Child labour is today a subject without realizing the reason that has deteriorated purpose rather than solving. In some families of rural areas, due to unavoidable reasons children are only source of income for entire family. Such children when they are deprived as factory or shop workers have no choice but to beg and sell odd items in the streets of urban areas or become child prostitutes. Many children are indulging into these activities. Ultimate objective of a child is to earn and feed ailing mother or  parents   It is now the Governments and NOG'S or other  international organizations (as new child's parents) can help by launching schemes of education based earning, That is study and earn. Items may be identified from those areas, which are suitable to young child. It would be rather educational apprenticeship in playing way with basic education. It is not crime but support to a more...

Picture a typical, hard-working student. Each day she recieves multiple assignments to complete for homework. She is involved in several extracurricular activities so she doesn't have much extra time. After sports practice, she struggles home, ladden with books, to begin studying. On a typical evening she has to work diligently for a couple of hours to complete her homework for school the next day. She has a rigorous schedule that includes honors and advanced placement classes so some nights she is forced to stay up very late to keep up with her classes. Other nights she has an extra packet of work to complete for her SAT Prep course. All this work puts a lot of pressure on her. This may not seem like anything out of the ordinary and for many students it's not. The push to be overachievers and get into the top colleges has caused many high more...

I feel us as a country we can't really complain about the quality of our education. We have it real good. People from many other countries often travel here to get higher education. But there are some things that could be changed. We need to use our advancements in technology to our advantage. Also, more specialized teachers would improve the quality of learning. And in high school the thing I felt was the biggest problem was class size it was too hard to listen to a teacher and focus on the material with a class of over twenty-five. Technology is what makes the world go. We need to use this to our advantage to make our education better. There are many ways to make this possible. We could use the Internet to broadcast interactive classes. This way you have the best possible teachers to teach everyone all over the country more...

Sex is something that almost everyone will experience before they die. It is a subject that has been debated about for years. From the debate over birth control to the outbreak of aids. With all this history behind us, sex is becoming even more of an issue. With the new outbreaks of sexually transmitted diseases and the fact that sexually active persons are becoming younger, sex has now become a daily topic. Sex scandals in the media and talk such as "who slept with who at last night’s keg party" are making these daily conversations apparent in high schools, middle schools, and in a lot of cases grade schools. As the saying goes "monkey see monkey do" one can only assume that this concept will pertain to these easily influenced children. That is why it is imperative that another side of these issues presented on a regular basis, a side more...

In today's world, sport stars and other athletes are looked up to by all ages. Everyone loves them. They look great in the eyes of the everyday public. They appear on television; they perform like rock stars and do this with the entire world watching. No wonder we make heroes out of our favourites. They are seen as heroes because they can do things that most of us can't. They hit fastballs at 150 kmph, leap at balls in mid air or defy gravity and throw down a dunk. Their words are repeated and broadcasted throughout the world and their faces have appeared on the front of cereal boxes. But if you examine athletes while they're not on the court or on the field, you can see what they are like in every dimension. Athletes have many positive and negative sides that affect their public face and both benefit and more...

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in the town of Porbander in the state of what is now Gujarat on 2 October 1869- He had his schooling in nearby Rajkot, where his father served as the adviser or prime minister to the local ruler. Though India was then under British rule, over 500 kingdoms, principalities, and states were allowed autonomy in domestic and internal affairs: these were the so-called 'native states'. Rajkot was one such state. Gandhi later recorded the early years of his life in his extraordinary autobiography. The Story of My Experiments with Truth. His father died before Gandhi could finish his schooling, and at thirteen he was married to Kasturba [or Kasturbai], who was even younger. In1888 Gandhi set sail for England, where he had decidedtopursuea degree in law. Though his elders objected, Gandhi could not be prevented from leaving; and it is said that his mother, a more...

Gender in sports has been an issue ever since sports were invented. In the early years sports were played by the men, and the women were to sit on the sidelines and watch. Things have begun to change in the last century. Women are being allowed to participate now, and women's teams, events, organizations and leagues are popping up all over the place. This includes professional leagues such as the WNBA, and the LPGA. Women in sports have Become a big business. Women have been participating in professional sports for a long time. They even participated in professional baseball. During World War II while the men were overseas fighting the war against the Nazis, the women entertained the people and played baseball- The Women's All-American Baseball League was the bright idea of a rich candy bar maker named Walter Harvey. Recently a major issue for women in sports is female more...

The German-American physicist Albert Einstein, contributed more than any other scientist to the 20th- century. Born in the town of Ulm, Germany, March 14 and died in Princeton, N.J., April 18, 1955. In the wake of World War I, Einstein's theories, especially his theory of relativity, seemed too many people to point to a pure quality of human thought, one far removed from the war and its aftermath. Seldom has a scientist received such public attention for having the ability for learning that he bad. In 1905, Einstein examined the phenomenon discovered by Max Planck, according to which electromagnetic energy seemed to be emitted from radiating objects in quantities that were ultimately discrete. The energy of these emitted quantities—the so-called light-quanta—were directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation. This circumstance was perplexing because classical electromagnetic theory, based on Maxwell's equations and the laws of thermodynamics, had assumed that electromagnetic more...

There are several different ways to describe substance abuse. So many people think that substance abuse only pertains to alcoholism. There are several other substances that may cause someone to be diagnosed with substance abuse disorder. Some of those things include: marijuana, alcohol, stimulants cocaine and amphetamines), Hallucinogens, Inhalants, sedatives, and even nicotine. Even though some people may not see some of these things as things that may become addicting they are. More and more people are becoming addicted to the smallest things such as alcohol. For hundreds and thousands of American citizens alcoholism is become far too common. Alcoholism is a disease that affects many people in the United States today. It not only affeds I he alcoholic, but also their family, friends, co-workers, and eventually total strangers. The symptoms are many, as are the causes and the effects. What is alcoholism? Alcoholism is a complex chronic psychological and more...

Rajendra Prasad (1884-1963) was an Indian nationalist and first president of the Republic of India. He was an important leader of the Indian National Congress and a close coworker of Gandhi. Rajendra Prasad was born in Saran District, Bihar State, eastern India, on Dec. 3, 1884, into the Kayastha, or scribe, caste. A devout Hindu, he received his early education in Bihar and then attended Presidency College, Calcutta. The Swadeshi movement and particularly the Dawn Society influenced him to become a nationalist. He continued his education, earned advanced degrees in law, and practiced law in Calcutta and then in Patna. When Mohandas Gandhi arrived in Bihar in 1917 to assist the; \peasants in Champaran, Prasad soon joined in this activity, becoming a lifelong disciple of Gandhi. Following Gandhi's lead, Prasad joined the Indian National Congress and participated in the noncooperation campaigns of 1919 and 1921-1922. Forsaking his law practice almost more...


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