abuses. It is believed that we are suffering because of misuse of scientific inventions. Hence we need not offer any apologies for wishing to be a scientist. But we should be a scientist with a difference. We do not want to be confined to the ivory more...

On  15th May. 1989, the Constitution (64th Amendment) Bill popularly known as Panchayati Raj Bill, was introduced in the Parliament. The argument of the opposition was that the bill violated Article 246 of the Constitution. The Bill aimed at establishing a three tier system of Panchayats, periodical elections under Election Commission supervision, and 30 percent reservation of seats for women. There is no provision for dissolution of the local bodies by Governors. This provision was there in the draft bill, but it was strongly criticised by opposition parties. The Parliament adopted the proposal with the slogan "Power to the people". It was felt that in many states the Panchayati Raj institutions have become weak and ineffective owing to a variety of reasons. The Bill provided the constitution of Finance Commission of the state to review the financial position of the Panchayats and ensure their sound finance through taxes, duties, toll more...

“Jules Verne's story of travel to the moon would be as much science fiction if they went by rubber band." Philip K. Dick, science fiction writer Even though the Mesoamericans of Central America used rubber—made from the sap of the indigenous rubber tree—as early as 1600 B.C.E., it was not until the first half of the nineteenth century that American Charles Goodyear developed a chemical process to make commercially viable rubber. By adding sulfur to naturally milky latex and then heating the substance, he "vulcanized" the rubber, thereby making it harder and more durable. Six years later, in early 1845, Englishman Stephen Perry of Messrs Perry and Co. used this process to produce the world's first vulcanized rubber band. Previously, fellow Englishman Thomas Hancock had produced rubber bands by cutting Central American rubber bottles into sheets and slicing these into thin strips. In order to dispose of the resulting waste more...

Strange are the vagaries of nature. Sometimes, there is heavy and prolonged rainfall giving rise to floods and causing devastation on large scale. At other times, there are no rains or only scanty rains due to which crops get scorched and drought conditions prevail. Both the situations are unhealthy and cause numerous hardships for the common man in general and for the farmers in particular.  Famines and droughts are great natural calamities. The Very word drought brings to our mind a picture of scarcity of water, food, fodder and unemployment. Thousands fail to get ;even one square meal a day. Many have to live on grass,  on wild roots and leaves of trees. Not only this, there are several Starvation deaths too, which is extremely horrifying. Cattle die due to lack of fodder. The wells and rivers go dry and as a result people travel long distances to get  drinking more...

The knowledge we get from books is mere theoretical knowledge. It is not sufficient to be successful in life. To get complete success we require practical knowledge too. And it is travelling which takes us from the field of bookish knowledge to the field of practical knowledge. It is not only concerned with pleasure, holidays, travel and going or arriving somewhere but it makes us able to know about the habits, manners, and ways of living of other people. We get opportunity to learn about other by coming in contact with.  Travelling takes us from the world of imagination to the world of reality. It gives us a chance to adjust in the changed circumstances. Books even if they very good, cannot give us this chance. We come across many difficulties but we successfully overcome them. We never mind minor problems. A man who has never gone out or who more...

Public opinion is the opinion which the people in general  hold on questions of public interest of a certain time. Democracy, being the Government of the people, by the people and for the people, seeks people's opinion on various issues. It can not ignore people's reaction to its policies. No government Would like to be in power only for one time. It would like to come back to power again after the next election. Coming back to power depends on the next election which in turn depends on people's opinion of its work when it was in power. Strong public opinion plays a very significant role in the Capturing of powers, forming government and also retaining  the government in the consecutive elections. Public opinion helps in creating such a condition where the government cannot Afford to misrule or neglect the country. An alert and intelligent public opinion which keeps itself more...

The first person to attempt to reversibly connect two materials with a ziplike mechanism was the American inventor Elias Howe (1819-1867) in 1851 with his "Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure." However, Howe devoted little time to his fastening invention. A short while later, fellow-American Whitcomb Judson invented the clasp locker, primarily to help a friend who had a bad back and couldn't do up his shoes. The design was based around a hook-and-eye mechanism and had little commercial success. One of Judson's employees, however, went on to hit the jackpot. Gideon Sundback (1880-1954) worked for Judson's Universal Fastener Company. Because of his great skill he was appointed as head designer. He had been tasked with improving the Judson hook-and-eye fastener, which had an unfortunate tendency to come apart. Sundback's breakthrough design was based on the principle of interlocking teeth, and he called his invention the "Hookless Fastener." It consisted of two more...

The sun is the most important heavenly body in the solar system. All other planets in the solar system revolve round it. It looks like a large burning disc. It is thousand times larger than the earth and millions of miles away from us. The sun rises in the east, shines brightly and brilliantly all through the day in the sky and finally sets in the west. The earth revolves round the sun and as a result, day and night and different seasons take place. The earth       takes 365 days and 6 hours to go round the sun. The sun is the only source of light and heat in the solar system. Without it, there would have been no existence of any life on the globe. The earth would become cold, dark and dead without it. The sun controls the weather and climate on the earth. The more...


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