
Iron is dug out from mines. It is one of the most useful metals. Iron that we use is the refined form of iron ore. It is crushed by machines and melted in hot furnaces. Thus, pig or cast iron is made. After this, through different processes, wrought iron is made. Steel is prepared from it. The two important mineral ores of iron are magnetite and haematite. Both of them are available in India. The major iron-ore producing states are Orissa, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra. Iron has many uses. It is called the backbone of modem civilization. So many necessary things, like scissors and razors, trains and trams, blades, bridges and buildings are made from iron. There is hardly any sphere of our life where iron is not used.            

Since the attainment of independence, India has been facing many grave problems such as poverty, growing population, unemployment, price hike etc. All these problems are linked to our economic development, which can be tackled through proper planning. The Planning Commission was instituted in 1950 to make plans for the organized development of our country. The main responsibilities of the Planning Commission are identifying the objectives of our economic policy and determining its priorities. It also sees to it that the resources are utilized to the maximum extent. It also supervises the fair distribution of produce and the benefits of development to the largest number of people. The Planning Commission has developed nine five-year plans and six annual Plans till now. Many important changes were brought about through the first, second, third and fourth five-year plans. Indian economy was given a national character. Many privately owned business concerns have been nationalized, more...

It was Sunday in June. It was a close day. I decided to go to the river which flows near our town at a small distance. I went there on my bike. I had not gone far when I met my friend Ravi. He too, was going to the river. So we went along talking merrily. We soon reached the river. The river side presented a very lovely scene. There were men, women and children. They were in large number. All were swimming. Those who could not swim were bathing in the shallow water. Some people were washing their clothes. Some were playing in the cold water of the river. Little boys and girls were playing on the sand. Some boys were playing kabaddi on the sand of the river. A number of college students were enjoying boating. The little boats were running up the water. They were having lines more...

A crow is a big black bird. It is very common in both towns and villages. A crow is a very noisy bird. Its call is called cawing. It is very loud and rough. Cawing can be heard from dawn to dusk. A crow is found in almost all countries of the world. It is of dark black colour but of different A raven is larger than all other kinds of crows. The deep black feathers on its body are very  glossy and shiny. A crow feeds on fish, flesh, fruits, food grains and dirty and rotten things. It builds its nests on the branches of tall trees and electric posts. A crow is very clever and cunning. It is very greedy and cheeky too. It waits looking for a chance of stealing food and swoops down on it quickly and flies away. It is infamous as it steals food more...

A student has several duties to perform. He has his duty to his parents, to his class-fellows and his neighbours. A student has his duty to his teachers also who are no less important than those already mentioned. A student has different duties to a teacher. A teacher is a sort of father figure to him. A student gets a new life when he gets education from a teacher. One's father brings one to the world while a teacher teaches one how to adjust oneself in the world. Thus a teacher plays a crucial role in a student's life. He builds up his character and moulds him into an able man in the society. A student should always obey and respect his teacher. He should attend the class regularly, listen to a teacher's lectures, take down notes and do homework. He can ask his teacher for clarification and explanation of more...

The history of India is full of the stories of countless heroes and gallants. Their deeds of bravery, gallantry, chivalry and heroism have left indelible marks. Shivaji is one of those Indian heroes who have been acknowleged as the most worthy and remarkable personalities. He was born in 1627. His father was a small Jagirdar. His mother Jija Bai was a very pious and intelligent women. She moulded the early life of Shivaji. She infused in him the burning love for his motherland. Right from  the beginning Shivaji had been a fearless, brave and kind soldier.  That is why he is called the "Defender of the Hindu religion." His boyhood proved the saying of Wordsworth, "Child is the father of man". He was very promising, shrewd,  intelligent and patriotic right from his childhood. As a matter of fact, his mother was his first teacher who carved him as a fearless more...

We all earn our bread by doing some work. That work is our profession. We like to do that work which gives us money and requires us to do little. But this is not possible and we have to choose a work which we can do and for which we have an interest. Unfortunately there are many people in this world who are doing a work for which they are not fit. Therefore.We should consider well before taking up any work. The first point to be considered is our natural taste and liking for a work. The second point is the physical fitness. The third point is the means by which we may prosper in that work. Generally people are interested in their ancestral profession because it is very easy for them. Moreover they are skilled in it. The son of a carpenter finds it easy to take up his more...

It is our natural instinct to know what is happening around us. Nobody wants to live in ignorance. Hence newspapers have become part and parcel of our life. We cannot live without them. The morning newspaper is as indispensable for a good start to our day as the morning cup of tea. It is our mental breakfast and unless we go through the 'headlines' we feel uneasy. What to talk of the city-dwellers, even the people living in the villages are seen eager to go through the newspaper to know what is going on in the world. Therefore, a newspaper is the basic need of the common people. A newspaper in the modern society has great social and educative value. Jt is a common media of giving news along with views. Its principal aim is to supply news, information with different views through comments, articles and editorials. It is therefore, more...

Introduction. Human being is an ambitious creature. He wants to have peace and harmony with all comforts in his life. What one wants to achieve in his/her life is called aim or ambition. One becomes determined and tries very hard to get that fixed target. 'It has been rightly said that "As many ambitions as many people". It means people have different opinions and attitudes towards life. They choose different types of professions in their life and thus, have different likings.  Ambition should be high. Everyone should have a high aim in life, right from the childhood. We should not confide in limits rather our aim should be broad and wide. Let us be definite and precise in the matter of choosing a career. Some want to become doctors, engineers, pilots or top class scientists. There are others who wish to pursue  teaching, nursing or driving profession. What type of more...

Education is the tool that sharpens the human resources. It cultivates our mind in order to make our life tolerable with the acquisition of skills. It has been listed as one of the basic necessities of human life. One can achieve the best possible life only with the help of a sound education. Education reforms an individual, the individual makes a family, a family makes a society and society forms a nation. Hence education is the real base of a nation. The whole progress of a nation depends on education. It is therefore necessary that a nation must have a very sound educational system which can make a perfect individual and a society. A sound educational system implies the way through which education is imparted, the quality of education that it gives the quality of human being that it produces and ultimately the society it builds. Education gives all round more...


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