
Introduction. India is a developing country. It is the second most; populated country in the whole world. We have all the natural resources in our country. We have a long series of mountains, rivers, agricultural lands and well-developed ports. The govt. is trying very hard to develop our country by introducing 'Five Year Plannings'. We happen to see long rows of unemployed youths in our employment offices. The authorities feel helpless before the gigantic problem which is increasing by leaps and bounds. Causes of Unemployment. The main reason of unemployment is our increasing population. We fall short at our increasing demand^ A skilled person can handle the work of a hundred people with the help of heavy machines and computer technology. The labour class is, badly effected due to professional commercialization. Small scale units have been replaced by big industries. Our faulty education-system is also responsible for this problem. There more...

Introduction. India is one of the most populated countries of the world. It is in its developing stage. We are struggling with so many social  evils at present. These evils obstruct our progress and smooth functioning in any field. Superstition is one of those obstacles which prevailed in India for a long long time. We have become so sick of it that even the highly educated persons of our society pursue this evil. They involve in many superstitions at the time of any function, festival or marriage ceremonies Reasons of superstitions. All superstitions are baseless and foolish They are the inventions of idle and silly people. They have become to stay permanently in our homes and all sections of society. We find the role o disbelief at the time of every occasion. Our belief in luck and magic is too much. None can waver it; None can make us shed more...

Introduction. At present the whole world is facing a very grim problem, that is terrorism. Terrorism is derived from the word “Terror”  The meaning of terror is extreme fear. Those persons who make the  atmosphere extremely fearful among masses are called terrorists. They prevail terror in society by doing evil and rogue deeds. So, all these  activities are called 'terrorism'. World-Wide Problem. Terrorism has become a world-wide problem No country is spared from this evil. On 11 Sept. 2001, terrorists attacks even the World Trade Centre (W.T.C.), in America. Recently in July 200 such a foul attempt was failed when they planned to blast 'Glasco' airort  in England. They spread terror by such petty activities. Nature of Terrorism In India. India has been facing this problem for more than 25 years. Cross-border terrorism is creating a lot of problem for our country and its people. Terrorists with drugs, fake currency more...

The culture of a society means its ideas, customs and art. The culture of a country is its customs, religions, music  and dance. The food habits of the people, the festivals they  celebrate, their art and handicrafts are all part of their cull me  India is a large country. A unique feature of our country  is that all the major religions of the world are practiced here  like Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Shikhism . Jainism and Zoroastrianism. There are also many languages  and dialects spoken in different parts of the country. There are also great varieties in costume, food-habits, and social customs. India, being a secular country, provides his citizens the freedom to follow any religion. But we notice many common beliefs and customs among all the religions. On the occasion of festivals we pray, feast, go to the fairs, sing, dance and wear colorful dresses. We have some festivals more...

India is a land of beautiful monuments, of beaches, of temples and mosques, of ash smeared sadhus  and above all of wonderful Taj. It is a land of Himalayas which has enveloped all the beauty within itself, giving rise to the mighty rivers like Indus, Ganga and Yamuna and their tributaries. It is a land whose fame and exotic riches turned travelers from around the world which drew Alexander the Great to its plains beside a the great Mughals. It is a land of romance, mysticism and wisdom. The tourism potential of India is vast and it attracts .a  large number of international tourists. We can start with Jaipur the capital of Rajasthan. It is known as the Pink City.  Some  of the not-to-be missed places of tourist interest are the City Palace Museum, the City Place itself, the Jantar Mantar,  an  18th century observatory and the legendary Hawa Mahal, more...

The life in a hostel is different from that of the home. At home, sometimes it becomes different to frame suitable timetable of studies. There may be relatives or guests visiting frequently and making the atmosphere of home quite unfit for serious studies. In such situation hostel-life seems to be boon for a student. Far from his/her home, he/she finds all facilities that are essential for sound studies in a hostel. Hence, hostel life is welcomed by most of the students. Hostel life is regular and helpful to study. Hostel is a place where students are given proper environment for all round development resulting in good careers. Here they find safety against many social evils. Living in a hostel students have to follow its general rules and regulations which are meant to make their life regular and punctual, the basic needs of success. They are taught to be self dependent; more...

Wise men preach discipline, great men practice it, while fools defy it. The strength or weakness of a nation can in judged by the presence or absence of discipline in the life of its people. Discipline is the national virtue of great people. In discipline and unity lies the strength of nation. Out happiness and safety are also closely linked to it. Discipline is the base of the whole universe. The earth, the moon, the sun, all follow a certain system. The planets move on a set system around the sun. The sun rises and sets. ' The night follows the day in due order. There is discipline in nature too. We see changes of seasons at certain intervals. We have autumn in which we see fall of leaves, then we have sweet spring which bring back new leaves. All these occur in a proper order. Discipline is necessary more...

This Wordsworth statement perhaps means that the qualities exhibited by a child will deepen and appear in a marked form when the child grows up into a man. By observing and studying the behavior, the inclinations, the preferences, the prejudices and the tendencies of child we can form an idea as to what sort of man he will develop into. One's childhood, therefore, may be taken as forming the basis of one's manhood. :   It is in this sense that the child has been called the father of man. The statement carries much sense. The biographies of several great men show that their character and achievements  had appeared in their early childhood. An average child with  no remarkable qualities will rarely develop into a remarkable  man but a child with striking qualities will grow into one. Napoleon in his childhood used to 'play' fighting and had great enthusiasm for more...

Nehru once said 'play the game with the spirit of the game'. Life is full of failures and successes. When we play a game, we may either win or lose. "Sportsman spirit" is the spirit of accepting one's success with humility. One of the main advantages of playing any sport is that it teaches us to cope with failures and disappointments that come our way and to make renewed efforts to achieve success next time. After being defeated in a game repeatedly one begins to learn to fight better and yet accept the defeat gracefully. The same is said about one's life. There are times when we fail at our jobs or we fail to do our duty or we may even suffer losses in life. If we lose hope and curse our fate we can never progress in life. Once a man lost all his money and property in more...

India is said to be the largest democracy in the world in terms of numbers. Democracy is the form of government in which people's will is supposed to be supreme. Lincoln's words in this connection can be quoted here, 'Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.' Such is the form of democratic government. But in big countries, it is not possible for the entire population to gather at one place and discuss the matters and control the affairs. Government is therefore, carried by the elected representatives of the people. Of all the political forms of governments democracy is considered to be the best. It is most cultured and civilized political institution. Democracy provides to its people freedom of thought, speech, expression and action. General elections are held after every five years for the new government. These elections make clear the general opinion of more...


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