
Some people will always believe that time is only money but nothing else; others will defend the opposite thesis. No one can lead normal life without enough money. People constantly work in order to earn. And they need time. It is mainly money for them. Their credo is 'Don't lose time, make money!' But it can be interpreted in several ways. Nowadays there are two categories of people. People from the first group work hard in order to make enough for a living, to satisfy their basic needs. While the others consider money as a way to win more power and better social position, sometimes - even friends. They say 'Money makes the world go round' and time represents only money for them. It seems that we usually forget that time is not only money - it is also love, war, dreams, music... If we forget that, it would occur more...

The most significant problem our world has with newfound controversies is that most people take one side on the issue before they become educated on the topic at hand. This is the same problem that is seen with the controversial issue of cloning. Whether one argues for or against the cloning of humans or animals, most people leave out the ethics and morals behind the issue. A poll taken on the issue of cloning found that 7% of Americans would clone themselves. This shows us that 93% of Americans do see the problems behind cloning. But this also shows us that there are some people that need to be educated on the subject through the basis of facts, not some unrealistic movie. So many people argue that cloning could be used on animals for medical advancements and to solve such terrible problems as world hunger, but there are many more more...

How have the five major institutions shaped my personality? Firstly, my family is one of the most influential parts of my life. My family has taught me all the values that I think that I would need in life. I was not raised in an abusive family, which shapes my personality by making me less aggressive towards my peers, and teaching me that you can't get your way through force, but, by patience. I think that my family has positively affected my life. A family is an incredible asset in one's life. It is only made possible by healthy and stable relationships between its members, whether there are as little as two members or as many as two hundred. When planning or starting a family, it is important that the parent figure is aware of their responsibilities. The most important thing for a family to be successful is that people more...

The demands of increasing population magnify demands for natural resources, clean air and water, as well as access to wilderness areas. In the future, when there are not enough resources to go around, we will see significant scarcity, and a backlash of poverty. Left unchecked, the combination of population growth and consumption- along with increasing inequality between rich and poor individuals and nations-will soon threaten not only the well-being, but even the lives of a majority of people on this planet. When population levels reach a critical threshold, we will see both a decline in the resource base, and damage to the environment, which supplies all those resources. These trends reinforce each other - the damaged environment provides fewer resources, and the shortage of resources causes us to further damage the environment. World energy needs are projected to double in the next several decades, but no credible geologist foresees a more...

Being one of the most fatal viruses in the nation, AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is now a serious public health concern in most major countries worldwide. Since 1986 there have been impressive advances in understanding of the AIDS virus, its mechanisms, and its routes of transmission. Even though HIV (Human Immuno deficieny Virus) can be transmitted through sharing of non-sterilized needles and syringes, sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, and through most bodily fluids, it is not transmitted through casual contact or by biting or blood sucking insects. AIDS is defined as a disease, at least moderately predictive of defects in cell-meditated immunity, occurring in a person with no known cause for diminished resistance to that disease. Such diseases include Kaposi's Sarcoma, Pneumocystis carnii pneumonia, and several other opportunistic infections. After the discovery of HIV and the development of HIV-antibody test, the case definition of AIDS was updated to reflect the role more...

Einstein once remarked, "Success is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. This mantra is often repeated and has been the motto of many desiring such success. 'Yet, in today's world, there have been an increasing number of examples of people who have succeeded without much effort. So then, is hard work still required for success or can it even guarantee success? Judging from evidence present in the world, hard work has never been able to guarantee success but hard work could be needed to ensure success is possible. First, let us look at the idea of success. Success can come in many forms, depending on the individual. Examples include success in one's career, but success is not just limited to the earning of money and power. People can also have a successful family life or successful friendships. An environmental awareness project could be deemed a success, yet the success more...

A Life Worth Knowing About" William Henry Gates, also known as 'Bill', has established himself as the richest man in the world. He is the youngest self-made billionaire, and perhaps the best businessman in the world. Bill, was born October 28, 1955. Gates began his career in PC software, programming computers at age 13. In education, he attended a well-known private school in Seattle, Washington called Lakeside. At Lakeside, he met his future business partner Paul Alien. Bill Gates entered Harvard in 1973. He created the programming language' BASIC. Gates attended Harvard University as a freshman. After a few years, Gates and his business partner Paul Allen dropped out of Harvard to begin the Microsoft Corp. in 1975. Throughout his life. Gates had many experiences with business. Alien and Gates started a small company called Traf-Data. They sold a small computer outfitted with their program that could count traffic for more...

Cigarette smoking is one of the major killers in the world. The biggest side affect from smoking is cancer. Cancer is a group of many related diseases. All forms of Cancer involve out-of-control growth and spread of abnormal cells. The risk of dying from lung cancer is 22 times higher for males, and 12 times higher for female smokers as oppose to non -smokers. Additionally, smokers are at an increased risk for cancer of the larynx, oral cavity, oesophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas. Smoking causes a five time increase in the risk of dying from chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and two times increase in deaths from diseases of the heart and coronary arteries. Smoking also increases the risk of stroke by 40-50% in men and 60% in women. Researchers have also proven that mothers who smoke during pregnancy or before they got pregnant usually give birth to babies with birth more...

There are many types of air pollution, one type is acid rain. Scientists have discovered that air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels, mainly in power stations and industry in countries such as Germany, United Kingdom and other economically developed countries, is the major cause of acid rain. Acidic deposition or acid rain as it is commonly known, occurs when emissions of sulphur dioxide  and oxides of nitrogen  react in the atmosphere with water, oxygen and oxidants to form various acidic compounds. Sunlight further accelerates this process with the introduction of heat. These compounds then fall to the earth in either wet form (such as rain, snow, and fog) or dry form (such as gas and particles). There are many effects of acid rain all of which are very negative for the environment. These gases and particles can eat and corrode away the objects which they settle "n, One more...

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a 'high-speed transmission protocol in which data blocks are broken into small cells that are transmitted individually and possibly via different routes in a manner similar to packet-switching technology'. In other words, it is a form of data transmission that allows voice, video and data to be sent along the same network. In the past, voice, video and data were transferred using separate networks: voice traffic over the phone, video over cable networks and data over an Internet work. ATM is a cell- switching and multiplexing technology designed to be a fast, general-purpose transfer mode for multiple services. It is asynchronous because cells are not transferred periodically. Cells are given time slots on demand. What separates ATM is its capability to support multimedia and integrate these services along with data over a signal type of transmission method. The ATM cell is the data unit used more...


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