Ramayana is a famous epic. It deals with the life of LordRama and was written by Valmiki in Sanskrit. It was later written in Hindi by Tuisi Das and the work isknown as 'Ram Charitramanas'. Dasharatha, the king of Ayodhya had three queens and four sons. Ram was his eldest son. He was very obedient and brave. As he was an obedient son, he left for fourteen years of exile to keep his father's words. His brother Lakshman and wife Sita also went along with him. KingDasharatha could not bear the separation and died. Bharat, Rama's younger brother, went to the forest tobring back his brothers and sister-in-law but Rama refused to return. In the forest, they had to face manyhardships. But they were always calm and peaceful. They helped many saints from demons. Once Sarupanaka, sister of Ravan, who was a braveking of Lanka, fell in love with Lakshman more...

The very shape of human body tells us that it has beenmade for work. This is very evident to us if we have a Look at a buffalo. So, even nature has made human body in such a way that man is expected to make himself busy in various types of activities. Our feet and legs tell to walk and run, if possible. The hands and arms urge us to do one or the otherphysical work or to carry out some kind of art activity over and above this, man is endowed with brain which means that we should be intelligent, wise and judicious; Besides, man has certain qualities, both virtues andvices hidden in the heart. Nature or God perhaps don'tIt'll us to be vicious. That is our own choice. Nature has given us emotions and impulses and the power to think, to will, to love, to behave decently and more...

Though rising prices is a common economicphenomenon which we witness in all developing Countries, in the past few years, even the developedcountries have had to face this problem in 1980. West Germany suffered a 14% price rise. However, in Indiait has been very steep indeed. Even though India has almost become self-sufficient inthe production of food, the system of distribution is poor. The role played by middle men has caused theprices to rise. Farmers who produce the food grains sell it at very reasonable rates to middlemen. However, when the middlemen brings this food to the city, he changes a lot more than the cost price and all this has to be paid by the common man who has to feed his children. The government has often been unstable. This too has led to a fluctuation in prices. Each government introduces a new policy and this causes the customerto suffer more...

One of the most thought-provoking ills of our societyis the problem of unemployment that millions of people in our country face today. Highly, qualified professionals find "No vacancy “signs everywhere they go and the irony of fate is that a number of jobs come with the tag of knowing some 'highup' who have pulled 'strings' and got someone else thejob, while the deserving candidate who has no'godfather' waits and waits to get a break. These are some harsh realities people face as theystruggle to make ends meet. Through frustrations and Financial constraints other problems manifest as well,such as violence in the form of pickpocketing, cheating,dacoity, thefts, terrorism, indiscipline, drug trafficking,smuggling and sex crimes. The disparity between the rich and the down troddenis immense, it is but natural that the ones at the Fee receiving end revolt! India cannot be a strong economy unless this problemis tackled. The vast numbers bordering more...

Health is the greatest of all possessions. It is said that one must preserve one's health as though it were Hi. Most important gift to us. Health is precious and every one must look after it carefully. Diseases are the worst enemies of good health. There are various kinds of bacteria and viruses in the atmosphere and these can attack man in such a way that man becomes ill and weak. Diseases have to be kept away from man. The best way to do so is by preventing these diseases from affectingus. It is wise to prevent a disease rather than trying to cure it once it has already affected a person. There are many medicines that have been invented for the cure of almost every disease. Drugs like aspirinquinine, penicillin etc. have been used by doctors all over the world to cure influenza, malaria etc. Antibiotics Given by doctors more...

When discussing the generation gap, many issuesKlirface. In this article in Newsweek, issues such as music, morals, and goals arise with the wide gulf of|rnerations in the black community. Older Americans continue to be separated from thegrowing hip-hop culture, and they, along with the hip-hop community, have not yet learned how to deal withthis separation. Music is one of the largest rifts between the civil rightsgeneration and the hip-hop generation. An increase in violence, sex, and disrespect in modern music reflects the increase in violence, sex, and Disrespect in the modern pop culture. This is the view of younger black Americans. Older Americans feel that the violent and sexuallyexplicit music is the cause of such chaos and Degradation of our society. Morals have declined, and this is evident even in the professional world of the NBA. Disrespect for referees and other players dominate thecourt by younger players. The word "nigga" more...

The Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta is an integral part ofMahabharata, which is our third important scripture. FromMahabharata, a vital section of 700 verses spread over 18 chapters has been compiled to form Shrimad bhagwad Geeta. In the battlefield of Kurukshetra when Kauravas and Pandavas came face to face in armed conflict with their Relatives, cousins and loved ones in opposite camps, it was natural for Arjuna to get confused and confounded. They were his cousins and relatives, how could he slay them? Although Pandavas had been wronged Betrayed, harassed and insulted, yet Arjuna's mindwitnessed an intense duel. He could not decide the right Course of action for himself. He remembered all the wrongs, deceptions and tortureof the Kauravas, yet questions like "How can I fight them?" "What should one do in such a situation? Boggled his mind. These were perplexing question' which posed a big problem for him? At that time more...

The pen is mightier than a sword, is a very practicalsaying. What a pen can do cannot be done by a sword. The might possessed by a pen cannot be attained by a sword. Sword only knows to cut but pen can cut as well as unite. Although, a pen looks a small object, yet it can dowonders. What actions cannot do, can be done by words. So whatever a pen writes makes permanentimprint. We can air our ideas, we can experts our opinions and we can show our dissent with a pen. Words can bring revolutions in the world. We have seenit that after reading the revolutionary ideas of Bhagat Singh, the youth of India threw away the British government. Pen can bring resolutions. Many peace pacts had been signed with a pen. The daily newspapers carry the ideas and opinions of the public in its columns. People express more...

Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the captain of Indian cricket team has left his fingerprints on the hearts of every member of his team, young and old.  Born to Pan Singh and Devki Devi in 1981, 'Mahi', as he is fondly known, was the youngest of three children. His father, a MECON  Employee, moved to Ranchi from Almora in Uttarakhand. During his school days, young Mahi was the goalkeeper for the football team of DAV School, Ranchi. Likewise, he was excellent at badminton. In fact, he was selected for the district and club level in both these sports. But all that changed when his football instructor Mr K.R.  banerjee sent him to play cricket for a local club. Though Mahi had not really played cricket until that time, he provided immediate evidence of his wicket-keeping skills and became the regular keeper for the commando Cricket Club (1995-98). Based on his club cricket more...

Top world famous towering Qutub Minar, started in 1192 by Qutub-ud-din Aibak (1192-98), breathes down the neck of the Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque. There is a slight difference of opinion as to its purpose: it probably was a tower of victory, but then again it Could have been built to be a minar (tower), attached to the Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque, for the muezzin (priest) to climb up top for a prayer. Among Delhites there are lots of other theories about the origin of the tower. Some say it was the observatory of the great scientist Aryabhatta of ancient India, other claim that it was built by Prithvi Chauhan for his daughter to see the Yamuna. In fact everything short of an extra-terrestrial origin has been attributed to it. The presence of the ancient non-rusting Iron Pillarwithin the complex further appears to add credence to the first theory. However the tower, its entire design more...


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