People all over the world have found an easy way to get out of tricky and awkward situations. Whenever we do something that we know is wrong or that whichdoes not meet the approval of others, we lie. If we break something that is very precious to our, we lie and say that we did not have anythingdo with it. If we lose something or if we get late for .an appointment, we make excuses and say that we got held up in a traffic jam or any other lie that comes to our mind seems useful to get us out of the embarrassing situation. Not only children but adults also tell lies. In fact as people grow older the nature of the untruth that they speak also becomes more calculated and sometime harmful. Deceiving people by telling those lies about them – inother words flattering them to get something more...

Last Sunday was our school Annual Day. We had been preparing for it since a long time. We spent a month in Practicing for a drill which included the students of the entire senior school. It needed a lot of coordination and our uniforms had to be in perfect condition. We had arranged a military band to play the music the March Past. Even marching had to be done carefully so that all of us walked in step with each other. Parents were invited to the annual day and thus caused great deal of excitement in our hearts. There was Race organized. The three legged race/ the potato relay race the hop skip and jump race etc. were the various race that were organized. Every student hoped thathe may be able to win the first prize at these events. Besides races, dances and other such cultural events were organized. We more...

I am the eldest child in my family. I have two younger sisters. However, I have always wished that I was the Youngest as the youngest child in the family always seems to be the most pampered one. Being the eldest child has a lot of disadvantages. I have been expected to have a lot of sense. My parents always put a great deal of responsibility on my shoulder and Ioften find myself stuck doing things that I would have hated to do. But being the eldest I have no choice but to carry out my parents' orders. Now if I had our elder brother I would have been the happiest boy on this earth. My brother would have taken care of me and my sisters. I would have gone to school with him and he wouldI Live been my guide in the school bus and also at school.  Older more...

The name of my country is India. It is a very big country. In the matter of population it is next only to China. Itspopulation is more than 100 crore of people. India is divided into several States. Some of the bigStates are Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, etc. Among the UnionTerritories there are Chandigarh, Pondicherry, etc. Jammu and Kashmir lies in the north of India. Thesouthernmost Indian State is Tamil Nadu. India is spread from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari and fromAssam to Gujarat. The Indian people believe in different religions. They eat different kinds of food and wear different kinds of Clothes. They speak different languages. But they are are Indians. India is an ancient country. It remained under foreign rule for many centuries. In 1947, it became independent. If adopted a democratic set up. It became a republic in1950. India is a sovereign, secular country. All more...

It is true that we should avoid living in make-believe World. Day-dreaming often leads a dreamer to disappointment, frustration and discontentment. It is neither Thriller practical; nor a possibility in real life. But it has often been witnessed that miracles do, at times, occur in a man's life. The advice that I should act only in the living presentwith heart within and God overhead doesn't seem to Have been coined for me. I am a human being made up of blood and flesh. I can’t prevent myself from lapsing into reveries, if i choose so. So if I ever succeed in becoming a millionaire, By virtue of a miracle, or by love of my day-dreaming, I-know in advance as to how I shall spend my newly Acquired money. My first priority will be the homeless people who are old have been rejected as useless wretch. These people are considered parasites more...

The most common form of transport that does not require petrol or oil-driven engines is the bicycle- Many people, especially school children and those who cannot afford cars and motorcycles make use of this cheap form of transport. The bicycle is a very simple machine to use. It takes only a short time for an average person to master it. Also, one feels the inner urge to hop on to it and pedal off, unless of course, if a tyre is punctured or one does not know how to ride a bicycle. In big towns and cities, however the bicycle is not very popular. This may be due to two things. Firstly, the cars and the lorries tend to disregard cyclists on the road and often the poor cyclists are bullied mercilessly. Cyclists have to give way to the racing cars, get honked at, are left to breathe the foul more...

A morning walk is recommended by doctors to all thosewho want to live a long and healthy life. A walk early in the morning is extremely refreshing. It is beneficial not only for the body but also for themind. It invigorates our body and prepares us to bear the brunt of the day's work. At this time everything is fresh and free from pollution. I am an early riser. When I wake up in the morning I goout for an early morning walk. I do not like to be bothered by anyone else's company. Going with somecompanion means breaking into frequent conversationon the way. I therefore cannot concentrate on thebeauty of nature around me. This is why I prefer going all alone. What I love most is the chirping of birds in the morning their melodious chirping is enchanting. They seem to become the sun with their sweet notes. After more...

One evening when the sun was about to set, my mother asked me to go and buy some onions and salt from a nearby sundry shop. The shop is run by Ramlal, a jovial middle-age man with a huge pot-belly. His wife and two young children, a boy a girl, help in running the shop. It was almost completely dark when I reached the shop. Ramlal had switched on the lights in his small but adequately stocked shop. He was alone at the time and I was the only customer. Ramlal greeted me with a huge smile. I always wanted to ask him how he kept his teeth so sparkling white but I was afraid to ask Anyway I told him what I wanted to buy and he went about getting the things for me. Next door to Ramlal's shop is a coffee shop run by an another man. It more...

My grandfather used to tell me—never forget to repay a debt, but if you ever lent anything to anyone prepare not to be repaid. These are words that have guided me in life so far and I must say they are the wisest I have ever heard. Let me elaborate. On lending things, I remember once I lent a set of my favorite records to a friend who was holding a dance party. Naturally, I was one of the guests. After a lovely evening at the party, I asked my friend for my records. He said it was a bit late in the night to sort out my records from the others that he had borrowed. He assured me that he will do so first thing in the morning. Well, the morning came and went without any sign of him. So were the subsequent mornings and afternoons. He was not more...

Attitudes make a man what he is and also what heachieves in his life. One can be a born pessimist or an Optimist, but with careful discipline of the mind, onecan achieve a balance that makes life worth living. Life is never free from problems and failures. At timesof misfortune, it’s only one's positive attitude that sees One through hard times. If our ill luck could be changedby adopting a pessimistic attitude, there would be some sense in having such an attitude. If, however, one can continue to look at the brighterwide of life, the worst times pass and soon we find that We are on our feet again. If we grumble and complain, the problem seems to become even larger than it Actually is. There is a story about a man who was born into a veryrich family. He inherited a lot of wealth from his time went more...


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