
The 14th November is called the Children's Day. On this day Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru was born. He was the first Prime Minister of free India. He had a great love for children. They too loved him greatly and called him 'Chacha Nehru'. The Children' Day is celebrated on 14th November as a mark of his love for children. It is celebrated all over India.   In our school, it was celebrated with great enthusiasm. On 12th November the student's representatives had a meeting with the Principal. It was decided that the children will run the school from Top to Bottom on 14th November. Only the clerk office will be maintained by the original persons. The school representatives invited the names from the students to work in different capacities. All was decided a day earlier. The posts of the Principal and Vice Principal were handled by senior class students. The more...

I like many indoor games. They are a great help on rainy days and also on hot summer afternoons when schools are closed for holidays and my friends and I am left without any new ways of passing the time.   When I was younger, I used to play snakes and ladders where one's luck was all that mattered. One had to move ones coin according to the number secured on the dice. Ludo was another game that I have always loved to play.   However, as I have grown up I have developed an interest in other games too. Monopoly is one of these. This is a game of business where luck and calculation are equally involved. Fake money is used to build hotels and houses and the one who ends up with the maximum monetary gains wins the game. This game is great fun to play as it more...

An ideal student is one who is all around the best student. Kamal is an ideal student in my class. He believes in simple living and high thinking. He helps the needy and sympathies with the poor. He does not mix up with the bad boys. He never tells a lie. He always speaks the truth. He is not a book worm. He is a good player also. He never quarrels with anybody. He is a very well behaved boy. He loves everybody and everybody loves him. Most of the people now think that we are real brother. I like him the most. I am really proud of my friend.  

My winter vacation had just begun When I received an invitation from my cousin to visit her at Lucknow. Due to official reasons, my parents offered me the chance to travel alone. I accepted. There was nothing to fear as my father escorted me to my reserved berth and further, my uncle had confirmed to be at the station to receive me. On Friday I boarded the Lucknow Mail from New Delhi railway station. It departed at 9.30 pm. I waved as long as I could see my father and then monkeyed up to my reserved berth. I placed my small suitcase and a handbag in one corner and made myself comfortable. I had rented a pillow and a blanket and tucked myself cozily. I looked around at the passengers near me. A touring executive was on the berth at my level. On the four berths below me was a more...

It has been rightly said that success is to be measured not by the heights achieved but by the difficulties surmounted. And Lal Bahadur Shastri is one of those who had been facing and surmounting difficulties galore right from his childhood. He was hardly two years old when he lost his father.   His birthday coincides with that of  Mahatma Gandhi - for both of them were born on 2nd October. Lal Bahadur Shastri was born in 1904 in Mughal Sarai town in Uttar Pradesh. His father Sharda Prasad was a man of very limited means.   After his father's death, his mother left for her parent's house. After receiving primary education at Mughal Sarai, he went to his uncle at Varanasi and joined Harish Chander High School. As a student he was very hard working, honest and brilliant. He was imbued with patriotic feelings right from his childhood. Physically more...

The very shape of human body tells us that it has been made for work. This is very evident to us if we have a look at a buffalo. So, even nature has made human body in such a way that man is expected to make himself busy in various types of activities. Our feet and legs tell to walk and run, if possible. The hands and arms urge us to do one or the other physical work or to carry out some kind of art activity. Over and above this, man is endowed with brain which means that we should be intelligent, wise and judicious. Besides, man has certain qualities, both virtues and vices hidden in the heart. Nature or God perhaps don't tell us to be vicious. That is our own choice. Nature has given us emotions and impulses and the power to think, to will, to love, more...

Last Sunday was our school Annual Sports Day. We had been preparing for it since a long time. Parents were invited to the annual sports day. There were many races organized. The races of 100 metres, 400 metres, and 800 metres were a great fun. Every student hoped that he may be able to win the first prize at these events. The cycle races too were very amusing. The long jump, the high jump and the triple jump were also interesting. We had students dancing the Garbha of Gujarat, the Bhangara of Punjab and the western dance of Goa. Another highlight of the Annual Sports Day was the flag hoisting by the chief guest. The chief guest was the governor of the state and he hoisted the flag. There was a great applause after the governor's speech because he promised to assist with the funding of the building of a more...

Subhash Chandra Bose, also known as Netaji, was one of the greatest sons and patriots of India. He was born in Calcutta Ion 23 January, 1897. His father,  Jankinath Bose, was a well- known lawyer. The name of his mother was  Srimati Prabhavati. His parents had great I influence on the boy Subhash.   This pride and glory of India, called Subhash Chandra Bose, was a very intelligent and brilliant student. He came Out a topper in his intermediate examination. He passed his B.A. in 1919 from Calcutta Presidency College. He went to England for higher studies and passed the I.C.S. Examination. I.C.S. was equivalent to the present I.A.S. examination. But he did not accept any government position. He returned to India and joined the freedom movement.   He was influenced by Gandhiji but deferred with him on the question of the method of attaining freedom. He believed that the more...

Blessed are those who have good neighbours, I am lucky to have Mr. Ram Kishan Gupta as my next door neighbour. He is every inch a gentle man. He is very helpful to all. Mr. Gupta is a wealthy businessman. He is very intelligent. He speaks to everyone and is generous and kind. Mr. Gupta has two children. The eldest son helps him in the business. The second son is ',, of my age and studies in a public school. Mr. Gupta's father also lives with him. All the members of his family are good. His father is very kind and religious. His children are good natured and have good manners. They are good at studies too. Whenever I have any problem, I go to Charles, the second son, and he always helps solve it. On festivals like Diwali, Mr. Gupta arranges for a get-together for all the neighbours in more...

Honesty is a rare commodity in the world today. Most people prefer the easy way out which sometimes deviates from the path of honesty, for to be completely honest means facing hardships and obstacles. Nothing succeeds like success, and many people believe it is the "end result' that matters—not the means. Therefore, even if you acquire success, money, position and respect by being just a little out of line—it doesn't really matter much. But remember—anything acquired by incorrect and dishonest' means will never last—what will sustain is honesty, and work done honestly. In the world of today, honesty is regarded as a hindrance in achieving success rapidly. It may appear that the 'smooth, worker' who knows exactly how to manipulate gets ahead, while the honest not so cunning person gets left way behind—but it's like the old tale of the tortoise and the rabbit. Slow and steady and honesty- wins more...


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