The cinema is a major form of recreation in most countries of the world. Man's love for stories attracts Him to the cinema. The cinema provides us with entertainment and sometimes educates us too. Depending on the quality of films produced by the directors, one could labelcinema as a curse or a boon. The cinema in India is mainly produced in Bombay there are hundreds of films produced here every year India is known to be the highest producer of movies inthe world. Indian cinema provides us with a good view of the glamour and glitter of the affluent Indian society and also the poverty and misery found in the slums of this country. Hence the cinema presents a fairly authentic picture of the life of Indians. It educates the public within Help of stories that depict conflicts between the good, and the evil in our society. There is some more...

Gaurav is the naughtiest boy in my class. He is alwaysup to some mischief no matter what time of the day it may be His main interest in coming to school is not tostudy but to have fun. Gaurav often gets punished and Then he cries and promises never to create any mischief again. Last week Gaurav caused a lot of trouble in our class. Our maths teacher is detested by everyone. Gaurav hasan exceptional degree of hatred for him. Gaurav andour maths teacher had a confrontation and Gaurav Decided to teach Mr. Joshi (our maths teacher) a lesson. He knew that Mr. Joshi had the habit of going to that’stoilet after fifteen minutes of teaching our class. Sob Gaurav planted a bomb which would blast after fifteen minutes. There was a loud hang in the toilet and Mr. Joshi came out looking pale and scared. He had a feeling more...

The presentsera is the era of science. Science has undoubtedly done a great service to mankind. Man, a rational being, has been curious to explore mysteries of nature and this led to many discoveries being made in various part of the world. But hi is never satisfied with the acquired knowledge and is always keen to unraveled mysteries of the Universe He has conquered the land and air. His incredible lust for knowledge has revolutionized human life raised the standard of life. He was able to invent innumerable ways of making his life comfortable and happy. Every sphere of life has been revolutionized by science. There have been innumerable inventions. One of the greatest inventions is the invention of medicines. There has been a series of tests carried out using animals as subjects and various medicines have been tried out on these animals to check their efficacy. Many fatal diseases more...

Good health is a boon. It is a precious gift of nature. Only a healthy person can lead a happy and successful Life. A sick person, however rich, cannot have ameaningful life. A person is healthy if he does not suffer from any illness in body, mind and spirit. All healthy person has a lot of stamina. He can do hardwork. He can achieve whatever he likes. He can relishand digest whatever he eats. Disease and sickness is a curse. It makes life miserable. Good health is like the morning sunshine, mellow and bracing.  It imparts comfort and happiness to othersaround us. A sound health is far better than a thousandother gifts. To maintain good health we have to observe certainrules. When ill we should get cured as soon as possible.But prevention is better than cure. Good healthprevents sickness. To keep fit and healthy we must have proper diet and more...

Children are the assets of a nation. They are innocentlike angels of God. It is not only the responsibility of the parents but also, of the society at large to i-ineverything possible for the welfare of the children. When a child comes into this world, he draws blanabout this world. He is completely at the mercy of in Parents. Even before his birth, attention should have been givento his physical and mental growth in the mother’s Womb and that is what is being done in more advanced countries and is being increasingly realized in Country as well. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to provideblanced and nourishing diet to expectant women. Every woman must be given proper enlightenment about providing proper diet to the child, besides her Breast-milk which is the most nourishing diet for It also provides him complete with immunity Against several fatal diseases. It is very more...

A hospital is an institution in which sick and injuredpersons are given medical or surgical treatment. Hospitals are government as well as private. Government hospitals do not charge anything for theservices they provide. But private hospitals charge goodamount for the treatment for their services to ill persons.No one happily goes there. But all of us might have gone there. Last week I happened to visit the local hospital to seemy uncle. My uncle had been admitted there for an Operation of his heart. There was a great rush of visitorsin the compound who came to meet their patients. When I went to meet him, he was sleep. The whole wardwas full of patients. They were suffering from differentdiseases. Some of the crying due to pain. Some were sleeping. A young woman was lying with serious burns. In thenext ward a man had been stabbed in the back. Doctors And nurses more...

Every young man has an aim or ambition in life. A manwithout an aim cannot succeed. He cannot achieve his goal In fact; it is an aim that makes a man active. Without aim a man civilization is one of man's aims And efforts to achieve them. The aim of my life is to become a doctor. There is areason why I have chosen this career. Once one of my Classmates fell it. As he was poor, he could not get proper medical aid. His condition grew worse day by day When I went so see him, he looked at me helplessly. After a few days of illness, he died. It gave me a terrible Shok. I began to think about the suffering of people. I decided to become a doctor and do some service to the sick people. I will study hard to qualify myself as a doctor. When more...

In October every year our school holds the annual function for prize distribution. This year also the prize Distribution function was held. The function was held in our assembly hall within the compound as the school hall was not big enough to hold. All the students, teachers and the visitors. It was beautifully decorated with flags, mottoes and picture a large platform had been put up and over it Ware placed tables loaded with prizes and chairs for the governor and the high officials of the city. There Ware chairs for visitors, while we sat on benches. We all on our seats by 3.00 p. m. The governor and other guests arrived exactly at 3.15 p.m. He was Received at the gate by the principal. The boy scouts of the school welcomed the chief guest with national flags in the hands. The girls sang a beautiful chorus to welcome him. more...

The word Metro is generally used for undergroundrailways all over the world. This means of travelling is a modern transportation in human beings. Delhi hasbeen experiencing phenomenal growth in population In the last few decades. So, the number of vehicles has been increased to 40lakhs, these are more than' of Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. In Delhi, millions of people. The life is very hectic. Todaytraffic on the roads of Delhi is a mix up of cycles, Scooters, cars, buses, etc. resulting road accidents, traffic jam, environmental pollution and fuel wastage. To solved this situation the Indian Government andDelhi Government is setup a company on 3rd March, 1995 named as Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC). Now the Metro Railway project has been started at widelevel in Delhi. The Delhi government is taking interest for the people's benefits and facilities in going place to place. The first phase of Metro Rail more...

Hoarding a bus in Delhi is a feat in itself and travellingin an overcrowded bus is a true patience test for the Passenger. Here is my only experience of travelling inone such bus. Once I and my friend were returning home from school. We had to wait for nearly an hour at the bus stop. Toour relief the bus came but much to our distress it wasovercrowded. I hesitated but my friend forced me toboard the bus as waiting in the sun for another buswould be no less torturous. Inside the bus it was suffocating. There was a mixed smell of perspiration due to the summer heat. We must have trod on many boots to find a place where we couldget a little fresh air. As students we have the advantage of bearing concessional bus-passes which entitles us to travel by Any DTC bus.So there was no botheration of purchasingtickets. more...


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