The human mind is rational and does not take things for guaranteed. Man is constantly trying to run after knowledge and answers to the various questions that arise in his mind. His areas of Interest are wide and he remains inquisitive all his life. To satisfy his thirst for knowledge and information he can always turn to books for help. It is important to be selective about the kind of hooks that one decides to read. If we read books that are trash, we are liable to be corrupted by them. Reading substandard material is simply a waste of time. Education cannot be measured by degrees and qualifications. It is in fact measured by the culture and manners that one imbibes. A person can enrich himself with good qualities and a commendable culture if he comes across books that have a message to convey. Good books sow the seeds of more...

It is an age of science. Discoveries and inventions are taking place. Science helps man to manufacture a pin and also a jet plane. Man’s comforts have increased and his powers strengthened. Man is now the master on land, in sea and air. One such marvel is the aero plane. It enablesus to travel hundreds of miles in a few hours. It carries mails quicker than the train or the steamer. Doctors are using the plane to rush to distant places to save the lives of their natients. The Aero plane has been used to save the lives of patients. It has been used to fight the locust pest that destroys crops in fields. Nowadays it is also adopted for sowing seeds over a large area of land. It is also useful to explorers in helping them to travel to places where oilier methods of transport cannot be used. With more...

I often travel to go to my village and I usually travel by train. Tickets are booked in advance and my packing is also done by my mother. However, the last trip to my village was memorable as I started off on a wrong note because my reservation was not confirmed. Since I had no choice but to go under any circumstances. I boarded the train. During the day there was hardly any problem while travelling. The ticket collector was a friend of mine but I still did not get a berth to sleep on. At night the train was extremely crowded. People were sitting in the aisle, on the seats and wherever they could find some place. I had a big suitcase on which I tried to make myself comfortable. As the train moved on it got colder and colder. I had a sheet with me but no blanket more...

Science has freed man from much drudgery. Machines have replaced him at home and at the workplace. Hence one finds much more spare time now. Holidays also provide us with time for leisure and there are very few people who would not welcome leisure time. It is wise to use this time fruitfully. It is often seen that people pursue hobbies during their spare time. They denote their time to gardening, reading, listening to music, photography, coin collection etc. Each person has his own. Choice in this matter and decides to spend his leisure time in the way that he enjoys the most. These activities provide a diversion from the routine as well as educate us. Playing a game, for example, helps a man to cultivate qualities of true sportsman besides physical exercise. Again reading as a hobby adds to our knowledge. Stamp collection helps us to study about the more...

India being a democratic country holds a very important position in the world. In fact, she is the largest democratic country in the world. It is but natural that every citizen can hope of becoming the prime minister. I also hope to succeed to that position one day, if I happen to outshine other students in studies and then manage to have numerous admirers who will elect me first a Member of Parliament. I shall try my best to become very popular among the elected members so that they could elect me their leader. As a matter of fact, the prime minister is the real ruler of the country and he is responsible only to the elected body, the Lok Sabha. Whosoever is the prime minister, he wields the powers to rule the nation. The first task after becoming the prime minister will be to choose the best ministers for more...

Ours is an age of electricity. Electricity is replacing other sources of energy like water, oil and coal, because it is comparably cheap, efficient and useful. Electricity supplies every kind of energy lo man to improve his scientific inventions and increase his social amenities. From house-lighting to the running of giant factories, it is the invisible current that flows through the thin copper wire of insignificant dimension. Just switching on of button releases power and man has not failed to avail himself of both the constructive and destructive potentialities of electrical energy. Consider the constructive side of electricity. It is a source of light, heat and other comforts. I louses, streets, parks, pleasure-houses and p laces are lighted with electricity. Heating and cooling processes are also carried on by it. Air-conditioning is a feat of modern electrical engineering. Refrigerators not only condition the temperature but also preserve and facilitate man's more...

The Indian atomic energy programme has continuously benefitted from, and has in turn benefitted, the growth of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy in other countries. The numerous agreements signed by India with other countries for mutual cooperation and collaboration in various aspects of nuclear science and technology are testimony to our commitment to promote international understanding, and techno-economic exchanges. On a bilateral basis and through the international Atomic Energy Agency exchange of experts and trainees in a host of specialized in seminar, conferences and symposia have been I tie hall mark of our programme. Many trainees from other countries including a significant proportion from other developing countries have benefitted from the expertise and facilities available in our atomic energy establishments. From the nature of scientific developments that have been taking place in the atomic energy programme, we have learnt some important lesson. Firstly, scientific organization, where innovation is very more...

Leisure activities are a virtual necessity. They are needed to keep people   from degenerating into one-dimensional personalities. Sticking with one thing   over and over again, would not bring the kind of fresh insights to the work which one can get from other activities. Outside activities have a nice regenerative effect and pump people with energy. Often, output exceeds the input. These activities provide new challenges. When people find themselves successfully meeting those challenges in after- work pursuits, it generates a kind of confidence in them, which would be ' helpful in boosting their  regular work or career. Another spill over effect from non-vocational activities or hobbies Is. that the creative juices generated by them continue to flow much afterwards. There are several other benefits as well. Sometimes the thought of indulging in a leisure activity would help people pull through a particularly rough workday. Then the amount of sheer relaxation more...

The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a permanent, intergovernmental organization, created in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. The five Pounding Members were later joined by nine other Members: Qatar (1961); Indonesia (1962)—which suspended its membership from January 2009; Libya (1962); United Arab Emirates (1967); Algeria (1969); Nigeria (1971); Ecuador (1973)—suspended its membership from December 1992- October 2007; Angola (2007) and Gabon (1975-1994). Until 1965, OPEC had its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, which was then Shifted to Vienna, Austria. More than three-quarters of the world's proven oil reserves are located in OPEC Member Countries, with the bulk of OPEC oil reserves in the Middle East, amounting to 72 per cent of the OPEC total. The objective of the OPEC is to coordinate and unify petroleum policies among Member Countries, in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers; to ensure the stabilisation more...

Co-education is the education of boys and girl sat the same institution. There has been a lot of debate on the subject of co-education with orthodox members of society raising objections about girls and boys being free with each other and growing up together in school. Co-education has many advantages. First of all, a common school for boys and girls reduces the burden on the government to provide testate with more schools. Secondly, a free exchange of ideas between boys and girls gives rise to a healthy relationship between the two sexes. Girls do not become giggly and silly when they see boys because they realize that they are not really different from them. Had there been a distance between them, there would have been more of a scope for curiosity about the other sex and that could sometimes lead the children to behave foolishly. A free interchange of ideas more...


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