Swami Vivekananda (January 12, 1863-July4, 1902), born Narendranath dutta is me chief disciple of the 19th century mystic Sri Ramakrishna  paramashsa. He is credited with raising inter-faith awareness and bringing Hinduism to the status of a world religion during the end of the 19th century. Best known for his inspiring speech beginning with “sisters and brothers of America", at the Parliament of the World’s religions Chicago in 1893, Vivekananda is considered to be a major force in the revival of Hinduism in modem India. In a short span of 39 years, Swami Vivekananda awakened and inspired great many souls that followed his precepts. His most famous statement was "Arise, Awake and Rest not till the goal is achieved." He gave a new direction to religion by transcending ritual concepts of religions and promoted formless and nameless meditative practices like raja Yoga and Spirituality. He is also regarded as one of more...

People have always been gullible where their hair is concerned. It is said that Queen Victoria drank silver birch wine made from sap because she believed it would cure her baldness. And despite icons such as David Beckham shaving off their locks, hair loss is refusing to become fashionable. Hair loss or baldness is not a life-threatening condition, but if it starts to dint your self-esteem, it is probably worth seeking treatment. One of the commonest problems is having fine, dull and flat hair. This generally happens due to use of cheaper products which often contain manmade plastic polymers that coat the hair and leave them looking dull. The solution would be to opt for ha high-end quality products that contain plant proteins such as keratin and soy protein which build up the hair more naturally, maintaining shine. Another common problem is split ends and breaking hair. People who use more...

Here in India we have all the seasons of the year summer is followed by autumn and winter. After the end of the chilly winter, the season changes. Then comes in the spring season. It is called the king of seasons. It ushers in cool breezes flowers, roses and green leaves. The whole atmosphere is full of sweet smell and fragrance. One become'young and buoyant (light-hearted). We can call it as the Season of flowers. The buds bloominto colorful blossoms. There is a riot of colours every where. The plants sprout into big trees. The seeds germinate into rich golden harvest. The birds sing and chirp day and night. New leaves come up Cool breeze blows. The spring season is in full swing Nature is at its best. In India we have all the six season'. Their circle is incessant and endless. They come turn by turn. But the beauty more...

My favourite scientist is Thomas Alva Edison. Now as a child he was considered to be a foil. He was not attentive to his studies and could not pull on well at school. His wise and sympathetic mother, however, succeeds in teaching him the essentials of education, reading, writing and arithmetic. Pressed by poverty, Edison had to work for a living at an early age. But from his very childhood, he was fond of making various experiments some of which madehim the laughing stock of the common people. A kind railway guard allowed him to set up his laboratory and printing press in compartment of the train. Besides selling fruits and candles, Edison sold his ownnewspaper edited and printed by himself: Unluckily one day a bottle broke and Inflammable substance in it set fire to some of the boards. The angry guard put youngThomas along with his apparatus and printing more...

Books are a storehouse of knowledge. All that men have observed, learnt and experienced over the centuries has been enshrined in books. In other words, it is in books that the great minds of the past ages are kept safe for generations to come. Books are our best friends. Even our closest friends andnearest relatives may part company with us in time of adversity, but books always stand by us. They stand by us through thick and thin. They never betray us. When the dark clouds of misery engulf us from all side and we feel helpless, books come to our rescue. We read them, consult them and regain hope and confidence which no living human being could impart. In earliest times, man was uncivilized and barbariansomeone thought of writing and when he joined tin written pages to form a unit, the first book took its birth. Previously, books were more...

Until a few years ago, higher education and quality education was not affordable to some illustrious students because of the financial constraints. There was no alternative but to jump in the job market prematurely which led to untimely end of budding talents and their forceful transformation to the mediocrity. Of course, there were scholarships, but those were so less in numbers that only luckier few could avail them. But now the scene has changed drastically. The boom in the banking sector has led to release of large amount of funds for education loans. Now, education loans are easily available from various banks in India and this change is encouraging more and more students to take up higher education despite their financial shortcomings. Many nationalized as well as private banks have come up with various educational loan schemes that students can benefit from. The wave of change could be well gauged more...

The religious and social ideas adopted and developed by Gandhi, first during his period in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, and later in India, are collectively referred as Gandhian Philosophy. Later Gandhians like Vinoba Bhave and Jayaprakash Narayan further developed these ideas. Views of' Martin Luther King Jr. can also be studied in this light. The philosopliy of d.iudlii exists on several planes—the spiritual or religious, moral, political, economic, social, individual and collective. Though spiritual or religious element, and God, are at its core, truth and non- violence arc  the twin c;irdin;il principles of Gandhi's thought. For Gandlii, truth or satya is the relative truth of truthfulness in word and deed, and (he absolute truth—the Ultimate Reality. This ultimate truth is God (a.s God is also Truth) .mil morality—the moral laws and code—its basis. Non violence or ahisa, fo from meaning mere peacefulness or the absence of overt violence, more...

Punctuality implies proper use of time at the rightmoment instead of repenting on the lost time later. The Phrase 'a stitch in time saves nine' conveys that if acloth needs a stitch, it should be mended immediately; otherwise the cloth may tear further and require more Stitches. Of course, it is better and easier to make a single stitchIn less time than to make many stitches in more time. We should always act wisely and in time. We mustmake proper use of time. Time wasting may result in a Great loss of life and money. The virtue of punctuality is not difficult to observe. Awakeful mind can easily observe it while a lazy person cannot. He, who delays his work often, suffers for it.Rules of punctuality are against postponement. It is hard to imagine the chaos if schools, colleges, offices, trains etc. were to run at the unscheduled Timings. The more...

In the last several years, many observers of education and learning have been stunned by the abundance of information online, the ever-faster fundability of answers, and the productivity of online 'crowds', which li.ive created information resources like Wikipedia and YouTube. There are three common strands of current thought about education and the internet. First is the idea that the instant availability of information online makes the memorization of facts unnecessary or less necessary. Second is the celebration of the virtues of collaborative learning as superior to with a individual learning. And third is the insistence that lengthy, complex books, which constitute a single, static, one-way conversation with an individual, are inferior to knowledge co-constructed by members of a group. Though seemingly disparate, these three strands of thought me interrelated. Each tends to substitute the Internet for individual learning and knowledge. The Internet is now the fountain of knowledge and that more...

Childhood is the most innocent phase in human life. It is that stage of life when the human foundations are laid for a successful adult life. Many children, instead of spending it in a carefree and fun-loving manner while learning and playing, are scarred and tormented. They hate their childhood and would do anything to get out of the dungeons of being children and controlled and tortured by others. They would love to break-free from this world, but continue to be where they are, not out of choice, but force. This is the true story of child labour. Innocent children are employed by industries and individuals who put them to work under grueling circumstances. They are made to work for long hours in dangerous factory units and sometimes made to carry load even heavier than their own body weight. Then there are individual households that hire children as domestic help more...


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