The Arihant class submarines are nuclear-powered ballistic missile Submarines being developed for the Indian Navy. 'Arihant' is a Sanskrit word which means 'slayer of enemies' or 'destroyer of enemies'. INS arihant, the first in this class of submarines was introduced to the public on July 26, 2009 at a symbolic launch ceremony, which consisted of heating it by flooding the dry dock. However, shortly after its launch it was declared that the submarine is not complete and that key systems including its nuclear reactor, surveillance equipment, sensors, weapons, and ordinance are yet to be installed. Hence, it could not immediately join the Indian Navy. INS Arihant, India’s first indigenously designed and built submarine, will undergo sea strials brime it formally joins the Indian Navy, which is expected by 2011. Prior to joining, the submarine will undergo Harbour Acceptance trials (HATs) in which the submarine's nuclear reactor will be 'fired' and more...

There has been a marked change for the better in our overall approach towards the women. Gone are the days when their place was considered to be behind the four walls of the house and their only job was confined to looking after the household affairs. But now they can be seen working shoulder to shoulder with men in every sphere of life. We had had a highly successful and efficient woman Prime Minister, late Mrs. Indira Gandhi, in addition to having many governors and Chief Ministers. And even in our own time, there is no dearth of women judges, lawyers, doctors, administrators, police officers and engineers. This is, undoubtedly, a good sign and an indication of their emancipation. This has, however, increased the workload of workingwomen manifold. They attend to their official duties and after eight hours of labour return home to a different kind of job. It is more...

The ability to decide and choose wisely and rightly is often a matter of how the problem was posed. Though we try to be as logical as possible in taking a decision, sometimes we end up making illogical choices. So, it is important to understand how people decide things to avoid bad judgments. The sad truth is that people, even at the highest level, simply do not like to make good choices as every decision involves a certain amount of risk. It would be pertinent to keep in mind that a decision-making process means repeatedly proving your ability. So, have a clear understanding of your individual decision-making style. Keep in mind, when it comes to decisions, the best one can do is hope to make more good decisions than bad ones. And it is equally true that nobody is very good in taking all types of decisions. The manner in more...

In my school I am taught by many teachers. Each one teaches us a different subject. Although all of them are fairly good, there is one teacher whom I love and admire the most. Her name is Ms. Paul. She is the most pleasing personality that I have ever come across. She is an ideal teacher. She has all those qualities which a good teacher is expected to have. Ms. Paul is a science teacher. She loves the subject that she teaches and has an in-depth knowledge of it too. She teaches science almost as though it were a hobby class. She does not adopt the old methods of teaching. In fact we even forget at times that she is teaching us from our text books. Science comes alive in Ms. Paul' class. When she teaches, no one talks about anything but the topic that she discusses. She has the more...

Travelling by trains is cheap and comfortable compared to buses and planes. So we find a railway station a place of great hustle and bustle. We come across people from different parts of the country, in different fashions and colours in the station. Once I happened to be at the Old Delhi Railway Station to see off my friend. He was going to Kolkata by the Kalka Mail. The waiting hall was fully crowded with passengers. There was a long queue in front of the booking window. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry. A passenger's pocket was picked. But the pickpocket was caught red-handed and handed over to the police. I bought the platform ticket and came off. We soon reached the platform. The scene here was interesting. Passengers were waiting eagerly for the arrival of the train. Some were sitting on benches and smoking or reading newspapers. A more...

Students look upon examinations with contempt; I hey make all possible effort to avoid them. Educationists are against them and are thinking of abolishing them. Critics find fait with them. In spite of condemnation from all quarters, examinations persist. They seem indispensable in every walk of life. They are like milestone on the road to education and life. Examinations are not necessarily the sure test of the ability of students. They are judge from what they perform in the exams. Sometimes the most brilliant students is not able to do justice in such a short duration. On the contrary a student who has not touched the books the whole year gets good marks because all the questions he prepared just before the examination were asked. Shakespeare never passed any examination yet his works have won world-wide recognition. The world's greatest scientist Einstein, father of the atomic age failed in Mathematics. more...

The aircraft had taken off and all of us had our seat belts fastened. The airhostess began to serve I lie lunch on my first flight towards the north of India. I was on board a plane that was taking us lo Kashmir. The flight started in Bombay and as 1 looked down all I could see was buildings which first looked like a jungle of concrete. These were interrupted by an occasional green patch which would bring some relief to the eye. The sight was so common that I put the shutter of my window down and preferred to observe the various activities of my fellow passengers. Lunch was over now and I began to feel sleepy. I almost dozed off when I heard the voice of the head air hostess over the microphone. She announced our aircraft was now Haying over the mountainous regions (the Himalayas). Almost immediately more...

The world that we live in is a fast changing one. There are various events taking place all over. Newspapers are our greatest friends as they bring news and information from each and every comer of the world. There are sections in the paper for international news, national news and local news too. Depending on one's interest, one can read any section of the newspaper in the morning and be absolutely abreast with the latest development in one's field of interest. Politics, Society, new trends in the business and the fashion world, cartoons, "what's on", opinions etc., all these are published every day in the newspapers. People who seek employment can turn to the newspaper for information about vacancies in various institutions all over the country. Those who are looking for a house to live in on a rental basis can find that advertised in the papers. If one wants more...

Holi is a festival that is widely celebrated by Hindus. It occurs in March and marks the beginning of the spring season. It has a religious origin. Hindus believe that Holika an evil woman tried to bum Prahlad a true devotee of God. But Prahlad was saved by God and Holika was burnt to ashes. Hindus rejoice over the victory of Prahlad. It represents the victory of good versus evil or virtue over vice. Holi is generally a public holiday. Banks, schools and colleges and offices are closed on that day. People celebrate Holi in a gay and playful mood. They spray coloured water over one another. They look like clowns with multi- coloured clothes. People sing, dance, beat drums and blow whistles as they go in a noisy procession through the streets. They do not spare anyone they meet. Everyone is sprayed with colour. At night on the eve more...

Travelling is one of the best hobbies that one can have. Travelling offers an opportunity for adventure, it satisfies one's sense of beauty any gives one a feeling of power over the things around him. It also helps one to see someone else’s point of view. It opens up many new worlds to the traveler. Travelling provides adventure and adventure keeps us from growing old. As long as there is something to look forward to, the mind remains young and healthy. Adventure stimulates our imagination. It offers change and movement that are necessary to keep ourselves from getting bored. Now days many of us turn to the television or films to fight our boredom. Real adventure is not undertaken by many of us. The entertainment that the television can provide is pale in comparison to what adventure can provide. One of the main reasons that one travels is to go more...


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