Television is not a bad thing, but in fact is a resource that can be used to educate and entertain people of all ages. There are many programs on television, which do not educate, because everyone needs to be entertained. Television stations should organise their programs so that the education shows are shown when children get home from school so that the children will be able to learn while enjoying themselves at home. I think that this is an excellent use of television and more use should be made of it in education, because it offers many advantages to classroom teaching. Comedy programs, however, make viewers laugh, feel better, and make people generally happier. These programs should be encouraged, instead of the 'real life' dramas. Sports programs and broadcasts of sporting matches are very good. With them, fans of the sports can watch only parts of a match, or watch more...

Cicero defined superstition as "Fear of God". In earlier times people looked upon natural pehnomena as particular signs from the gods. Thunder warned of the displeasure of Lord Indra and havoc of floods was a sign from Lord Varuna. Today in the age of computers, irrational fear appears to be an anachronism. It is considered holy to bathe in the Ganges, especially during Kumbha Mela days, to get rid of one's sins. If sin's could be washed by a holy dip, then fish would have the first claim to a place in Heaven, according to Sufi Saint Bulbe Shah. Our elders observe Shradhs by offering sumptuous meals and Charity (Daan) to Brahmins for the satisfaction of the souls of our forefathers. Does it not amount to pampering the Brahmins whom we are ourselves making divine agents? When one goes for an examination, it is a must to eat sweetened curd more...

My father is in Dena Bank. His bank is in Darya Ganj. He goes there by bus. When we are all together, we have a lot of fun. My father tells us many jokes. On holidays he takes us to a picnic, or for outing. Last Sunday he took us to a magic show. We enjoyed the show very much. I love him very much. He gets up early in the morning. Then he takes exercise. After bath he meditates for half an hour. He is very regular in his work. It keeps him fit and healthy. He is thirty-seven years of age. He is head of our family. I am really proud of him. He loves me very much. He is very social. He is always ready to help others. He always tries to solve the problems of his neighbours. Sometimes, he helps the poor people. He cannot see more...

The two words. Tourism and Education are closely interrelated. If education means the harmonious development of our body, mind and soul, then tourism has certainly a great role to play in the process of education. In Europe and America it is rightly considered to be an integral part of education. Every student in these countries, after finishing his/her educational career, is expected to undertake a tour of at least some of the important countries of the continent. Tourism in its modem sense of the term has developed on account of economic prosperity in many parts of the world during the post-War years, together with greater leisure and the revolutionary development and growth of transport system. Tourism is, however, not a phenomenon. Only it has made new strides- People have been undertaking hazardous journeys for thousands of years either on pilgrimage or in quest of new lands and new ideas. Tourism more...

I study in D.A.V. Public Senior Secondary School. Our School is the best school. It is a double storeyed building. It is situated in Rohini. The ground floor is for junior classes and the first floor is for senior classes. It is one of the best schools in the Rohini. It is at the top. It always shows good result. It is a big school. The building of the school is very beautiful. There are twenty-two class rooms in it. All rooms are airy and big. There is a big library and a science laboratory in my school. It has many books on different subjects. We daily go to the library and read books. There is also a staff-room, a assembly hall and Principal office. About seven hundred students read in my school. They do well in the examinations. There are forty teachers in our school. They are highly experienced. more...

There are only four persons in my family. The family consists of my father, my mother, my younger sister and myself.  My sister is younger to me by two years. We are the students of the same school. We go to school together and return together by the school bus.  I am studying in class ninth and she is the student of class seventh. On return from the school, we play together. I have a pet dog. My father is working as teacher. My mother is a housewife and looks after the household. She remains busy throughout the day. She helps me and my sister in completing our home work. We go out sometimes. My family is a happyfamily.

Delhi is my city. It is the capital of India. It is a big and beautiful city. It is situated on right sides of the Jamuna river. All kinds of people live here. It has been divided into New Delhi and old Delhi. It is famous for so many things. The Jama Masjid, Gurudwara Sis Ganj and BiriaMandir are its important holy places. We have business centres like ChandniChowk, Sadar Bazar, Connaught Place and Ajmal Khan Market. The Vijay Ghat, Shanti Van and Rajghat are the most important places in Delhi. We find here ParliamentI louse. Red Fort, Old Fort and the QuatabMinar. Many foreigners, when they come to Delhi, do visit these places. It has broad and fine roads. But the traffic is very heavy. There are many tall buildings. There are schools, colleges, banks, offices, hotels, factories, markets, parks and gardens. The city is expanding day by day. more...

Dowry system is one of the greatest evils of our society. The sacred institution of marriage is reduced to a business transaction. In fact, the whole affair has assumed the proportion of a scandal. It is the system which lowers the dignity of women. The parents of the girl are made to pay not only huge amounts of cash but also give luxury items like television  sets, refrigerators, scooters, etc., all in the name of dowry.  Poor parents borrow huge sums of money on high rates a interest to provide dowry. Many girls are put to a lot of trouble, and some of them even commit suicide. The system has been in practice in India from times immemorial. As the Hindu law in the past did not give the girl the right to property, the father gave away a part of his property to the daughter in the form of more...

Many students are found indulging in politics these days. Some are even member of diff political parties. For these reasons participation in politics by student is much discussed topic these days. There are diff views whether students should take part in politics or not. Some plead in favour of the idea while others reject it outright. Politics as treated here means active participation in political movements. Politics is to be differentiated from the regular subject of studies e.g. political sc. In the case of India, students started participating in politics in the early stages of the freedom movement, after the formation of the Indian National Congress. The elderly people being busy with their bread-earning activities. Political leaders started enlisting the support of the   student   community. Being   young   and energetic, students were used by political parties to back them and support their cause. Students joined the political parties to back them more...

An ordinary person may consider meditation as a worship or prayer. But it is not so. Meditation means awareness. Whatever you do with awareness is meditation. "Watching your breath" is meditation; listening to the birds is meditation. As long as these activities are free from any other distraction to the mind, it is effective meditation. Meditation is not a technique but a way of life. Meditation means 'a cessation of the thought process'. It describes state of consciousness, when the mind is free of scattered thoughts and various patterns. The observer (one who is doing meditation) realizes that all the activity of the mind is reduced to one. A Tibetan Lama was being monitored on a brain scan machine by a scientist wishing to test physiological functions during deep meditation. The scientist said -'Very good Sir. The machine shows that you are able tp go very deep in brain relaxation, more...


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