In the past, vegetarianism was viewed as strange and l faddish. The appearance of countless books, cookbooks, and magazine articles promoting vegetarian diets has helped in appreciable', the benefits of appropriately planned vegetarian diets. In fad vegetarian lifestyle is now being recognized as being nutritionally adequate, and providing healthful benefits in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.  On the other hand, choosing a non-vegetarian lifestyle has a significant health and medical cost, as higher prevalence of hypertension heart disease, cancer, diabetes, gallstones, obesity and Food home illness has been observed among omnivores compared with vegetarians. Today, there is a large body of scientific literature which suggests   that the consumption of a diet of whole grains, legumes, vegetables, nuts, and fruits.  with the avoidance of meat and high-fat animal products,  Along with a regular exercise program is consistently associated  with Lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, less obesity  and more...

Schools are neither good nor bad. Each school has its special mode of functioning. There is also a school to suit every child's needs, as parents are perceptive enough to seek out the strengths and weaknesses of the schools they want to admit their children to. Though no two schools are alike in every respect/ all schools have, and ought to have, the common educational aims. The preparation of children to be balanced, useful, good human beings, the all-round development of their abilities and potentials to the maximum possible, and preparing them in a planned manner to face life's all important challenges fearlessly. The educational aims and the philosophy in them sound too simple to be believed in by the man in the street, but not easy to achieve in a given period of time. Some educationists ore of the opinion that children should learn to cope with the stresses more...

In June 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) determined that H1N1 2009 influenza A swine flu reached WHO level 6 criteria (person- to-person transmission in two separate WHO-determined world regions) and declared it as the first flu pandemic in 41 years. The flu reached over 74 different countries on every continent except Antarctica in about three month's time. Fortunately, the severity of the disease was controlled soon after. Swine influenza virus was first isolated from pigs in 1930 in the US and has been recognized by pork producers and veterinarians to cause infections in pigs worldwide. In a number of instances, people have developed the swine flu infection when they are closely associated with pigs, for example, farmers and pork processors. In most instances, the cross-species infections—swine virus to man and human flu virus to pigs—have remained in local areas and have not caused national or worldwide infections in either more...

The recent years witnessed the unfortunate rise in reported cases of domestic violence and murder. Some of these appeared to be linked to dowry demands. There were cases of married women, seeking redress against abusive and violent husbands, as also parents, whose daughters had been murdered by their in-laws, seeking help in getting justice from police and courts. However, their experience of approaching (lie police and law courts turned out to be a very disappointing one foe most of them. Husbands and in-laws got away with torture and even murder, because the women and their families found it difficult to 'prove beyond doubt' that they were victims of violence and extortion. From that experience, domestic violence and abuse to lie seen is a one-way affair, largely because most of those- whose cases reached women's organisations, police stations and law courts, happened to be wives who had complained against their husbands more...

The present system of education in India focuses too much on facts and figures. It thus kills creativity and analytical and reasoning skills among children. It develops a mindset that whatever is said by the teachers has to be taken as correct without any cross-questioning. Even parents do not encourage their children to question elders. Besides, there is less focus on research and development. All this leads to regimented and conditioned mindset among children whose inquisitiveness, logical, analytical and thinking skills are curtailed. The blame present mess lies equally with parents, teachers, authorities and the system. Children in their tender age do not have social obligations of failure. They do not have guilt or shame; is their minds; are fresh. This is the age when questioning needs to be encouraged instead; they develop fear to ask questions as they think that the teacher may get angry while some other children more...

There are numerous products available that are designed to make us look younger for longer. As a consumer, we are faced with a bewildering array of beautifully packaged products. The cosmetic industry is constantly enticing us to purchase a miracle in ajar by striving to produce the most innovative and effective skin-care products. Cosmetic. Companies put in enormous resources to develop new and more effective skin products.                                                      As with any other product, cheap skin-care products use cheaper ingredients. While with the more expensive brands, we usually pay for the new ingredient or formula that is supposed to deliver the anti-ageing, anti-wrinkle, skin finning benefit. But price alone cannot be the determining factor, as cosmetics can achieve little except temporary moisturisation. By law store-bought cosmetics and their ingredients must be safe for use. This means if we try them and they do not work, the only thing they will have damaged more...

It is not a bad idea to study abroad, but choosing the right host country is, probably the most important decision that needs to be made. It will not only affect the course of your personal and professional life for many, many years, but you will also be introduced to a new culture, .a new way of life, and new people. Almost as important as the academic advantages of an international education are the chances it offers to experience life abroad. A study abroad education in the UK 01 USA has always placed great importance on the ability of student', to work independently and to develop their own thinking. As a result, students emerge from an international education not only with a thorough understanding of their subject but also with analytical abilities and problem-solving skills that are much prized by employers in later life. Without a doubt, the United States more...

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is an international development finance institution established in 1966. It is headquartered in Manila, Philippines and its mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people. It is owned and financed by its 67 members, of which 48 are from the region. Mil 19 is from other parts of the globe. Its main partners are govemments, the private sector, non-government organizations, development agencict, community-based organizations, and foundations. ADB was conceived amid the post-war rehabilitation and reconstruction of the early 1960s. The vision was of a financial institution that would be Asian in character and foster economic growth and cooperation in the region, which was then one of the poorest in the world. This vision was set on the way to becoming a reality through a resolution passed at the first Ministerial Conference on Asian Economic more...

Indians are spread across the globe and can be found in almost every country. They have made the country of their migration their home and have contributed a lot to the other country's economy. The population' of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) across the world is estimated at over 30 million. In 2006, the Government of India introduced the 'Overseas Citizenship of India' (OCI) scheme tp allow a limited form of dual citizenship to Indians, NRIs and PIOs for the first time since Independence in 1947. The Overseas Citizenship may be sought by an Indian citizen who has. Migrated to another country, a person of Indian origin who is born Outside India, or a person of Indian origin who resides outside India. In common usage, the term expatriate Indians is includes Indian-born individuals and also people of other nations with India ancestry who have taken the more...

Tourism is the largest service industry in India. It contributes 6.23 per cent to the national GDP and 8.78 per cent of the total employment in India. More than 5 million foreign tourist visit India annually and domestic tourism visits are estimated to be about 550 million. The tourism industry in India generated about US$100 billion in 2008 and that is expected to increase to US$ 275.5 billion by 2018 at a 9.4 per cent annual growth rate. The Government of India has a separate Ministry of Tourism which is the nodal agency for the development and promotion of tourism in India. The Ministry runs the 'Incredible India' campaign. Besides a growing medical tourism sector, the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi are expected to significantly boost tourism in India,                                                    The Taj Mahal is India's best-known historical monument which attracts two to four million visitors annually, with more than 200,000 from more...


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