
A tailor sews clothes. He is found in every village and town. No civilized person can do without him. He is a very important member of our society. He earns his living by hard working. He knows no holiday. A tailor depends upon his tools. He requires a few tools. They are-a pair of scissors, a sewing machine, a measuring tape, a sharp needle, a thimble on his middle finger, some thread reels and balls, and an iron press, he puts on thimble on his middle finger to protect it from needle pricks. He also needs a wooden plank and a piece of coloured chalk and a register to note down the measurements of customers. These tools are very necessary for the tailor. He cannot do his work without them. If any one of these tools is missing he cannot do his work. A tailor's shop is generally seen in more...

Outline : Poor supply of water—many difficulties experienced— cleanliness cannot be maintained properly—fear of diseases spreading— even drinking water sometimes not available.   The problem of water supply in a big city like Delhi is quite acute. It reaches at alarming point during the summer months, when the water taps run dry. There is not a single drop of water. The Yamuna flows at its low level. The water comes just for a while. It leads to a lot of tension and quarrel especially in the streets where there are community taps. People form long queues with their pitchers, pails and buckets. They stand in wait for water for hours together. They are there right from early morning or even earlier. The low lying areas may have a little of water. But what about the houses and localities situated at high places ? There the water reaches very slowly even more...

A journey by train is the cheapest and most comfortable. I had always travelled with my parents. Last Sunday I got a chance to travel alone. My maternal uncle at Allahabad invited us to join the marriage ceremony of his son. My father had no time- So he asked me to go. He gave me some money and many instructions about the ceremonies. I was very glad. I had to go by Delhi Express. I put up my things in a small box and asked the servant to bring a rickshaw for station. I reached the station one hour before the time of arrival of the train. I went to booking office to buy a ticket for myself. There was a great rush. But the people were standing in a queue. I also joined them. At last I purchased the ticket. As soon as I got my ticket, I hired more...

Milk is a liquid food got from animals, like cows, buffaloes, goats and camels. It is white in colour. We commonly use milk got from cows and buffaloes. The milk of goats is good for infants. Milk is very useful to us. It is a wholesome and perfect food. It is the chief food for the infants. It is a food as well as a drink. A man can live only on milk for a long time. If we drink milk along with our regular food, we can be strong and healthy. Many things are made from milk, such as ghee, butter, curd, cheese, cream etc. AH these are very good for health. Different kinds of cakes and sweet meats are made from milk. These are very tasty. Milk is supplied in large cities by villagers of surrounding areas. They carry cans of milk daily in trains and buses. Many more...

A nation cannot prosper if the people are not laborious. Labour is at the source of strength for a nation. A nation that cannot work hard is not respected. A nation of idlers cannot progress and develop. After the Industrial Revolution, the people of Europe learnt to work with tools and machines. They manufactured many things and increased the wealth of their countries. The material prosperity of a country depends on the progress of its agriculture, industry and trade. Ordinary labourers work in fields, mines, mills and factories. Their labour leads to the prosperity and power of the country as a whole. Thus, work is power. For this reason, manual labour is not felt beneath dignity. However in India, the English education at first helped us to become clerks, teachers, lawyers, doctors and some engineers. This education taught the people to feel it beneath their dignity to work with tools more...

Educational value of travelling cannot be over- estimated. It gives us first hand knowledge of the places through which we pass. We can know their physical features, crops, minerals and natural beauty. It also brings us into contact with different ways of life. These lessons are more interesting and more effective than what we learn from books. Men travel for different purposes. Some men travel for pleasure, some men for business and some for education. In ancient times, travelling was difficult and risky. There were no roads. A traveller had to pass through hills and forests. He had to face the fury of nature, wild beasts, robbers and many other obstacles. But all these could not daunt the spirit of ancient travellers like Fahien, Hiuen Tsang, Ibn Batuta and others.         Thanks to the triumph of science, travelling has now become easy, cheap, quick and pleasant. We more...

I have neighbours on every side of my house. There are some I like most. There are others whom I do not like at all. Next to our house there live Mr. and Mrs, Sharma. They are not appreciated and liked by anyone in the colony. Both husband and wife are not at all social, they are self centered. I have never seen anyone visiting their house. Mr. Sharma works in some government office. The Sharmas are of typical character. They even do not participate in social functions held in the colony. Mr. Sharma leaves for his office exactly at 9-15 a.m. by his cooler. Prior to his leaving for office exactly at 9 a.m. there is always in uproar of quarrel at very high volume. People of the colony wait for this moment daily. The timing is very punctual; even you can adjust your watches at that time. Exactly more...

I have many friends who are dearer to me than my own life. It is very difficult to name the best choice out of them off hand. My maximum time is spent in the company of Brijmohan  whom I call Briju, but others call him Mirchi. I do not know what type of child they consider him to be but for me he is sweeter than honey. He is one of the best centre-forwards in the hockey team of our school. His only ambition is to bring India on the Olympic map once again in this game. He is an ace sprinter  and when he chases the ball, no one can snatch it from him. He was the captain of the state junior team that participated in the national games. It is surprising to make out how he stands first in different subjects in the class. Most of the players more...

The word 'Internet' flashes many images upon the canvas of the human mind. The dominant one may be hundreds or thousands of computers and computer networks connected with each other exchanging information. This is the hardware aspect of internet. Its application aspect is the multitude of different services interval offers, by E-mail and others. Yet another image is that of everyone doing their own thing. Through internet, any type of information can be exchanged like text, audio-video signals on data, etc. Every country has an information network through which it is connected to internet. Internet is mostly used for Electronic mail, i.e. E-mail messages can be sent to anyone connected to internet. This also helps in development of software data base, which is the base of internet. With the development of multimedia, the interest of people in internet has increased. Through the use of internet and joining of computer, telephone more...

I have sweet and beautiful dreams of my country. I am a resident of India. She is my beloved motherland. I am proud of being an Indian. I wish that my country may rise to a great nation. She should help her neighbours and may give them the message of peace. I wish that my country should become militarily strong and be fully prepared in this nuclear age for defence. I wish that no foreign country may dare attack again, like the plundering raids of the old times. We should try to live peacefully with our neighbors. But we should not lack in our security in the name of peace. Hence, I wish she should become first rate world power in terms of military strength. I wish that my country should become a messenger for peace in the world. India's great culture and civilization had once spread in the far more...


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