Multicultural Education History, Past Challenges: One of themajor goals of the American school system is to provide allchildren with equal educational opportunity. However, withregard to minority students, meeting?, particular objective has presented a real challenge to educators as they have beenconfronted with the task of reshaping education in themultilingual, multicultural society that characterizes the UnitedStates. Many significant events contributed to the need ofschool reform. The Civil Rights movement launched by African Americans in (he 1960's, which resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, triggered major social changes in the' direction ofquality and jusstice for all. Consequently, the US Department of Education was charged " conduct a survey onavailability of equal educational opportunity and to provide technical and financial assistance to school boards in carrying  out  plans for the desegregation of public schools". Changing immigration patterns .also occurring since the 19n0's brought educational issues to the forefront more...

Fairs and festivals hold a special value in our life. Theirplace is permanent. We can miss our important choresbut not our festivals. Since they are the very life-breathof our religion and culture. They remind us of oursplendid past. The festival of Raksha Bandhan is the festival of pure love and brotherhood. Sisters tie sacred threads to the Wrists of their brothers, thereby reminding them of theirgreat responsibility. The brothers pledge to defend the honour of their sisters.This bond of love and affection is very unique. A piece of thread becomes a sacred promise, never to be snapped. It is renewed every year. This bond of love Takes a permanent shape. All over India sisters—married or unmarried young orold visit their brothers. They tie the piece of thread. They offer sweets and pray for the long life of their brothers.In return, the brothers give them some token money.The idea is to more...

Sometimes, parents advise their children not to playwith bad boys. Who are those bad boys whose companyis desired to be shunned? They are, actually just children as all other children.Only they have bad manners. In other words, they don'tobserve good manners or they don't know what goodmanners are. Maybe, they haven't been guided properly by theirparents or guardians or they are so headstrong that theyhaven't learnt to do any good in life nor perhaps theyhave any inclination to do so. If good manners are so important, then, of course, theymust be learnt and followed. Good manners sometimesoverlap with good habits. Such are rising early in the morning, brushing one's teeth, having a regular bath, putting on neat and clean clothes, polishing one's shoes daily, going to schoolregularly and punctually, having meals at regular times, not talking while eating, obeying and respectingteacher, parents and elders, reading good books, doinghomework regularly, etc. more...

Now days, the trends for studying abroad have shown an upward surge. The rising population levels of the students and researchers in India have triggered this phenomenon. There is no serious debate about the difference in the educational norms in the West and those in India; the Western societies are much ahead of us in terms of quality education. The inquisitive students of India certainly do well after studying in the educational institutions abroad. The pragmatic and scientific approach of the educational institutions of the West gives the students an edge over thosewho get education in India. Further, research students alsoI find that their efforts are very much productive (and respected)in the foreign countries and not in India. This unique featureof education in the alien lands has made our students queueup for admissions into the foreign universities. However, the grass may not always be greener in thedistant lands. There are more...

The British had to leave bag and baggage and for goodfollowing the long drawn struggle for freedom. Now, Indiais a free and sovereign country with Hindi as its nationallanguage. And the importance of English as a second officialand a link language continues. No doubt the British imposedEnglish on India but now it is not a foreign language as areGerman, French. Chinese or Russian. It continues to play animportant role within the country and outside in dealing;-, withforeign countries. For more than 2 centuries English has been in India andIndian writers and authors have made generous contributionin the development of English language and literature.Indianwriters in English include such well-known signaturesas Sarojini Naidu, Aurobindo Ghosh, Dom Moraes, NissimEzekiel, P. Lal, A.K. Ramanujan, Kamla Das, R. Parathsarthy,Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. N.irayan, Raja Rao, G.V. Desai, BhabaniBhaitacharya, Manohar Malgonkar, Kamla Markendeya, AnitaDesai, Khushwant Singh, Nayantara Sehgal, Salman Rushdie,Sreenivas lyengar, Vikram Seth, Sashie Tharoor, AmitavGhosh, more...

Winning a lottery is an easy way to riches. For me it shall be a dream comes true for I can do almost Everything I wish to do. Who doesn't desire to be rich or be a millionaire? Likeothers even I dream of leading a life where I am a Subject of envy and friendship. I wish I could win abumper lottery! It is not easy to decide what I shall do if I win a largesum of money. I shall buy a big bungalow expensive Clothes for myself and shower my relatives and friendswith rich gifts. I would love to tour my favorite touristresorts. In a way I shall spend all the amount satisfyingmyself and my close associates. Wait, wait, maybe I don't become so selfish. After all Ihave a soft heart for the poor. Now to plan the expenses,I shall open schools and colleges that will impart freeeducation more...

The summer vacation had begun and I had to stay at Ihome most of the time. My parents had decided to Remain in Delhi all through the summer. I was extremely disappointed. Delhi is known for its extreme climate and I began todread the summer of Delhi. It becomes so not that one is not allowed to play outdoors. There is always a risk of a sunstroke or heatstroke. Evenif one plays in the evening the heat makes it impossible for anyone to enjoy the game. The worst months in Delhi are May and June. It was the 25th June. I woke up late in the morning asusual. Most of my friends were away to hill stations and I was at a loose end. I didn't know what to do tokeep myself pleasantly occupied the whole day. Much against my mother's wishes, I decided to go tothe movie theatre all more...

According to Bacon "Reading maketh a full man; writing anexact man and conference a ready man.' And if someone askswhat reading, writing and conference make together, anyonewould say that they stand for education. In other words, wecan say that education makes anyone COMPLETE, ACCURATE and WORLDLY WISE. It means that no one is complete without education. Thus we can confidently say that education is necessary for the all-round development of the personality of a human-being. He cannot hope for success, name, fame and prosperity in life without it. Even a nation would be devoid of anyprogress, if its citizens fail to have the benefits of education.H.L Wayland has correctly said, "Universal suffrage, withoutuniversal education, would be a curse." For the success of anydemocracy, education is a must. Imagine a country withilliterate ministers voted to power by illiterate people! Unlorlunalely, there are many people who downgradetin- value of education and say more...

Children and adolescents spend almost 22-28 hours per weekwatching television. This is a sad fact because this is the largestamount of hours spent on any activity in your child's life,aside from sleeping. Television has a large influence onchildren's attitudes, ideas and behavior. According to asurvey, teens witness 10,000 murders, rapes and aggravatedassaults per year on TV and four out of five people believethat violence on television directly contributes to the waychildren view violence. When children watch TV, they seeother made up families, who deal with their problems differentfrom how anyone else would. Children assume that this ishow there life should be. We should teach our children about the reality of TVbecause television can affect the way a child acts, thinks andfeels about different issues such as violence, education, morality and gender, racial stereotypes TV glorifies violenceand weapons and teaches children that the easiest way ofresolving problems is through violence. Some more...

A festival plays a great role as it brings new joy andhope to the people. Of all the festivals I like Diwali. Diwali or Deepawali which means rows of lights is animportant festival of the Hindus. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country. Is festive day falls on theAmavasya of the month of kartik every year exactly twenty days after Dussehra by the Hindu calendar. This festival of lights sweets and crackers is celebrated with fun and frolic by all. In this day, the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after after gaining victory over Ravanais memorable. To welcome him back and to express theirjoy, the people of Ayodhyaallied rows of earthen lamps. Some others believe that Goddess Lakshmi of wealth and prosperity visits every house on this night. To welcome her lights are lit throughout the night Jains believe that in the early morning of this more...


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