Introduction. The most popular boy of my school is Hari Om. He is my class-fellow. I have known him for many years. Last year he won the prize for being the best boy of the school. Every boy likes his charming manners. To see him to love him. I love and admire Hari Om most. His personality and physique. Hari Om is about 15 or 16 years old. He is a boy with good personality. His body is well built. He is taller and wiser than his age. He comes off a Brahmin family. His colour is fair. He has well-cut features. His qualities of head and heart. He is a rare boy for work and play. At school or in the playground he is always the hero. He is a true sportsman. I never saw him losing his temper in the playground. Being a fast runner, he is an more...

Introduction. Mahatma Gandhi once said "We have to produce a society of those people who profess different religions, but they live like brothers". In fact, this statement of Mahatma Gandhi has the essence of national integration in India, where people of different religions live together. Obstacles created by British rulers in the foundation of integration in India. The British rulers sowed the seeds of hatred among them. People of different religions in India, because they believed in the policy of "Divide and Rule". The British government in India encouraged Muslim League lo demand Pakistan on the basis of separate religion and separate nation. What Constitution of India says? But the Constitution of free India lays down that India is a secular state which means that people of different religions have full freedom of worship in this country and they live like brothers. What is National Integration National Integration means that more...

Introduction. Science has given many useful things to mankind. Electricity is one of them. It is a power source of energy produced by battery or a coil of wires or by dynamo machine. Wonders of electricity - (a) Electric light and fans. The wonders of electricity can be seen on all sides. Chief among them is electric light and fans. All comforts and luxuries of our life are owing to these two things. The use of electricity is growing day by day. Every house feels the absence of electricity. Electric light keeps our houses, shops roads, streets and other places illuminated. Its use has added to the beauty of towns and cities. Electric fans help us in the Fight against heat and cold. In summer the work in the office is done with the help of electric fans. (b) Telephone and telegraphs. Electricity is a good means of communication. Il more...

Constitution (64th Amendment) Kill Introduction. The constitution (64th Amendment) Bill, 1989, known as Panchayati Raj Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha on Ma 15, 1989. The Bill was claimed, 'historic and revolutionary' because it seeks to implement the policy resolution adopted by the AICC. Conference for the development of 'power to the people'. Objects and reasons of the Bill. The statement of the objects and reasons of the Bill says that a review of the working of Panchayati Raj institutions has shown that is many States they have become weak and ineffective owing to a variety of reasons. The reasons include to hold periodical elections, prolonged super sections indicate inadequate representation to the weaker section like Scheduled Castes, Schedulded Tribes and women, lack of financial resources 'and inadequate devolution of powers and responsibilities on them. Bill aims at making the Panchayat Units of self Government Although the local governments more...

Introduction. Man has been exploring land, ocean and space. It is, therefore, natural that he should turn to the frozen regions of the earth. Indians may also feel an attachment to Antarctica because it is believed that India, Latin America and Antarctica were once a single landmass. Where and what Antarctica is? Antarctica is ice-bound and uninhabited. But penguins and about 12 species of birds live there. The frozen sea has varieties of fish and other creatures. There is night for six months contioluously. The sun shines continuously for six months- i.e. day for six months. The region is free from pollution. The air is fresh and wholesome. The only problem is that of cold. Antarctica is called a sealed paradise on earth. Government's decision for exploration. In July, 1981 the Government agreed that India must begin scientific exploration of the continent of Antarctica because it was expected that the region more...

Introduction. The greatest and most difficult problem which India is facing at present is the problem of unemployment. It is both in rural and urban areas. A number of programmes have been implemented to provide employment. This programme have met with little success and therefore in the last in the series is the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, 1989. Funds for the Yojana. The previous Prime Minister announced the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana in the Lok Sabha and it became operative from April 28, 1989. In the first year the Central assistance for the implementation of the Yojana has been placed at Rs, 2,100 crores. The Centre will give 80% while the States will provide 20% of the funds. What the Yojana aims at? Under this programme of Yojana Panchayat will be the implementing body and thus the middle men have been sought to be eliminated. The Jawahar Yojana aims at reaching every more...

Introduction. Newspaper is the world's encyclopedia of life.’ It tells everything from every quarter of the globe. Significance of press. Press (or newspaper) occupies a very important place in our society. It plays a significant role in making the destiny of a nation. A newspaper in the present times makes us familiar with the up to-date current news of our nation. It also brings news of the world and the news of the masses to us. It tells us the General opinions of the public through Reader's Columns, articles and suggestions. Power of press. Press enjoys great powers in the society. Press comments and criticizes the laws and working of the government's affairs. It also suggests important amendments. Press educates the people's minds on legal, educational, historical, economic, political and social topics. It makes democracy a true success by rightly directing the public. Press is one of the important means more...

Introduction. The twentieth century is about in come to its end. We are making preparations for the 21st Century is expected to come after ten years. Now it is high time to think what will be the position of India in the 21st century. Position of India in 21st century. We presume that India will surely occupy an important position in the world in the new century. World will recognise her as the leader or torch bearer of Asia. Her relations with other countries. Every country in the world will try to have friendly relations with India. She will have good relations with our neighboring countries. Indo-Pak relations will improve and there will be free trade and communication between these two countries. India and China will succeed in selling their border disputes in the coming century and both will have very good relations with each other. The ethnic problem of more...

Introduction. Modern age is the age of science. It has given birth to cinema. Cinema has become an important part of modern life. Everyone likes to enjoy a picture. The cinema hall has the thickest rush. Cinema is a combination of arts. Cinema is a combination of so many artists. The story writer writes the story. The singer sings the songs. The musician gives the music. The actors and actresses play their role. The director gives direction. The photographer shoots the film. Advantages of cinema. Some of the chief advantages of cinema are as under:- (1) Means of recreation. Cinema is a cheap means of recreation. People go to cinema to relax themselves for a few hours. They forget troubles of life in the cinema hall. (2) Means of education.   Cinema is a practical teacher. Everything can be taught in a normal way. Learning by seeing is easier than learning more...

Introduction. There are cinema halls in almost every town. But there is no circus hall anywhere. They are possible in big cities like Bombay, Calcutta and Delhi. Going to cinema has become a habit. But it is not so with circus. The occasion. Once there arrived such a company to my town. The company announced its arrival to the people by loud-speakers and distribution of hand hills. I was glad because I had not seen a good circus before. The purchasing of tickets. I reached the circus ground in the evening before the time of the show. There were many other student of my school. We went together in a party to the manager and requested him to give us tickets at the concession rate. He agreed. So, in spite of the great rush we bought our tickets before the start of the show. Description of the hall. The circus more...


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