There have been many inventions of means of entertainment. We have radio, television, cinema. internet, computer and electronic games and many other things. Now is the turn of cable TV. As cable TV has provided all types of entertainment at our homes, cinema halls have suffered a setback. Many of them have been shut down even. It has given a big jolt to the film industry as well. Cable TV is not only a means of recreation, but also a means of knowledge. There are many programmes which are educative, informative and constructive. Many channels like Animal Planet, Discovery, news channels etc. telecast educative programmes for the enhancement of knowledge. Some serials, through their themes, teach us how we should lead a life of cooperation and happiness. There are some serials which throw light on the corrupt nature of the modern society. Even students can come to know that there more...

Unlike a great deal of the software that the first few major waves of computer programming produced, the word processor was slightly anomalous in that it was created to satisfy the needs of writers rather than those of mathematicians and engineers. After the introduction of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) in the late 1960s, there was some lofty talk about computers soon being able to take the place of books. The idea of using computers to do the work of typewriters also began to gain momentum. Specialist computer hardware designed to act as a word processor already existed. It had a keyboard, a screen, and a printer all housed in one stand-alone unit that utilized modern technology to create printed, processed documents. But one young entrepreneur saw the chance to create a software program that would not be tied to any one particular machine. Seymour Ivan Rubinstein (b. 1934) had more...

Last Sunday, a volleyball match was played between our school team and the M.D. High School team. It was played in our school ground. It was a friendly match. Many spectators came to see the match. The students of both the schools had come to cheer their players. The match started at 4 p.m. Mr. Singh acted as referee. He blew the whistle and both the teams entered the ground. The players were in their respective uniforms. There was a toss. We won the toss and chose our side. It was a well-contested match. Our captain served a nice service. Our opponents failed to return it. We won five points. Our opponents played well but they could not return the ball. The game became brisk and interesting. Now our opponents equalized us in no time. It was a thrilling game. The spectators were charmed to see it. We won the more...

October 31, 1984 was a black day for India when Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister and leader of the nation, was shot down by two of her own security guards, Beant Singh and Satwant Singh, as she was walking down to her office at , Akbar Road, from her adjoining residence at 1, SafdarjungRoad, where she had an appointment with an Irish television company. The team had accompanied Mrs. Indira Gandhi on her recently concluded tour of Orissa. The two houses are linked by a winding path, which passes through a gate. Mrs. Indira Gandhi was near this gate, when these two men struck. The two assassins were members of a Delhi Police contingent, assigned to protect her. As many as 22 bullets were pumped into her body from a pistol and a stengun. In the shoot out that followed, Beant Singh was shot dead and the other more...

All of us have heard his name. He was our first Prime Minister. He was known all over the world. Shri Nehru was born in Allahabad in 1889 on 14th November. His father Pt. Moti Lal Nehru was a great lawyer, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was brought up as a prince. Very efficient teachers taught him. At the age of 15, he went to England for higher studies. There  he joined the Public School at Harrow. Then he went to Cambridge University where he took his degree in 1910. Then he joined law. He was called to Bar in 1912. He came to India. He started his practice at Allahabad High Court. He was married to Smt. Kamla Devi at the age of 27. In the young age of Nehruji the British ruled over India. The English treated the Indians badly. This pained more...

With the advent of cycles, buses, motor cars, trains and aero planes, walking tours are seldom undertaken now in the country. In ancient days such tours were very common. They were undertaken mainly for religious purposes, be it to Rameswaram or to far off Varanasi. They were also undertaken for attending marriages. Although on those occasions, the  middle class people would go in carts but most of the people would follow the carts on foot. The advantages of walking tours are many. Walking leads to exercise of the body and fill the lungs with fresh air. Both are conducive to health. The difficulties experienced on the way would harden the bodies of walkers and create a feeling of self-reliance and ability to overcome hardships. A walking tour gives a splendid opportunity to come in contact with a variety of people and converse with them and thus understand the widely differing more...

'A stitch in time Saves Nine' is a well-known proverb and is most widely used. It means that a cloth which is torn must be stitched at once. The delay may increase the size of the torn portion and consequently many more stitches may be required. But this is not the only meaning that the above proverb explains. It has hidden many more meanings in itself. We can also say that evil should be nipped in the bud to avoid future troubles. If it is not put down in the very beginning, it may become but of control and may prove disastrous. Hence, the proverb has much truth and wisdom and we should not ignore them otherwise our life may be hell. In our day to day life the truth of the proverb will be cleared. Just take the example of a small child. The child is innocent. He does more...

One who sits outside the Principal's office is called a school peon. He is an important person. Principal knows that school cannot do without him.  Shyam Sunder is our school peon. He is about forty years. He is a tall man. He possesses strong body He is quite healthy He has wheatish complexion. He belongs to a small village. He is all the time in Khaki uniform. He wears a white Gandhi cap. He gets uniform every year from the school. He lives in a small room in the school compound. He is a married person. His wife and children live in the village. He has a hundred and one duties to do. He comes an hour before the opening of the school. He cleans the Principal's room. He dusts desks, tables and chairs in the class rooms. He then rings the bell. As long as the school goes on, more...

Until World War II, the world was familiar with only mechanical, chemical, acoustic, thermal, optic, magnetic and electrical forms of energy. But on a fateful day in 1945 when the U.S. exploded atom bomb over Hiroshima, the world got aware of nuclear energy. How exactly is energy got from the atom ? The atom is the tiniest speck of matter ? Each atom has a central core called the nucleus, around which revolve the electrons. The   nucleus is built up of two kinds of very minute particles called protons and neutrons. The electron has a negative electrical charge, the proton has an equal positive charge and the neutron has no charge. The nucleus of the radium atom constantly disintegrates ejecting alpha particles which are nuclei of helium atoms. This phenomenon is called radioactivity. Uranium is another radioactive element. In 1938 Hahn and Strassman bombarded uranium with neutrons and found traces more...

Introduction. Self-help is the best help. The person who seeks help form  others, remains dependent on others throughout his/her life. Such prisons lead a miserable life. Progress, development and success have no importance in the life of such person. Those who help themselves are always helped by God. It is a divine virtue. Students should adopt this real virtue in their lives. Meaning and importance of self-help. Self-help means independent mi oneself or does all the work himself/herself without depending on anybody’s assistance. It also means that we should be very dutiful and cautious towards our undertakings. By self-help one gains confidence. He /She becomes self-sufficient. He/ She is free and independent. He/ She never looks to others for any sort of help. This independent nature takes him/ her to success after success. He/ She never fails in life. His/ Her every mission is full of accomplishment (success). His/ Her more...


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