
A peacock is a very beautiful bird. It is also very large. The male peacock is good looking, but a peahen (female peacock) looks rather ugly. It is simply a brown bird having no lovely tail like its male partner. It has rough and ugly legs. A peacock is found mainly in India and different other parts of Asia. It lives on snakes, frogs, insects and food grains. The feathers in its wings are the combination of blue and green colours. There are beautiful blue feathers in its neck. But the most attractive and beautiful part of the body is its lovely long tail. When it spreads it, the tail looks like a big fan. There are three colours in it: blue, green and golden. The rainy season is the most favourite season for a peacock- When it rains, it rains, it  becomes very happy and starts spreading its nice more...

Films have influenced our lives in the way no other medium of entertainment has done. Even a small incident concerning the life of film stars becomes a big news. It is due to the importance attached to films and the persons concerned with them. Before the invasion of television in the Indian homes, cinema was the cheapest means of entertainment. Films have always occupied the centre stage on the television screen too. Even after the advent of round-the-clock satellite channels, it has continued to share the majority of air time. There are many channels fully devoted to cinema. Even newspapers have not remained aloof from it. They carry articles concerning films on weekly and daily basis. They gossip about film personalities, their affairs, and carry quizzes and blow-ups. Cinema has dealt with most of the social problems India has faced in the past or is facing today. It can be more...

So much construction has taken place in towns and cities that they appear to be 'jungles of concrete'. Wherever we may look, towns and cities are full of concrete structures. A public park is, no doubt, a soothing sight to the eye. We are fortunate that there is a public park near our house. it is' called the ChanarasneKnar Park. It is situated in a large ground and is divided into two sections. One section is the garden. It has a large beautiful entrance which leads to a large circle with the fountain in the middle. It is surrounded by tall and dense trees on all sides. The fountain is surrounded by rows of small plants and grass lawns. It also has some cement benches for people to sit on. The colourful water in the fountain gives a splendid sight. People come here for a picnic. The other section is more...

Patriotism in its simplest term means love for one's country. It is a natural instinct in us. In the early days families clung together to save themselves from wild animals. Thus many families joined together to make a tribe. Tribes  made  the nation. We show our love to our country in many ways. We wave our national flag on special occasions. We cheer the speeches of our national leaders. True patriotism is more than just raising slogans. It is to identify ourselves with nation. People everywhere do great things for their country. Joan of Arc liberated France from the British. Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar and Subhash Chandra  Bose made supreme sacrifices for the sake of their country. Such men can never be forgotten. In Africa Mandela fought against 'racism' for years and ultimately won. He is a great leader of his country. Genuine patriotism is a sentiment of which we more...

There are some people in society who talk much more than they should. They are always ready to offer suggestions, advice and recommendations even when they are not asked to. No one wants to listen to them yet they continue to bore people with their never-ending chatter. Such people do not think before they speak and often land themselves into unnecessary trouble. They love to indulge in talking all day and never getting down to doing any work at all. The practical examples are our present-day political leaders. They make a lot of promises during election time but hardly keep them when they return to power. In fact one must do great things without promising them. A man is required to do more work than talking because life passes by too fast and one has to accomplish a lot in one's life. There have been men like Mahatma Gandhi, Nehruji, more...

We live in a three-room flat on the ground floor. It is in a big and modern colony of the city. There is a large drawing- cum-dining hall, two bed rooms, kitchen and toilets. There is also a big varanda. My father bought it ten years ago. Then, I was just four-year-old. It is large enough for all of us. We are just four persons in the family. I have one sister only. My parents believe in having  a very small family. My house is built of bricks, iron, tiles and marbles. It has got  all the modem amenities of life. The bath room is also large, airy and tiled. It has a shower. The floor of my house is fully marbled. The kitchen of my house is large and comfortable. It is near the living room. One of its doors opens in a large balcony, rrom there we have more...

Our Principal sent an order to the classes that the Inspector of Schools would pay a visit on 15th of December. The teachers and the students became serious. Great preparations were started few days before the day of inspection. The broken panes were removed. The school building was white-washed and furniture was painted. The compound was cleaned of bits of paper. The carpenter repaired the broken furniture. The drawing teachers prepared pictures, maps, diagrams and charts for drawing room, history room and geography room. On the day of inspection we were in our best of clothes. The teachers were in their best suits. At 10 a.m. the Inspector and his staff arrived in their car. The Principal gave them a warm reception. With the Principal the Inspector took round of the whole building. He inspected each class. He put questions regarding the school to some boys. He checked whether the more...

Outline : Good health—most precious possession. Healthy minds- healthy bodies. Essentials of good health—nutritious food, fresh air, exercise, sleep, rest. Things bad for health—smoking, eating too much, irregular habits, lack of exercise. Good health of all of us is a valuable asset of the nation. It is a sign o: a commanding personality. If you are healthy, you enjoy all the blessing; of life. You eat all the good things of life; Your life becomes worth-living; You enjoy everything of life to its fullest brim. Good health is a precious possession of life. What a pleasure when you are free from dirt and disease; When you are clean and tidy; It is said "Cleanliness is next to godliness" If you want to reach God and seek His blessings, cleanliness is the first requisite. And this good trait of life comes only to a healthy man. A healthy person cannot be more...

Man is a social being. He is always eager to see his relatives and friends. In olden days people did not like to take long journeys. There were no quick means of travelling. In the beginning legs were man's means of travelling. He was never satisfied with his legs. Next to legs came animals, horse, camel, elephant, ox, donkey, pony and yak. All have been serving us since ancient times. On the plains we use horse. But in desert the camel is the only means of travelling.  In villages there are no roads. People make use of bullock cart. In the same way people make use of horse. Pony is generally used on mountains. Animals have lost their importance at present as a mode of travelling. We do not use them as means of travelling. We like to travel by train or motor car. Why is it so? The reason more...

The police department is an important department of the Government. The policeman is the guardian of law and order. It is a terror for anti-social elements; It is a friend and a guide to the law- abiding citizens. There are police stations in all the towns. Every station has an in charge of a station office. He is helped in his work by a number of policemen under him. The policeman puts on khaki uniform, khaki cap and strong black shoes. He carries a small thick stick or gun in his hand. He is generally tall and healthy The policemen are in charge of certain areas. They have to keep a watch on the activities of all doubtful characters. If there is any fight and disturbance in his area, he at once runs to the place and stops it. If the people do not obey him, he takes them to more...


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