A few days back my classmate invited me to Faridabad which is quite far from New Delhi where I live. I was to stay with him for the weekend. My parents agreed to send me and in fact they felt that it might be a good idea to let me go alone so that I can learn to find my way independently. So I set out to go to the bus stop. As I reached it I saw many long lines of people waiting for their bus to arrive I asked the man at the enquiry counter to guide me towards the line that would take me to Faridabad. The plump man sitting at the counter pointed to the right and I thanked him before moving towards the line. I joined the line that the man had pointed towards. Soon a bus came and all the passengers got on. I more...

In the context of global shortages of fossil energy—oil and natural gas in particular—governments worldwide are focusing on biofuesl as renewable energy alternatives. In parallel, almost 60 per cent of the world’s population is malnourished increasing the need for grains and other basic foods. Growing crops, including corn, sugarcane and soybean, for fuel uses water and energy resources-vital for the production of food for human consumption. There are also a number of environmental problems linked to converting crops for biofues, including water pollution from fertilizers and pesticides, global wasrming, soil erosion and air pollution. According to an estimate, biofuels are responsible for a 75 per cent increase in world food prices over the last decade. Concern over climate change and increasing competition for cropland h.id prompted Europe and the US to encourage the use of biofuels, driving up the price of raw materials used in their production, such as wheat, more...

The present era is the era of science. Science has undoubtedly done a great service to mankind. Man, a rational being, has been curious to explore mysteries of nature and this led to many discoveries being made in various part of the world. But he is never satisfied with the acquired knowledge and is always keen to unraveled Mysteries of the universe. He has conquered the land and air. His incredible lust for knowledge has revolutionized human life and raised the standard of life. He was able to invent innumerable ways of making his life comfortable and happy. Every sphere of life has been revolutionized by science. There have been innumerable inventions. One of the greatest inventions is the invention of medicines. There has been a series of tests carried out using animals as subjects and various medicines have been tried out on these animals to check their efficacy. Many more...

Patriotism means love of one's country. Patriotism is a common virtue. There is hardly anyone who does not love his country. If there is, he is not fit to be alive. Sir Walter Scott says that such a man will die "Unwept, unhonoured and unsung." One who is patriotic will be ready to make any sacrifice for his country. He will never live selfishly for himself alone. A soldier for Instance makes the supreme sacrifice of his life for the sake of his country. Great men like Gandhi, Nehru, Bose and others are famous for their patriotism; it was their patriotism which made them canny on the national struggle for independence. They made many sacrifices but never gave up the struggle for freedom. One can be a patriot by keeping a proper image of one's country before the eyes of foreigners. A patriot will never do anything to lower his more...

Amitabh Bachchan was born Amitabh Harivansh Srivastav on 11 october 1942 in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. Big B, as he is fondly called, Is the son of well known poet late Harivansh Rai Baehehan and Teji bachchan. After completing his education from Sherwood College, nainital, and Kirori Mal College, Delhi University, he moved to Calcutta to work for shipping firm Shaw and Wallace. Later, he moved to Bombay and struggled for a while to get his loot in the door of the hindi film industry. Amitabh made an entry in Hollywood, starting with zanjeer, co-starred with his future wife-to-be jaya bhaduri, and since there has been no looking back. His daughter shweta is married and has a Child. His son Abhishek and his daughter-in-law aishwariya rai are also into films. The trademark deep baritone voice, the tall (6 ft 2 inches), brooding Persona, and intense eyes, made amitabh the ideal "Angry more...

Last year I had resolve that I shall study very hard and soon become a rank hold in my class. I wanted to be placed among the first three in my class at the end of each examination. I have been an average student but I was determined to change that. So I work hard all day long. I paid great attention to all that the teachers taught in the class and also spent a lot of fruitful time in studying in the library. At home too I would sit down at my study table for hours before I finally left my books to go and play with my friends. When the examination approached I was confident of my position I mange to score excellent marks and to my delight the class teacher announced my grade in the class. While she read out each student marks I sat with bated more...

Every young man has an aim or ambition in life. A man without an aim cannot succeed. He cannot achieve his goal. In fact, it is an aim that makes a man active. Without aim a man is a useless creature. Civilization is one of man's aims and his efforts to achieve it. The aim of my life is to become a doctor. There is a reason why I have chosen this career. Once one of my classmates fell it. As he was poor, he could not get proper medical aid. His condition grew worse day by day. When I went to see him, he looked at me helplessly. After a few days of illness, he died. It gave me a terrible shock. I began to think about the suffering of people. I decided to become a doctor and do some service to the sick people. I will study hard more...

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has a part in shapping the global economy since the end of World War II. It is an organization of   186 countries, working to foster global iiionel.iiy cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. It provides policy advice and financing to members in economic difficulties and also works with developing natons to help them achieve macroeconomic stability and reduce poverty. During the cooperation and reconstruction phase after the end of Second World War, the IMF was assigned the task of overseeing the international monetary system to ensure exchange rate stability and encouraging members to eliminate exchange restrictions that hinder trade. When the system of fixed exchange rates collapsed in 1971 as well as during the oil shcoks of 1973-74 and 1979, the IMF stepped in to help countries deal with the consequences. more...

The government of India has done a great deal to provide students with schools even in the most remote villages. Although most villages have schools, there are very few that can produce students who can compete with those who study at public schools in the big cities of the country. There has to be a lot of work done towards building a strong base for students studying in these schools. Even though the parents of these children may be poor, the government has been providing free education for backward classes since a long time now. Yet a lost needs to be improved. The buildings which house these village schools are sub-standard. Some have thatched houses converted into schools. Once the monsoon arrives, classes cannot be held. The school has to be shut down and holidays may carry on for as long as the monsoon lasts. This causes a great deal more...

School closes down next week for the summer holidays. I am eagerly awaiting the day I go home from school knowing that I will not be expected to enter my classroom for two long months. There are many things that I would like to do in my holidays. First of all I will visit all my friends turn by turn. TNty keep pestering me to visit the mat home but school keeps me too busy. My friends and I will play the whole day long. Cricket is my favourite sport and my friends have organized cricket matches during the holidays. I am looking forward to playing and bringing honours to my team. My parents have planned a holiday for fifteen days. We plan to take the train that leaves. Delhi for Chandigarh. From there we propose to go to the hill station called Kasauli. It is a comparatively small hill more...


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