
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an intergovernmental Military alliance with Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. It is based on The North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on April 4, 1949. It constituted a system of collective defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.  The exact wordings in the NATO Charter are: The   Parties of NATO agreed that an armed attack against one or More of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack Againt them all. Consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack Occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective Self- defence will assist the Party or Parties being attacked, individually And in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, Including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security Of more...

Viswanathan Anand, popularly known is "Vishy, the Tiger from madras’, is the first Asian to win the World Chess Championship title. Born on December 11, 1969 in Chennai to Krishnamurthy Viswanathan, general Manager with Southern railways and his wife susheela, Anand started playing chess at the age of 6. He learned the game from his mother because his brothers did not have the patience to play chess with his. His parents encouraged him and used to take him to the Tal Chess club Young Anand had an exceptional memory power and an ability to graps things fast which made him excel in Chess. Anand started winning titles from; a young age. He became India’s Sub-Junior Chess Champion at thirteen. In 19X4, he became the youngest Indian to be entitled to the international Master (IM) Title. He became the National Chess Champion at sixteen, and went on to receive the title more...

Human beings operate on a pleasure/pain basis. In other words, people are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Food, freedom, sex, etc are the pleasures that people are actively motivated to seek. Similarly, Money, a feeling of accomplishment, winning and success are some of the lesser but still rewarding pleasures. Games are enjoyed by people because of their clear-cut goals and scorekeeping characteristics which even provide a chance to win—a motivation to play. In its absence, the game would seem meaningless and people would not like to play it. Punishment is a negative motivator and people perform at a level just sufficient to avoid punishment. On the other hand, praise and recognition are positive motivators. However, being generally nice .and giving constant praise to people regardless of their behaviour is not motivation. Gifts—another another kind of motivators—are like a Christmas present. The success of the gift is determined by more...

Pratibha Devisingh Patil, the twelfth President of India was born on December 19, 1934 in Nadgaon village of Jalgaon District in Maharashtra. She assumed office as the country's first woman President On jnly 25, 2007. Immediately prior to her election as the President of India, Smt. Patil was the Governor of Rajasthan since November 2004 Smt. Patil received her early education from RR Vidyalaya, Jalgaon and l later obtained her Master's degree in Political Science and economics from the Mooljee Jetha College, Jalgaon. Later, she obtained the degree of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from Government Law College, Mumbai (then Bombay). While in college, she actively participated in   sports and excelled in table tennis, in which she won several shields at various inter-collegiate tournaments. She also organised the Women’s home Guard in Jalgaon District and was their Commandant in 1962. Smt. Patil started her career as a practicing lawyer at more...

Abhinav Bindra permanently etched his name in Indian sports history   when he shot a superb 10.8 in 10 m air rifle event in Beijing Olympics on 11 August 2008. By becoming the first ever to win an individual Olympic gold medal for India, he silenced the naysayers, who held that India would never win individual gold at the Olympics. He proved that the country had capacity to produce champions in Olympic sports other Then hockey. He totaled 700.5 points to beat world champion and the Gold medalist at Athens, Zhu Qinan of China (699.7) and Finland's Henri Hakkinen (699.4 points). His winning the gold will inspire many sportsmen and women to believe that the dream of winning an Olympic Gold is achievable even by an Indian.   Besides being conferred with Padma Bhushan, India's most prestigious civilian award in 2009, he has been given several cash prizes for his 2008 more...

Dhirubhai Ambani, the Founder Chairman of Reliance Group, is credited to have brought about the equity cult in India in the late Seventies. He is regarded as an icon for enterprise in India. A man Far agead of his times, he epitomised the dauntless entrepreneurial spirit ‘dare to dream and learn to excel'. He dared to dream on a scale unimaginable before in Indian industry. The life journey of the most enterprising Indian entrepreneur is reminiscent of the rags to riches story. He is remembered as the one who rewrote Indian corporate history and built a truly global corporate group His life and achievements prove that backed by confidence, courage and conviction, man can achieve the impossible. Dhirubhai Ambani alias Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani was horn on decebber 28, 1932, at Chorwad, Gujarat, into a Moldy Family. His father was a school teacher. Dhirubhai Amhani started his entrepreneurial career by selling more...

Nandan Nilekani, the former Infosys CEO, is the Chairperson of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) formed to issue IDs to every citizen in the country. As Chairman of the body, Nilekani holds the rank and status of Cabinet Minister with the Indian Government. Nandan Nilekani was born in Bangalore, Karnataka, on June 2, 1955 as the younger son of Durga and Mohan Rao Nilekani. His father worked As a General Manager of Minerva Mills. His father, who subscribed to Fabian Socialist ideals, had an influence on Nandan during his early years. He has an elder brother, Vijay, works with the Nuclear Energy institute. He did his schooling from Bishop Cotton Boys School Bangalore, and then at St. Joseph's High School Dharwad. Later on, he graduated with a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from IIT, Bombay in 1978. The stint at IIT Mumbai transformed Nandan from a small town boy to more...

Earthquakes occur from time to time in various parts of the world. An earthquake, like a flood or a famine, is a natural calamity. Men are helpless when such things happen. We often read in the newspapers that an earthquake has occurred in a certain place. We come to know that many people have lost their lives. There are earth tremors during an earthquake. Sometimes these tremors are mild and not alarming in nature. Sometimes the tremors are very severe. People feel the ground rocking under their feet. On the Republic Day in 2001 there was a severe earthquake at Kutch in Gujarat. It caused much destruction to life and property. During an earthquake, people lose their houses and even their lives. Some are trapped in houses that collapse on account of earth tremors. The Gujarat earthquake took a heavy toll of human life. Many died because they were asleep, more...

Some nations are exploiting the resources of Nature and developing the potentialities of human resources but others are manufacturing nuclear weapons. We talk of international co- operation and affirm the concept of international community but peace has been dodging us and war has all the time been threatening the world. So in the light of these considerations, we will have to think whether India should manufacture nuclear weapons or not. We have been wedded to the policy of nonviolence. Arduous effort for peace is the only sensible practical politics. We have been thinking of bringing order and raising human dignity to recreate a fine vision of the world. Pakistan has always been trying to blackmail India. China has always been casting greedy eyes upon India. The Chinese had been training Nagas and Mizos in order to create disruption in India. In the present day world, there is a race for more...

Modem life is a very complex one. So, man has discovered many means to survive. There are many manufactures that produce essential goods. So it becomes necessary for them to keep the purchaser well-informed. The makers do it through advertisement. It is an art to reach the prospective buyers. Today advertisement plays a very vital role in our daily life. This art is based on the principle of human psychology. Needs and wants are the guiding factors. So, the businessman adopts such methods in order to attract the customers to his product. The advertiser also tries to create demand for the product, if there exists none. Actually what we see is that good advertisements are the matured and ripe fruits of some clever thinking done by very sound and crafty brains. If the article is advertised again and again in a catchy and tasteful manner, it becomes very difficult to more...


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