Earthquakes occur from time to time in various parts of the world. An earthquake, like a flood or a famine, is a natural calamity. Men are helpless when such things happen. We often read in the newspapers that an earthquake has occurred in a certain place. We come to know that many people have lost their lives. There are earth tremors during an earthquake. Sometimes these tremors are mild and not alarming in nature. Sometimes the tremors are very severe. People feel the ground rocking under their feet. On the Republic Day in 2001 there was a severe earthquake at Kutch in Gujarat. It caused much destruction to life and property. During an earthquake, people lose their houses and even their lives. Some are trapped in houses that collapse on account of earth tremors. The Gujarat earthquake took a heavy toll of human life. Many died because they were asleep, more...

Some nations are exploiting the resources of Nature and developing the potentialities of human resources but others are manufacturing nuclear weapons. We talk of international co- operation and affirm the concept of international community but peace has been dodging us and war has all the time been threatening the world. So in the light of these considerations, we will have to think whether India should manufacture nuclear weapons or not. We have been wedded to the policy of nonviolence. Arduous effort for peace is the only sensible practical politics. We have been thinking of bringing order and raising human dignity to recreate a fine vision of the world. Pakistan has always been trying to blackmail India. China has always been casting greedy eyes upon India. The Chinese had been training Nagas and Mizos in order to create disruption in India. In the present day world, there is a race for more...

Modem life is a very complex one. So, man has discovered many means to survive. There are many manufactures that produce essential goods. So it becomes necessary for them to keep the purchaser well-informed. The makers do it through advertisement. It is an art to reach the prospective buyers. Today advertisement plays a very vital role in our daily life. This art is based on the principle of human psychology. Needs and wants are the guiding factors. So, the businessman adopts such methods in order to attract the customers to his product. The advertiser also tries to create demand for the product, if there exists none. Actually what we see is that good advertisements are the matured and ripe fruits of some clever thinking done by very sound and crafty brains. If the article is advertised again and again in a catchy and tasteful manner, it becomes very difficult to more...

Last winter an international fair was held at Pragati Maidan. It attracted big crowds. Almost all the states within the country and many foreign countries had set up their pavilions. Prominent among them were those of Japan, Russia, West Germany. Sweden, France, Great Britain and the U.S.A. All the pavilions were tastefully decorated. Different countries displayed different items. The goods displayed included heavy machines like earth moving, models of rockets intended to be sent to the mars and that of an automatic reactor in the U.S.A. pavilion. That was one of the biggest pavilions in the fair. Next to the U.S.A. pavilion was the pavilion of Great Britain which presented agricultural and industrial machinery. Japan put up a remarkable show of electronic goods including a giant robot and computers. Some of the devices were truly amazing. West Germany also displayed heavy machines in the field of printing press and mining. more...

Today, we stand divided almost on every point our unity stands shattered. Vested interests, sectional views mutual suspicious, reactionary elements, both communal and linguistic, reap rich harvest in the midst of economic exigencies, gigantic population problem, soaring prices and numerous other formidable problems threaten the very survival and the bare existence of the masses. Indeed, the greatest task before us is the building up of the unity and solidarity of our people. Our country has often stood as a solid rock in face of common danger such as armed conflict with Pakistan. In simplest words, national integration means a warm hearted love and sympathy of one Indian for every other. It is for that reason all the people belonging to different parts of the country however, strong their feeling might be on particular issues, must never forget that they are Indian first. National Integration means the revival of the lost more...

It was the month of May. It had been a very hot day. Towards evening, the heat became unbearable. Everyone became restless. Suddenly there was a lull. Everything was very still and silent. It was the lull before the storm. Soon a strong wind began to blow. In fact, it was a gale blowing at the rate of 80 miles an hour. Hail stones began to descend on the rooftops and on the roads. They clattered on the roof before they fell to the ground. The whole ground looked white. It was covered with a layer of hail stones. Then followed torrents of rain. People hurriedly sought shelter in some buildings or houses. One man was struck by lightning. He died on the spot. The fury of the storm increased. Big trees were uprooted. They fell across the road; they cut the telegraph wires as they fell. Certain parts of more...

The term "peacekeeping" is not found in the United Nations Charter. The Organisation has developed it as a way to help countries torn by conflict and create the conditions for lasting peace. Under the unique and dynamic instrument of peacekeeping, the first UN peacekeeping mission was established in 1948, when the Security Council authorized the deployment of UN military observers to the Middle East to monitor the Armistice Agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbours. Since then, there have been at least 63 UN peacekeeping operations around the world. Dag Hammarskjold, the second UN Secretary-General, referred to peacekeeping as something between traditional methods of resolving disputes peacefully, such as negotiation and mediation under Chapter VI, and more forceful action as authorized under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Over the years, UN peacekeeping has evolved to meet the demands of different conflicts and a changing political landscape. Initially, UN peacekeeping more...

It is true that we should avoid living in a make-believe world. Day-dreaming often leads a dreamer to disappointment, frustration and discontentment. It is neither practical; nor a possibility in real life. But it has often been witnessed that miracles do, at times, occur in a man's life. The advice that I should act only in the living present with heart within and God overhead doesn't seem to have been coined for me. I am a human being made up of blood and flesh. I can't prevent myself from lapsing into reveries, if I choose so. So if I ever succeed in becoming a millionaire, by virtue of a miracle, or by love of my day-dreaming, I know in advances to how I shall spend my newly-acquired money. My first priority will be the homeless people who are old and have been rejected as useless wretch. These people are considered more...

Even the most successful people do have periods of lapses in confidence. But what is remarkable about them is that they do not let their emotions take over and they concentrate on their work. Regaining self-confidence when you lack it is essential because nobody would be impressed if you look like a loser. The initial steps in doing so would be to dress better and pretending to be confident. It can be done by imaging in your mind that you are confident and act out as per the directions and commands of your brain. Find out what confident people do and start doing the same. Start looking into people's eyes when you meet them because confident people do it. Smile as it is a subtle sign of confidence; listen to others as it is a quality of confident people. The simple techniques discussed above can even be adopted as style. more...

Most of the countries face students, unrest. There are many socioeconomic factors that are the cause of these students, unrest. Student's unrest is just an outward expression of the resentment that the student community feels towards the government, the society and the institutions that they study in. It is human nature that when a person especially the youth is alienated or his problems are not heeded to, or if he is unable to face the realities of life, he resorts to violent means and focuses public attention. When the number of such students grows large, they unite on a common platform and together tread on the path of violence. Then they become infamous as the irresponsible youth of the country. Education plays a vital role in moulding one's behaviour and in preparing a child for the world at large. This role it seems is not carried out satisfactorily by most more...


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