Failed state is a term often used by journalists and political commentators to describe a state perceived as having failed at some of the basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government. The attributes that are often used to characterize a failed state are: loss of physical control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein; erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions; an inability to provide reasonable public services; and an inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community. A failed nation is often characterized by social, political, and economic failure. A weak or ineffective central government, non provision of public services, widespread corruption and criminality, refugees and involuntary movement of populations, and sharp economic decline are among the common characteristics of a failing state. However, the declaration that a state has 'failed' is generally more...

As a useful tool in developing an understanding of modern culture, the concept of post-materialism can be considered in reference of three distinct concepts of materialism—ontological, existentialistic, and ethical or political-sociological. However, the word 'post-materialism' is most often used to refer to materialism as a values system relating to the desire for fulfillment of material needs such as security, sustenance and shelter. Another referent is the historical and dialectic materialism by Marx and Engels. The philosophical definition of materialism concerns the philosophical argument that matter is the only existing reality. Ronald Inglehart is credited with developing the sociological theory of post-materialism. In the seventies, after extensive survey research, Inglehart postulated that the Western societies under the scope of his survey were undergoing transformation of individual values, switching from materialist values, emphasizing economic and physical security, to a new set of post-materialist values, which instead emphasized autonomy and self expression. He more...

Yoga means 'Oneness' and constitutes the essence of every possible religion, the gist of every creed and the core of every spiritual path. In ancient India, yoga was practiced by such sages as Shiva, Rama, Krishna and Vyasa. What Krishna teaches Arjuna is not Krishnaism, but just Yoga! The root of Jainism is Yoga, since Mahavira practised Hatha Yoga. Jesus Christ even carried out a lengthy pilgrimage with the purpose of studying yoga. Gautama Buddha studied Yoga throughout his life. Bodhidharma brought Buddha's raja yoga from India to China. In the Middle East countries this practice is known as SUFA or ZUF (hbr). As the Bible teaches, such men as Samuel or David the prophets, were related to the sufi school (rish). In Tibet, people do not call themselves the Buddhists but the yoga practitioners. Padmasambhava is a yogi as well. Yoga comes from connecting to God, just as the more...

When I passed class VI, my father took me to Vidhya Jain Senior Secondary School, Daryaganj, Delhi. MY father took us there in his car. We went to the Principal.  My father had a talk with him. My father filled the admission form. He admitted me to the seventh standard. Then my father left for his office. My elder brother was in the 9th grade in the same school. I still remember my first day in school. It was an interesting day for me. I was nine years old at that time. There were about 35 students in the class. They were in their uniforms. They were reading the first lesson from the English Book. The class-teacher was kind. She made me sit in the first row. The students were nice and friendly. In the recess, I went to the canteen. My brother was already there. We had our refreshment more...

I am a boy. My name is Rakesh Gupta. I like my name. My grandfather gave me this name. I am seven years old. I read in standard V. I have a nice friend Arnit. My mother is a housewife. She works at home. My father is a serviceman. My parents are very kind. I have a sister. Pier name is Radhika Gupta., She reads in standard VII. I love my sister. I live in Delhi. It is the capital of India. We live in our house. It is beautiful with big lawn and a small garden. My grandmother is a religious Lady. Her hair has turned white. Although she is old, she is very active. She leaves her bed early in the morning. After taking a bath she goes to the nearby temple every day. My grandmother tells me fine stories. I go to school every morning. My school more...

I study in Modern Public School. Mrs. Santosh Gupta is our Principal. She is an M.A., B.Ed. She is dutiful and punctual. She is a tall lady. She is about forty years old. She always wears a sari. She has a fair colour. She comes to school daily at right time. She maintains discipline in the school. She wants the school in order. She has a smiling face. She teaches for two periods daily. She keeps good control in the school. She is a good administrator. Sometimes she takes a round of the school. She helps the teachers in their work. She guides the students also. She is regular and punctual. She believes in simple living and high thinking. She addresses the morning assembly daily. Mostly she advises the students at the prayer time. She wants the school to be clean and tidy. She inspects the classes daily. She gives more...

Diwali is my favourite festival. It is a festival of lights and joy. Houses, shops and all other buildings are decorated with the lamps at night. Almost everyone in India celebrates this festival. The people whitewash and paint their homes before 1 U'opawali. They wear new clothes and buy new utensils. Children are thrilled with lights, crackers and sweets. They wear new clothes, sing and dance and enjoy sweets and leasts. The homes are lighted and decorated and people exchange sweets and gifts.  The people go to the temples and worship Laxmi, the Goddess of wealth. New accounts are opened. On this day God Rama returned after killing the demon king Havana and was coronated as the king of Ayodhya. Also on this day Lord Krishna killed the Nakrasura. On this day, the Jaina Lord Mahavira achieved Nirvana. Diwali is indeed a beautiful festival which brings light and joy in more...

My house is in Shastri Nagar, New Delhi. It is a quite new house. It was built only one year back. It has two storeys. My grandparents and my uncle live on the ground floor. On the ground floor we have a drawing room, two bedrooms, and a kitchen. We live on the first floor. On the first floor we have three bed rooms and a kitchen. It has also a dining Room, a study room and a guest room. My sister and study in the study room. The rooms are well-lighted and airy. All the floors have marble tiles, My parents have decorated my house with paintings and pictures. We always keep our house neat and clean. The open terrace is in front of the garden. This makes our house more beautiful. There is also a water-pump in my house. I daily water the plants in the garden. My more...

Hobby is what are does during one's spare time. It is very good for the development of the personality of a person. It gives the tired mind peace and comfort. My hobby is gardening. Because I love beauty. It makes us happy. There is a piece of land in front of my house. I have turned it into greenery. I have grown beautiful flowers in a part of my garden. My garden's Roses, Merry-gold flowers look very beautiful. They make our minds fresh. This part gives out a sweet smell. I water the plants daily. There is a grass in my garden. I walk barefoot in soft grass. I go to my garden and become refreshed. I am proud of my garden. Every one like it very much.

Although I have many friends in India I have always wished for a friend who lives in a foreign country. The other day I was reading the magazine "Times" and I came across the addresses of various children all over the world who want to make pen friends. I looked for a name and country that I liked. I wanted a pen friend in the United States of America as I found the culture of that country very different from ours. Finally I found the address of Jane Adams who lives in San Francisco. She is fifteen years old and she is the daughter of two doctors. Her parents love her dearly as she is the only child. She wrote to me as soon as she received my first letter and I was very touched by her warmth and friend lines. Jane loves America a lot. She had never heard more...


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