Introduction. In olden times women in India had the place of slaves Men considered them weaker. Hence they imprisoned them within the four walls of home. In other words, Men lorded over them and kept them under their thumb. The girls were taught to obey their husbands blindly after their marriage. Their position in free India. Now India is changing fast. Still the women are treated as inferior to men. A. female child, girl, is not welcomed in an Indian house. She is looked upon as a curse for the family Parents think a girl a decree on them. Hence girl is not treated in the manner in which the boy is treated. As wife she is no better. She has always to obey her husband. She depends on her husband even for bread Even education could not bring change ''n the outlook of the educated husband. An educated husband more...

Introduction. Our leader’s right from Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru down to the Present Prime Minister said that India does not want to go nuclear in the sense of building up nuclear war-potential. It is now high time we should give a fresh thought to it. This is essential by the fact that our immediate neighbor under the military government has acquired a nuclear capacity. Although we have been trying our level best to be on friendly terms with Pakistan. The leaders of Pakistan have always been thwarting our peaceful and friendly gestures. Confirmation of Pakistan getting ready for manufacturing nuclear bomb. The earlier suspicion that Pakistan had been acquiring nuclear material and was getting ready to manufacture a nuclear bomb in a very short time has been confirmed on official grounds. Pakistan now has a military nuclear capability. Another important thing is that Pakistan has purchased the ultra modern nuclear more...

Introduction. The proverb "All work and no' play makes Jack a dull boy" is quite correct. This shows the need for rest, recreation and fun after doing hard work. Tiresome and constant work becomes a burden if we fail to get rest. So holidays are necessary. They remove fatigue from our body. They give comfort to our mind. Different kinds of holidays. There are two kinds of holidays - (1) Short holidays and (2) long holidays. Sunday is a short holiday. It gives us time to do our urgent work which we cannot do on account of busy life and routine work. We get long holidays on the occasion of festivals. Generally, such holidays are spent in celebrating festivals or to get recreation. Students get summer vacation which lasts for two months. How to make use of holidays? We must use long holidays in a proper way. A programme must more...

Introduction. Floods occur every year in some or other parts of India. During the rainy season rivers cause terrible floods which destroy life and property. The flooded rivers cause great destruction. They destroy crops, villages and cause loss of human and cattle population. The Northern part of India suffers annually. The Northern part of India suffers most on account of floods. In Bihar the Kasi, in U.P. the Ganga and the Yamuna and in Assam the Brahmaputra cause floods which bring ruin to the people every year. The rivers in the South seldom cause floods. Causes of the floods in India. There are many causes of floods in India. One of them, which are the main cause, is the heavy rainfall during monsoon season. Heavy rains cause floods because the rivers overflow when rain water of the neighboring area flows into the rivers. Another cause of floods is melting of more...

Introduction. English is a foreign language. But it is an international language because it is spoken and written in many countries of the world. Before 1947 it was the official language of the world. After Second World War it lost its past prestige. Importance of English. However, still English is an important language of the world. It has its importance in Science Industry and Politics. So people learn it. The people, who want to go to foreign countries for further studies in literature or in any other subject, learn it. This language is the medium through which people of the world understand one another. Thus English has the prestige of international language. A controversy about the future of English in India. Here is a great controversy whether English should continue in free India or not. The two views give their own arguments in for and against the existence of English more...

Introduction. India and Pakistan have come to an agreement on the issue of curbing terrorism and checking border crossing. The agreement is the result of Indian Home Secretary Mr.C.G.somiah’s visit to Pakistan in December, 1986 and meeting the Home Secretary of Pakistan. Steps suggested in the agreement. The first and immediate step is for controlling illegal border crossing. It suggests that the two sides should strengthen co-operation between their border security forces. The two Secretaries after discussing the entire range of illegal border crossing have decided to take necessary measures such as joint watch, keeping of the two borders in order to check illegal crossing on both sides. It has also being decided not to allow their respective territories to be used for any act of terrorism directed against internal peace and integrity of other country. Formation of two Committees. Again the two sides have decided to set up two more...

Introduction. Sanjay Gandhi, the younger son of our late worthy Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi had come forward with a revolutionary programme. He wished to improve the condition of the poor people. His programme. His programme can be divided under five Headings, i.e. (a) Adult Education. (b) To abolish Dowry. (c) To Grow more trees. (d) Family planning - only two children. (e) Eradication of caste system. Adult education. Sanjay Gandhi believed in democracy. He knew that India was the biggest democratic country in which masses were the makers of the rules. We must educate our masters or makers the three Rs. Realising the importance and success of democracy he had ' come forward with a slogan 'One teach one'. He said that every citizen must possess the elementary education. He had made an appeal to the young generation that every educated man should make one person literate, who would in more...

Introduction. The biosphere and ecosystem are self sustaining. Nature maintains a balance in land, water, air and the entire living organism in the world. Any imbalance in the biosphere is called environmental pollution. Factors, which give birth to Environmental pollution. The grand industrial development, the green revolution, the transport expantion, the rapid growl h of cities and accidental management of natural resources have badly affected environmcnal balance. The pollution of   air and water will soon reach a point when no place on the earth will remain sale. Due to large scale industrial and human settelments on grand scale many rivers have become gloomy and dark. The large scale industrial wastes, and oil poured in the sea have started killing marine life. Technological Development. Undoubtly the modern technological develop ant has been the main cause of polluting our air, ocean and rivers etc. It is a matter of great importance that more...

Introduction. Dowry custom has been a curse for India. It poses a challenge which seems difficult to meet- It has proved to be the greatest curse for the poor classes of India. The birth of girls is said to be a degree of thousands of rupees for the parents. Its origin. Originally the parents of the bride would give their daughters, ornaments and other necessary articles of daily use. By and by the rich men gave this system or custom and they began to fill the pockets of the parents of the bridegroom. In due course of time demand for dowry became most essential condition of the marriage settlement. Dowry is the problem of society at present. Though India has a large number of problems to solve, yet the biggest is the problem of dowry. Dowry has destroyed our economy. Today we fix dowry rates for boys of different categories-doctors, more...

Introduction. Democracy is a form of Government. It has been described in different ways by different thinkers. Abraham Lincoln, the President of U.S.A., called democracy, the government of the people, by the people and for the people. According to Mahatma Gandhi that form of Government is democracy in which the weakest Has the same opportunity; is the strongest. Democracy in India. Since India's new Constitution came into operation, we have lie Id eight general elections and the ninth is expected to be held by I lie end of this year (1989). These elections are held on the basis of universal adult franchise. They show our peoples' faith in democracy. India democracy in India in young. It is not as strong as western democracies. Obstacles in the success of democracy in India. Indian democracy still suffers from many ills. They are likely to continue for some time before they air completely more...


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