
Once the Taj Mahal was one of the Seven  Wonders of the World. 'Still itis one of the most beautiful buildings of the world. One day with my uncle I wished to see the building. We saw the view of the in Mahal from the train at a distance. It looked grand and impressive. We went on a rickshaw. We saw the gate of the building. It was very high and beautiful. It is made of red stone. It is called Buland Darwaja. We now saw the Taj from there. It was a white building made of white marble. We went by paths made of marble slabs. Between these paths were cisterns and fountains. Fish of all colours leaped about in them. There we saw lawns and trees on both the sides, with high walls and buildings at the end. The Taj is built on a high terrace made of more...

Election is the process by which representatives are elected by the vote to form government. Hence elections are highly important for a nation. Our nation makes progress if the decided representatives are men of high moral character but if they are selfish and irresponsible, there is no one who can save the nation from its downfall. Elections are held after every fixed period of time to elect suitable representatives to carry on the government. In India they are held in every fifth year. Though I have seen many elections but I can't forget the election which were held in the year 2000 in my constituency. Different political parties took part in the elections. Preparations started a month in advance. The candidates of all the parties were busy in making promises to the public in order to win their favour. Apart from making promises they were also criticizing one another to more...

The cinema plays a very important role in the field of education. This very fact is being realized by the educationists these days that cinema is much more than entertainment only. There are many producers who prepare special educational films to teach various subjects. The problems of education can be studied by means of the cinema. There is also an international board for this purpose. The film has become a powerful medium of instruction. The mysteries and wonders of the word can be presented; by means of motion pictures. There are some sneering fellows who doubt about its utility. In their opinion, films can reduce the reading and will destroy literature.   Imagination would become dull and films will be a substitute entertainment for study: But these thinking do not hold good because films are not only means of instructions. They are just like extra aid. Not hold well because more...

We see that there is a great competition now in every field of life. To reach the prospective buyers there is a need of some type of approach. But contact with individual is impossible. This has made advertisements very much important. Businessmen and manufacturers are the most beneficiary of advertisements. Advertisement makes people able to know about which articles being manufactured are on the sale in the market. If there is no advertisement people will not be able  to know about various excellent products in the market. This is the reason for the huge investment on advertisement. There are various ways for advertisement, but the cheapest and the most popular is newspaper publicity. TV, radio, cinema slides, hoardings, posters etc. are other different sources of advertisement. Small documentary films are also prepared by some manufacturers for their products as a means of advertisement.  But newspaper plays an important role for more...

Rice with its outer covering on is called paddy. It is a major food crop in India and is the staple diet of millions of people in India and the world. In our country, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Kerala are the major rice-producing states. Besides India, rice is grown in Sri Lanka, China, Burma and Egypt. Generally rice grows where rainfall is heavy. Moist and muddy soil is necessary for the cultivation of rice. First, the land is prepared by ploughing to sow seeds in it. Then little paddy saplings are transplanted in larger plots of land. Manure is applied from time to time for their proper growth. Rice fields look very green. After a few months, ripe paddy is harvested from the fields and brought to the farm. Here it is thrashed, winnowed, boiled and dried. Finally paddy is husked either in pedals more...

Student unrest is a world-wide phenomenon. There is hardly a country free from it. There are many socio-economic 'actors causing this.  The unrest among students is an outward expression of the resentment that the community feels towards the government,  the society and the institutions that they study in. It is human nature that when a person, especially the youth, is alienated or his problems are not heeded to, or if he is unable to face the realities of life, he resorts to violent means to focus public attention. When the number of such students grows large, they unite on a common platform and together tread on the path of violence. Actually education plays a vital role in moulding one's behaviour and in preparing a child to the world at large. This role, it seems, is not carried out satisfactorily by most institutions nowadays. When a student steps into the world more...

The Judiciary plays a vital role in the Indian federal set up. It means India has two sets of governments, the central or the union government and the state governments. The Constitution, clearly demarcates the powers of the both the sets of governments into different lists of subjects. These lists are called the Union List, the State List and the Concurrent List. Inspire of clearly marked areas of functioning there is always a possibility of dispute between the centre and the state or between the state governments. Here comes the judiciary which plays an impartial role in such situations. As per the Constitution of India, the judiciary has full power to resolve the dispute between the centre and the states or between states. Moreover, the judiciary is also responsible to ensure that the rights Of citizens are respected and protected and the powers of the government do not cross the more...

Science is one of the greatest blessings for us today. We live in an age of science. Humanity enjoys some of the best comforts of the present-day world to the development of swift means of transport. Railways on land, ships on sea and aero planes in the air enable us to travel from one place to another in the shortest possible time. Journeys now take only a few hours. Travel has become rapid and comfortable. We swim like fish in water and fly like birds in air. Space flights are today opening new vistas to mankind. Interplanetary travel may one day become a reality. Besides this, the discovery of electricity and the diversity of ways in which it is being used have revolutionized life. Electricity is being used in homes, in offices and in factories. Electric fans, electric lamps, electric heaters and score of other electrical appliances have made life more...

The foreign policy of India is not a sudden growth  According to Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister  of free India, "It is a policy which flows from our past, from  recent history, from our national movements and from various  ideas we have proclaimed." India being a great lover of peace, gives stress on world  peace. Hence, achievement of world peace and international  understanding is the main aim of our foreign policy. As colonial  rule left us a poor and underdeveloped country, so progress  and development were the main objectives. This meant  that  peace and security were extremely important for us. Hence, friendly relations with all the neighboring countries were  essential. We believe that international disputes should be  settled through negotiations and peaceful means and not by  force. Owing to this, we want to settle the Kashmir problem  peacefully. Non-alignment is the most important element of our foreign policy. more...

The problem of beggary is widespread in our country. We  come through hordes of beggars wherever we go-on street   corners, at traffic lights, at temples and even historic, monuments. Beggars are people who depend on alms from other people for their living. They are of numerous kinds. Some are physically handicapped, either lame or blind or crippled and so take to begging. There are some people who having lost their everything, become beggars. However, some are able- bodied people, who instead of doing some graceful work, undertake begging as their profession. Sometimes, they start this profession due to extreme poverty but most of the times they prefer it because it enables them earn their living easily. We also see child and orphan beggars at every nook and corner. The handicapped beggars easily win the sympathy of the people. They are really in need of our help and they should more...


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