
True friendship is a divine quality. To get a true friend is achievement rare now days. Someone is lucky if he gets a true friend. I am lucky enough to have true friend in Rakesh.' I value his friendship. He is really a true friend. We both are class fellows for last four years. Rakesh has many qualities of head and heart. He is an ideal student. He is very punctual in coming to school. He completes his home task regularly. His books and exercise note-books are very clean. Moreover he has a very good handwriting. His behaviour is a model for other students. He is very polite, good mannered and sweet tempered. He never promises anything wrong to others. I have never seen him losing his temper. His uniform is always neat and clean. Though he is not a very brilliant student yet he always tries to improve himself. more...

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on 22 May, 1778 at a time when our country was marred by various superstitions. He led our country from darkness to light. His father's name was Radha Kanta Roy and mother's name was Tarini Devi. His education started from the village school. He went to Kashi for studying Sanskrit. He also learned various languages like Arabic, French and English. He was a very good He encouraged promotion of education. He was rebellious by nature. He was awarded the title "Raja" by the Mughai Emperor. He did great work in the fields of education, politics and religion. He rendered a service of ten years in East India Company. Then he spent the rest of his life serving the people of India as a social reformer. He is remembered for his great work Sati Daho. He fought a great battle against the Sati custom, an more...

A visit to a hill station is worth enjoying during the summer vacation. There is heat over the plains. People like to go to hill stations to refresh themselves. It was terribly hot in June. School work could not be done properly. Students were all looking forward to holidays. When our school broke up for summer vacation on the 3rd of June, we felt a great relief. My father made a programme to go to Mussorie. I requested him to spend a few days at Haridwar also. He agreed to my request. On 12th June we left Jalandhar by the Dehradun Passenger. We reached Haridwar the next day in the morning. We stayed there in a rented hut. Haridwar is a beautiful town with lots of temples. It is situated on the bank of the holy Ganges. It is considered as a holy place of the Hindus and presents a more...

There are many types of animals found around the world. Some are very big and some very small. The elephant is the largest animal living today and the strongest too. It has thick legs, huges sides and back, large hanging ears, small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all long nose called trunk. The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature, and  it puts it to various uses. It draws up water by it and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath; picks leaves  from the trees and puts them into mouth. Elephants look very clumsy and heavy. Elephants are found in India and Africa. The African elephant differs in some respects from the Indian; it is larger, stronger, with longer tusks and bigger ears. In fact the two are considered to be of different species. In both the countries, they live in herds in more...

The barber is a very useful and important member of the society. He makes us look clean and decent in appearance. It is good that he is not regarded mean and untouchable. In villages, the barber is paid in the form of fixed quantity of corn at the harvest time. This quantity depends upon the members of the family. This corn is generally enough for him for the whole year. Besides this, on happy occasions and ceremonies, he is given gifts of clothes and money by his customers. He goes from village to village and shaves the people and cuts their hair once or twice a month. The village barber is well and happy. In towns and cities there are shops of barbers known as hair cutting saloons. People go to these shops and get themselves shaved and have their hair cut. These shops are beautifully decorated with looking glass, more...

The youth in any country form an important part of the machinery that shapes the destiny of a country. It is they who may help to bring about a desirable change in society. History has many examples of the contribution of youth towards progress and upliftment of their countries. The youth of India were greatly instrumental in bringing about the independence movement in the country. Gandhiji, Nehruji and other national leaders depended heavily on the youth of India to help achieve the goal of Swaraj. In our own country half of the population constitutes youth and their vast energies and enthusiasm must not go untapped. They should be utilized for social, political, cultural  or economic reconstruction. If their energies are not used, they can go astray, get involved in undesirable and antisocial affairs, thus damaging the very fabric of society. As far as possible they should be encouraged to get more...

It is very important to be cautious about health. I take great care to see that I remain healthy. For that I read books      on health care and never miss a television programme where health care is spoken of by doctors. Health can be maintained by eating good nutritious food. This includes eggs, milk, pulses, fruits, etc. As I am a vegetarian I try to eat a lot of butter, cheese and drink a lot of milk. I supplement my diet with vitamins and avoid medication. In youth this temptation is all the more stronger. It is too much, therefore, to expect boys to attend wholeheartedly to their lessons when a number of attractive girls are sitting by their side in the class room, Again, there is a real danger that the free inter-mixing of the sexes at the age of puberty may lead to sexual misconduct. Boys more...

What you get through your own labour gives you much more pleasure than what you inherit or get by sheer luck. The fruits of labour mean the outcome of one's own exertions and endeavours, while the gifts of fortune imply inherited wealth, a legacy or a prize won through a lottery. There is real pleasure in honest labour. A farmer undergoes hard toil in ploughing soil, sowing seeds, watering field, looking after young plants, weeding out unwanted growth, keeping off birds and cattle from damaging crops. But he performs all this cheerfully because he expects to receive his reward. It gives him a thrill to see the harvest ready. It refreshes his eyes to behold the ripe corn. He puts his sickle to grain and derives infinite joy by reaping harvest. His labours have borne rich fruit and his happiness is unlimited. Similar is the case of a business man more...

Excursions are must, specially for students. They have a great educational value. That is why schools often organize excursions for students. Apart from educating students and exposing them to various experiences, it is a great means of ' recreation. It is the day all students wait for eagerly. My class was taken on an excursion last month. A bus was arranged. We sat in it and it took us to all the places we had to see. We were all very happy. We sang on our way and the bus speeded through various towns and villages. The sound of the horn was a constant irritant but we could tolerate it because we were too busy having a good singing session in the bus. We were going to Agra from Delhi. The bus stopped on the way at a restaurant. We all got off the bus to have some refreshment. Our more...

Telephone is no doubt one of the important devices of communicating messages in a relatively short period. Messages can be sent though  letters and telegrams as   well, but a telephone message is the fastest to receive. Over the telephone one even hears the voice af the person who sends us the  message and this makes the message more personal. It is so useful that even those who live at a great distance from us can communicate with us. The telephone often brings a cure for loneliness and comforts anyone who can talk to the person he is missing. One can settle various problems within  seconds over phone. Quick decisions can be taken and one can function faster after speaking over phone. There are telephones at home, but they are also installed elsewhere for the convenience of the public. Railways stations, shops, post offices all have telephones where one can more...


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