Last Monday I attended a birthday party of my friend. It was his fifteenth birthday. He celebrated it with great Pomp and show. He had invited all his friends and relatives. Thearrangement of party was done in hall of a hotel. I Along with other friends reached there in time. His parents were standing at the door of the hall. Theygreeted all the guests arriving at the hotel. They greetedus and welcomed us in the party. We entered the hall and took our seat. We were offered cold drinks and snacks. My friends Gagan were busy in meeting his relatives. Gagan sawus and came to meet us. We wished him happy birthday and presented him thegift. He asked us to take cold drinks and enjoy ourselves. The guests kept on coming. In late evening the cake cutting ceremony started. Abng table was put in the center of the hall. A more...

Our annual School Sports Day falls normally in the month of November each year. It is not a very grand affair like some other schools, but it is the grandest as far as our school is concerned. We are not considered a 'premier' school but we do what we can to make the Sports Day as memorable as it can be. On the morning of this Sports Day, which is a Saturday, almost every student is involved in its preparation, the opening ceremony is due to start at 2 pm and there are many things to get ready before that. Many boys and girls are busy decorating their respective House Booths so that they look as beautiful as possible. There is a prize for the best booth and each House (there are four of them) is set on winning the honour. Some boy scouts are busy arranging chairs in the more...

Human beings are born equal in dignity and rightsthese are moral claims which are present in all humanIndividuals by virtue of their humanity alone.Theseclaims are formulated in what is known as human Rights. Human life and human dignity have been disregards throughout history and continue to be misused even Today. Yet even though laws have been made to safeguard a human being's dignity, discrimination continues to Exist because of prejudice, limitations, ignorance and Mans own greed for control and power. These rights have been needed to defend slavery, illtreatment on the grounds of sex, race, colour, descent, Religion, caste, and class. The International Bill of Human Rights was founded on 10th December, 1948, when the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' was founded by thei .general Assembly as a common standard of Achievement for all people and nations. The rights are of two kinds—civil and political rights.These include, the right to more...

My father is a great football enthusiast. In his youngdays he was the Captain of his college Football Eleven. Now he often goes to see a football match. Sometimes he views a football match on T.V. He never".losesopportunity to see a good football match as far as possible. Last Sunday my father took me to see a football match it was played at King's Stadium at Lords Avenue. We Reached the Stadium on our two-wheeler scooter. Weparked the scooter and bought two tickets and then Entered Stadium. The match was between a Local team and a visitingRussian team. The Stadium was full to capacity. It was a cool bright afternoon of October. The tall and sturdy players looked very smart in their dresses. Soon the match began. It proved be an exciting Match. The Russians played fast and scored the first goal inthe 15 minute. The Local team struggled hard. more...

I think that the media have little to do with the increase in violence. Too many people try to place the blame of their actions on someone or something else. I think that there are several steps that should be taken to eliminate violence. Factors that is to blame for Violenceare parents roles in their children's lives and personal responsibility. Con sequences should be more effectively carried out. Alternatives to violence should be encouraged and Practiced on a greater scale. I think that the process of discouraging violence should begin at home. Parents should raise their children with the values and morals to act responsibly and take the blame for their own actions. Parents should act in Manner than reflects this theory. Most people can control their actions and refrain from violent acts. If parents encourage better behavior then children will carry out this behavior throughout their adult lives. When more...

Insects are a nuisance. Ants, flies, mosquitoes interrupt our home life and we always try to get rid off them. We use insecticide, sprays, fly poison and mosquito coils. Somehow, they keep coming back in undiminished numbers, much to our disgust and discomfort. The only course of action then is to minimize their presence as much as possible. Mosquitoes are more than a nuisance. They are carriers of deadly diseases, like dengue fever and malaria. The most effective way to get rid of them is to prevent them from breeding. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water. The larvae that hatch spend a good few days in water before they transform themselves in pupae and finally to young mosquitoes, in water they breed fast. So we should not leave any water stagnant at any period of time. All vessels in and around the house should be either overturned or should be more...

I live in a city that is noisy, polluted and over-crowded, but I love it simply because I was born here and have never been to a village to know the quiet bliss of village life My friends who go to the village for holidays tell methat it is peaceful, slow-paced and laid back, where life Is really simple and the fresh air is vibrant. Their description of a village is a cluster of mud houses, where community of families', say roughly a hundredodd families live in peace and harmony. Where eachfamily extends its support, help and commitment tothe other. Most of the villagers depend on agriculture, laborcottage industries to survive. Many of them are illiterateand know no other profession except farming, whichhas been passed on as a means of survival for generations. Festivals and fairs hold tremendous significance invillage life, where small joys make people happy. Life is no more...

Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest man of the 20th century; he was respected by the whole world. The Greatest scientists, Eienstein, said that the coming generation would not easily believe that such a man ever lived on the earth. The greatest thing about him was that he was a human to the core and has a loving heart for the poor and the homeless. He felt for all and washed well to the entirehumanity. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in porbandar, in the Kathiawar region of Gujarat on 2nd October, 1869. He received his early education at home.His father advised his son to go to England for higher studies. In England, Gandhiji qualified for the bar. But on his return from England he did not succeed .as a lawyer. So he went to South Africa. There he found that his countrymen were suffering under cruel laws. He led a protest more...

It is said when examinations are approaching, student suffer from examination fever. And rightly Examinations are regarded as a curse by students. The approach of examinations means the beginning of fear in the mind of a student. As a matter of fact Examinations are the only hurdles in an otherwise happy and carefree life of a student. The bugbear of an examination interrupts the smooth course of a student's life; games, musical concertadebates and activities are all stopped when examinations are nearing. Students are not to be found at the cinema houses restaurants and other places of entertainment during those days. Examinations are held to test student's ability, to cheek up the work they have done during a term, to judge what progress they have made and to determine whether they have been utilizing or wasting their time. If there were no examinations, the merits of the various students could more...

The production of food is one of the primary concernsof the Indian Government. Since there are so many Mouths to feed the quantity of food too have to increase. Food production in the current year is expected to touch14 million tones which represents an increase of 15million tones over the level achieved in 1982-83. Thisshows a positive trend emerging. Yet India is not totally self-sufficient where food is concerned. Food has to be imported too. India imported 0.52 million tons in 1981/1.58 million tons in 1982 and 3.73million tones in 1983. The main reason for this is thatIndia depends heavily on the monsoon for good crops. Often about two-third of the cultivated area fails to getadequate moisture during the cultivation season. Thereal solution of the chronic food shortage lies in the achievement of self defendant food production. It has been calculated that we need to produce 225million tones by 2000AD more...


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