Travelling by air is one of the most exciting ways of travelling, and the Airport from where air travel being Is a place bustling with activities, people coming, andgoing, and announcements being made to remind Passengers that their flight is about to take off. After arriving at the Airport, it is customary to deposit your baggage at the airline counter. The officer on duty examines your air ticket. Expect a queue at the counter but wait your turn patiently—it will come. After your tickets have been checked, the baggage isweighed. The standard baggage permitted is 20 kgs per Passenger traveller on the economy class, and 30 kgs for those travelling in the first class, on both domestic and international flights. The baggage that is not required on the flight is checkedin. Normally a small bag is allowed into the aircraft, No large baggage is permitted. This is placed on the more...

Education has decidedly a role to play in fighting thevirus of communalism. In fact it is the considered view of all leading sections of society that education aloneshall go a long way in fighting the communal virus. Communalism is a venomous phenomenon which has been propagated by the ruling circles from times Immemorial fundamentally commnalios has been found by these ruling circles gointe having in order to Perpetuate their despoils rule. This practice has beenpoloned for long and people of various religions do on Denominations have been making to fight each other. It is only communatism that sprits the people into from professing different religious-Hindusims, Islam, Christian etc. These were the forces which end to thepartition of our country in 1947. This poses a great threatto the political scene of India. Communalism halts the progress of society and greatcesauncongenial atmosphere between people. Leaders in India have been coucerd with the more...

Colours will fill the atmosphere as people throw abeer and gulal in the air showing great joy and mirth in the arrival of this Spring Festival. Holi marks the end of the winter gloom and rejoices in the bloom of the spring time. It is the best time and season to celebrate; Holi provides this opportunity and people take every advantage of it. Days before Holi, the markets get flooded with the colours of every hues. This aptly sets the mood of the people till the actual day of Holi. It is such a colourful and joyous sight to watch huge piles of bright red, magenta, pink, green and blue everywhere on the streets. Buying those colours seems as you are bringing joys and colour to your home and into your life. Children taketerrial delight in the festival and demand every colourin load. They have so many plans in their more...

The policy of divide and rule was adopted by the British in India as they wanted to manage and manipulate Indians to suit their political ends. They created a communal mind in India — Hindus, Muslims,' Christians and Sikhs lived like brothers before theI British came to India. Three British planted the seed of separatism on the basis of language, religion and caste. Soon the Hindu beganto feel different from his Muslim neighbor and this often led to a tendency to compare each other in termsof benefits from the government. When India earned her Independence, she was able todrive away the British but the damage done by them is almost permanent. They have managed to change the psyche of the Indian, to such an extent that even todaypeople belonging to different religions are struggling to be one up on the other. Today the task before Indians is to unite IndiaPolitical more...

Last year I celebrated my birthday exactly the way I wanted to. My parents had told me that I could .it them for anything on my birthday and 1 asked them toarrange a grand party for my friends. My mother is my best friend when it comes to invitingmy friends home. She helped me to make invitation cards and to fill them up with names. She made a list of all the friends that I wanted to call and then made a card to send to each of my friends. The contents of each card were different so as to suit the taste of the particular friend to whom it was sent. Next she took me to the market and we bought balloons and streamers, masks and caps etc to decorate the housewith. We ordered the cake and bought wrapping paperalong with the return presents. As we reached homewe sat more...

Prices are risingevery day in all parts of the world.Inflation isaffecting every section of the society. About three decades ago we could purchase wheat at thirty rupees a quintal, but today we cannot get it at less thanhundred rupees a quintal in big cities. Everything was inexpensive in the past. Today there is no limit to the prices of all kinds of items. Millions of People in the world have to go hungry. They have to world to make both ends meet. A clerk used to earn Rs. 60/- in pre-independence days, but now he gets about thousand in most places. Office pay is much higher. The government tries to raise the pay scales, but the employees are not satisfied. They have large families to maintain and it becomes difficult for them to feed somany mouths with hardly any money. There is a dearth of cheap accommodation and there are more...

People living in cities do not know what living in .a village means. They cannot understand the charms of village life. It is rightly said, "God made the country and manmade the town." India is a land of villages who’s more than 80% of the population lives in rural areas. The people living in villages lead a simple and peaceful life and majority of them are farmers or agricultural laborers. The village people are very hard-working. Early in themorning when most people in the cities and towns an A sleep, village is awake and full of activity. The farmer'are seen going to their fields with the plough and bullocks to till the land. The women tend to their cows and buffaloes and milk them. When free from this work they cook food and take it to the fields for their husbands to eat. They also come to the village well more...

Ones when I was going to my school which is at a distance of two miles from our town, we found Ourselves caught in a dust storm. Some people started screening "Duststorm" even before it hit us. I felt that Somthing extraordinary was about to happen. The nextminute it actually took place. I found something wrong with the sky. It looked dark and murky. Soon, dark clouds began to close in on us. Suddenly there- was a lot of confusion all around the roads and on the streets. I started driving my bike at full speed but the dust laden wind would not allow me to do so. The wind was blowing from the front. I got down and drafgged my bike. I found shelter under a tree but the fear of the tree being uprooted began to haunt me. The tree swung and Dreaked dangerously but it did not more...

A bus stand is a very busy and important place in every town and city. It is a central place where the people ofthe city reach to catch a bus to reach their destination. Last week, I had to see off my friend/ Rahul. I reached the- local bus stand with him. We saw a long row of buses parked there. But there was none by which my friend had to go. We had to wait for quite some time. I bought the ticket for my friend. He stood in a queue silently. After Sometime, the bus came. It was overloaded. Only a fewpassengers alighted from it. The number of passengers who wanted to board it was quite large. The result was that the queue got broken. Everybody now wanted to board the bus out of turn. There was a sort of scuffle there among the passengers who wanted to more...

All men and women want success, but only a few have it. They know the secret of success. Success comes by hard work and perseverance. A lazy man or won cannot succeed. A lazy student can seldom achieve good grades. If you are not prepared to work hard you should not expect good results. If you want to succeed you must know the value ofTime is money. Lost time means a lost opportunity. The punctuality and economy of time lead to success and happiness. Life is too short to be wasted. And there is so much to be done. All great man and women have complained of shortness of life. One becomes great and successful just as one knows how to make best use of time. For success it is necessary that we know our aim. We must select wisely a career or a profession. Choosing Bin' right path is more...


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