Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Case 1 : Source is moving but observer at rest. (1) Source is moving towards the observer Apparent frequency \[n'=n\,\left[ \frac{v-0}{v-(+{{v}_{S}})} \right]=n\,\left( \frac{v}{v-{{v}_{S}}} \right)\] Apparent wavelength \[\lambda '=\lambda \,\left( \frac{v-{{v}_{S}}}{v} \right)\] (2) Source is moving away from the observer. Apparent frequency \[n'=n\,\left[ \frac{v-0}{v-(-{{v}_{S}})} \right]=n\,\left( \frac{v}{v+{{v}_{S}}} \right)\] Apparent wavelength \[\lambda '=\lambda \,\left( \frac{v+{{v}_{S}}}{v} \right)\] Case 2: Source is at rest but observer is moving. (1) Observer is moving towards the source. Apparent frequency \[n'=n\,\left[ \frac{v-\,(-\,{{v}_{O}})}{v-0} \right]=n\,\left[ \frac{v+{{v}_{O}}}{v} \right]\] Apparent wavelength \[\lambda '=\frac{(v+{{v}_{O}})}{n'}=\frac{(v+{{v}_{O}})}{n\frac{(v+{{v}_{O}})}{v}}=\frac{v}{n}=\lambda \] (2) Observer is moving away from the source Apparent frequency \[n'=n\,\left[ \frac{v-(+{{v}_{O}})}{v-0} \right]=n\,\left[ \frac{v-{{v}_{O}}}{v} \right]\] Apparent wavelength \[\lambda '=\lambda \] Case 3: When source and observer both are moving (1) When both are moving towards each other (i) Apparent frequency \[n'=n\,\left[ \frac{v-\,(-\,{{v}_{O}})}{v-\,(+{{v}_{S}})} \right]=n\,\left[ \frac{v+{{v}_{O}}}{v-{{v}_{S}}} \right]\] (ii) Apparent wavelength \[\lambda '=\lambda \,\left( \frac{v-{{v}_{S}}}{v} \right)\] (iii) Velocity of wave with respect to observer \[=(v+{{v}_{O}})\] (2) When both are moving away from each other. (i) Apparent frequency \[n'=n\,\left[ \frac{v-\,(+\,{{v}_{O}})}{v-\,(-\,{{v}_{S}})} \right]=n\,\left[ \frac{v-{{v}_{O}}}{v+{{v}_{S}}} \right]\] \[(n'<n)\] (ii) Apparent wavelength \[\lambda '=\lambda \,\left( \frac{v+{{v}_{S}}}{v} \right)\] \[(\lambda '>\lambda )\] Velocity of waves with respect to observer \[=(v{{v}_{O}})\] (3) When source is moving behind observer (i) Apparent frequency \[n'=n\,\left( \frac{v-{{v}_{O}}}{v-{{v}_{S}}} \right)\] (a) If \[{{v}_{O}}<{{v}_{S}},\] then \[n'>n\] (b) If \[{{v}_{O}}>{{v}_{S}}\] then \[n'<n\] (c) If \[{{v}_{O}}={{v}_{S}}\] then \[n'<n\] (ii) Apparent wavelength \[\lambda '=\lambda \,\left( \frac{v-{{v}_{S}}}{v} \right)\] (iii) Velocity of waves with respect to observer = \[(v-{{v}_{O}})\] (4) When observer is moving behind the source (i) Apparent frequency \[n'=n\,\left( \frac{v-\,(-{{v}_{O}})}{v-(-{{v}_{S}})} \right)\] (a) If \[{{v}_{O}}>{{v}_{S}},\] then \[n'>n\] (b) If \[{{v}_{O}}<{{v}_{S}}\] then \[n'<n\] (c) If \[{{v}_{O}}={{v}_{S}}\] then \[n'<n\] (ii) Apparent wavelength \[\lambda '=\lambda \,\left( \frac{v+{{v}_{S}}}{v} \right)\] (iii) The velocity of waves with respect to observer = \[(v-{{v}_{O}})\] Case 4: Crossing (1) Moving sound source crosses a stationary observer Apparent frequency before crossing \[n{{'}_{Before}}=\,n\,\left[ \frac{v-0}{v-\,(+{{v}_{S}})} \right]=n\,\left[ \frac{v}{v-{{v}_{S}}} \right]\] Apparent frequency \[n{{'}_{After}}=\,n\,\left[ \frac{v-0}{v-\,(-{{v}_{S}})} \right]=n\,\left[ \frac{v}{v+{{v}_{S}}} \right]\] Ratio of two frequency \[\frac{n{{'}_{Before}}}{n{{'}_{After}}}=\,\left[ \frac{v+{{v}_{S}}}{v-{{v}_{S}}} \right]>1\] Change in apparent frequency \[n{{'}_{Before}}-n{{'}_{After}}=\frac{2n{{v}_{S}}v}{({{v}^{2}}-v_{S}^{2})}\] If \[{{v}_{S}}<<v\] then \[n{{'}_{Before}}-n{{'}_{After}}=\frac{2n{{v}_{S}}}{v}\] (2) Moving observer crosses a stationary source Apparent frequency before crossing \[n{{'}_{Before}}=\,n\,\left[ \frac{v-\,(-\,{{v}_{O}})}{v-0} \right]=n\,\left[ \frac{v+{{v}_{O}}}{v} \right]\] Apparent frequency \[n{{'}_{After}}=\,n\,\left[ \frac{v-(+{{v}_{O}})}{v-\,0} \right]=n\,\left[ \frac{v-{{v}_{O}}}{v} \right]\] Ratio of two frequency \[\frac{n{{'}_{Before}}}{n{{'}_{After}}}=\,\left[ \frac{v+{{v}_{S}}}{v-{{v}_{S}}} \right]\] Change in apparent frequency \[n{{'}_{Before}}-n{{'}_{After}}=\frac{2n{{v}_{O}}}{v}\] Case 5: Both moves in the same direction with same velocity \[n'=n,\], i.e. there will be no Doppler effect because relative motion between source and listener is zero. Case 6: Source and listener moves at right angle to the direction of wave propagation. \[n'=n\] It means there is no change in frequency of sound heard if there is a small displacement of more...

  Whenever there is a relative motion between a source of sound and the observer (listener), the frequency of sound heard by the observer is different from the actual frequency of sound emitted by the source. The frequency observed by the observer is called the apparent frequency. It may be less than or greater than the actual frequency emitted by the sound source. The difference depends on the relative motion between the source and observer. (1) When observer and source are stationary (i) Sound waves propagate in the form of spherical wavefronts (shown as circles) (ii) The distance between two successive circles is equal to wavelength \[\lambda \]. (iii) Number of waves crossing the observer = Number of waves emitted by the source (iv) Thus apparent frequency \[(n')=\] actual frequency \[(n)\]. (2) When source is moving but observer is at rest (i) \[{{S}_{1}},\,{{S}_{2}},\,{{S}_{3}}\] are the positions of the source at three different positions. (ii) Waves are represented by non-concentric circles, they appear compressed in the forward direction and spread out in backward direction. (iii) For observer (X) Apparent wavelength \[\lambda '<\] Actual wavelength \[\lambda \] \[\Rightarrow \] Apparent frequency \[n'>\] Actual frequency \[n\] For observer (Y) : \[\lambda '>\lambda \]\[\Rightarrow n'<n\] (3) When source is stationary but observer is moving (i) Waves are again represented by concentric circles. (ii) No change in wavelength received by either observer X or Y. (iii) Observer X (moving towards) receives wave fronts at shorter interval thus \[n'>n.\] (iv) Observer Y receives wavelengths at longer interval thus \[n'<n.\] (4) General expression for apparent frequency : Suppose observed (O) and source (S) are moving in the same direction along a line with velocities \[{{v}_{O}}\] and \[{{v}_{S}}\] respectively. Velocity of sound is v and velocity of medium is \[{{v}_{m}}\] then apparent frequency observed by observer is given by \[n'=\left[ \frac{(v+{{v}_{m}})-{{v}_{0}}}{(v+{{v}_{m}})-{{v}_{S}}} \right]n\] If medium is stationary i.e. \[{{v}_{m}}=0\] then \[n'=n\,\left( \frac{v-{{v}_{O}}}{v-{{v}_{S}}} \right)\] Sign convection for different situation (i) The direction of v is always taken from source to observer. (ii) All the velocities in the direction of v are taken positive. (iii) All the velocities in the opposite direction of v are taken negative.

Suppose a tuning fork of known frequency \[({{n}_{A}})\] is sounded together with another tuning fork of unknown frequency \[({{n}_{B}})\] and \[x\] beats heard per second. There are two possibilities to known frequency of unknown tuning fork.                                 \[{{n}_{A}}-{{n}_{B}}=x\]                                 ... (i) or                    \[{{n}_{B}}-{{n}_{A}}=x\]                                 ... (ii) To find the frequency of unknown tuning fork \[({{n}_{B}})\] following steps are taken. (1) Loading or filing of one prong of known or unknown (by wax) tuning fork, so frequency changes (decreases after loading, increases after filing). (2) Sound them together again, and count the number of heard beats per sec again, let it be \[x'\]. These are following four condition arises. (i) \[x'>x\]   (ii) \[x'<x\]          (iii) \[x'=0\]         (iv) \[x'=x\] (3) With the above information, the exact frequency of the unknown tuning fork can be determined as illustrated below. Suppose two tuning forks A (frequency \[{{n}_{A}}\] is known) and B (frequency \[{{n}_{B}}\] is unknown) are sounded together and gives \[x\] beats/sec. If one prong of unknown tuning fork B is loaded with a little wax (so \[{{n}_{B}}\] decreases) and it is sounded again together with known tuning fork A, then in the following four given condition \[{{n}_{B}}\] can be determined. (4) If \[x'>x\] than \[x,\] then this would happen only when the new frequency of B is more away from \[{{n}_{A}}\]. This would happen if originally (before loading), \[{{n}_{B}}\] was less than \[{{n}_{A}}\]. Thus initially \[{{n}_{B}}={{n}_{A}}-x\]. (5) If \[x'<x\] than \[x,\] then this would happen only when the new frequency of B is more nearer to \[{{n}_{A}}\]. This would happen if originally (before loading), \[{{n}_{B}}\] was more than \[{{n}_{A}}\]. Thus initially \[{{n}_{B}}={{n}_{A}}+x\]. (6) If \[x'=x\] then this would means that the new frequency (after loading) differs from \[{{n}_{A}}\] by the same amount as was the old frequency (before loading). This means initially \[{{n}_{B}}={{n}_{A}}+x\] (and now it has decreased to \[n{{'}_{B}}={{n}_{A}}-x\]) (7) If \[x'=0,\] then this would happen only when the new frequency of B becomes equal to \[{{n}_{A}}\] This would happen if originally \[{{n}_{B}}\] was more than \[{{n}_{A}}\]. Thus initially \[{{n}_{B}}=n+x\]. Frequency of unknown tuning fork for various cases   more...
When two sound waves of slightly different frequencies, travelling in a medium along the same direction, superimpose on each other, the intensity of the resultant sound at a particular position rises and falls regularly with time. This phenomenon of regular variation in intensity of sound with time at a particular position is called beats. (1) Persistence of hearing : The impression of sound heard by our ears persist in our mind for 1/10th of a second. If another sound is heard before 1/10 second is over, the impression of the two sound mix up and our mind cannot distinguish between the two. So for the formation of distinct beats, frequencies of two sources of sound should be nearly equal (difference of frequencies less than 10) (2) Equation of beats : If two waves of equal amplitudes 'a' and slightly different frequencies \[{{n}_{1}}\] and \[{{n}_{2}}\] travelling in a medium in the same direction are. \[{{y}_{1}}=a\sin {{\omega }_{1}}\,t=a\sin 2\pi {{n}_{1}}\,t\,;\,{{y}_{2}}=a\sin \,{{\omega }_{2}}\,t=a\sin 2\pi {{n}_{2}}t\] By the principle of super position : \[\overrightarrow{y\,}=\overrightarrow{{{y}_{1}}}+\overrightarrow{{{y}_{2}}}\] \[y=A\sin \pi ({{n}_{1}}+{{n}_{2}})t\] where \[A=2a\cos \pi ({{n}_{1}}-{{n}_{2}})t=\] Amplitude of resultant wave. (3) One beat : If the intensity of sound is maximum at time \[t=0,\] one beat is said to be formed when intensity becomes maximum again after becoming minimum once in between. (4) Beat period : The time interval between two successive beats (i.e. two successive maxima of sound) is called beat period. \[n={{n}_{1}}\tilde{\ }{{n}_{2}}\] (5) Beat frequency : The number of beats produced per second is called beat frequency. \[T=\frac{1}{\text{Beat frequency}}=\frac{1}{{{n}_{1}}\tilde{\ }{{n}_{2}}}\]

The apparatus consists of a long glass tube about 5 cm in diameter, fixed horizontally. A metal rod R clamped firmly at the centre is mounted so that its one end carrying a light disc \[{{P}_{1}}\] (of cork or card board) projects some distance into the glass tube. The other end of the glass tube is closed with a moveable piston \[{{P}_{2}}\]. Any desired length of the air or gas can be enclosed in between the two discs \[{{P}_{1}}\] and \[{{P}_{2}}\]. A small amount of dry lycopodium powder or cork dust is spread along base of the entire length of the tube. The free end of the metal rod R is rubbed (stroked) along the length with resined cloth. The rod begins to vibrate longitudinally and emits a very high pitched shrill note. These vibrations are impressed upon the air column in the tube through disc \[{{P}_{1}}\]. Let disc \[{{P}_{2}}\] is so adjusted, that the stationary waves are formed in the air (gas) column in the tube. At antinodes powder is set into oscillations vigorously while it remains uneffected at nodes. Heaps of power are formed at nodes. Let n is the frequency of vibration of the rod then, this is also the frequency of sound wave in the air column in the tube. For rod : \[\frac{{{\lambda }_{rod}}}{2}={{l}_{rod}}\],  For air : \[\frac{{{\lambda }_{air}}}{2}={{l}_{air}}\] where \[{{l}_{air}}\] is the distance between two heaps of power in the tube (i.e. distance between two nodes). If \[{{v}_{air}}\] and \[{{v}_{rod}}\] are velocity of sound waves in the air and rod respectively, then \[n=\frac{{{v}_{air}}}{{{\lambda }_{air}}}=\frac{{{v}_{rod}}}{{{\lambda }_{rod}}}\].  Therefore \[\frac{{{v}_{air}}}{{{v}_{rod}}}=\frac{{{\lambda }_{air}}}{{{\lambda }_{rod}}}\]\[=\frac{{{\lambda }_{air}}}{{{\lambda }_{rod}}}\] Thus knowledge of \[{{v}_{rod}},\] determiens \[{{v}_{air}}\] Kundt's tube may be used for (i) Comparison of velocities of sound in different gases. (ii) Comparison of velocities of sound in different solids (iii) Comparison of velocities of sound in a solid and in a gas. (iv) Comparison of density of two gases. (v) Determination of \[\gamma \] of a gas. (vi) Determination of velocity of sound in a liquid.

It is used to determine velocity of sound in air by the help of a tuning fork of known frequency. It is a closed organ pipe having an air column of variable length. When a tuning fork is brought over it's mouth. It's air column vibrates with the frequency of the fork. If the length of the air column is varied until it's natural frequency equals the frequency of the fork, then the column resonants and emits a loud note. If \[{{l}_{1}}\] and \[{{l}_{2}}\] are lengths of first and second resonances, then we have \[{{l}_{1}}+e=\frac{\lambda }{4}\] and \[{{l}_{2}}+e=\frac{3\lambda }{4}\] \[\Rightarrow \] \[{{l}_{2}}-{{l}_{1}}=\frac{\lambda }{2}\]\[\Rightarrow \] \[\lambda =2({{l}_{2}}-{{l}_{1}})\] Speed of sound in air at room (temperature) \[v=n\lambda =2n({{l}_{2}}-{{l}_{1}})\] Also \[\frac{{{l}_{2}}+e}{{{l}_{1}}+e}=3\]\[\Rightarrow \] \[{{l}_{2}}=3{{l}_{1}}+2e\] i.e. second resonance is obtained at length more than thrice the length of first resonance.

Due to finite momentum of air molecules in organ pipe reflection takes place not exactly at open end but some what above it. Hence antinode is not formed exactly at the open end rater it is formed at a little distance away from open end outside it. The distance of antinode from the open end is known as end correction (e). It is given by e = 0.6 r where r = radius of pipe. Effect length in open organ pipe \[l'=(l+2e)\] Effect length in closed organ pipe \[l'=(l+e)\]

(1) The tuning fork is a metallic device that produces sound of a single frequency. (2) A tuning fork is really a transversely vibrating rod of rectangular cross-section bent into the shape of U as shown. (3) The prongs execute transverse vibrations and the stem executes the longitudinal vibration. Both vibrate with the same frequency. (4) The phase difference between the vibrations produced by both prongs of tuning fork is zero. (5) Tuning forks are generally taken as the standards of frequency of pure notes. The frequency of the tuning fork is given by  \[n\propto \frac{t}{{{l}^{\text{2}}}}.\sqrt{\frac{\text{Y}}{\rho }}\] where t = Thickness of the prongs, l = Length of the prongs, Y = Young's modulus of elasticity and \[\rho =\] Density of the material of tuning fork. (6) If one prong is broken tuning fork does not vibrate. Effect on frequency of tuning fork (i) A fork of shorter prongs gives high frequency tone (ii) The frequency of a tuning fork decreases when it's prongs are loaded (say with wax) near the end. (iii) The frequency of tuning fork increases when prongs are filed near the ends. (iv) The frequency of a tuning fork decreases if temperature of the fork is increases.

Organ pipes are the musical instrument which are used for producing musical sound by blowing air into the pipe. Longitudinal stationary waves are formed on account of superimposition of incident and reflected longitudinal waves. Equation of standing wave \[y=2a\cos \frac{2\pi vt}{\lambda }\,\sin \frac{2\pi x}{\lambda }\] Frequency of vibration \[n=\frac{v}{\lambda }\] Different mode of vibration in organ pipe
By loading
If B is loaded with wax so its frequency decreases If A is loaded with wax its frequency decreases
If \[x\] increases \[{{n}_{B}}={{n}_{A}}-x\] If \[x\] increases \[{{n}_{B}}={{n}_{A}}+x\]
Closed organ pipe
Fundamental  mode Third harmonic First over tone Fifth harmonic Second over tone
\[{{n}_{1}}\,=\,\frac{v}{4l}\] \[{{n}_{2}}\,=\,\frac{v}{{{\lambda }_{2}}}\,\,=\,\frac{3v}{4l}\,=3\,{{n}_{1}}\] \[{{n}_{3}}\,=\,\frac{5v}{4l}=\,5{{n}_{1}}\]
Open organ pipe
Fundamental  mode Second harmonic Third harmonic
\[{{n}_{1}}=\frac{v}{{{\lambda }_{1}}}=\,\frac{v}{2l}\] \[{{n}_{2}}=\frac{v}{{{\lambda }_{2}}}=\frac{v}{L}=\,2{{n}_{1}}\] \[{{n}_{3}}=\frac{v}{{{\lambda }_{3}}}=\,\frac{3v}{2l}=3{{n}_{1}}\]
(1) Closed organ pipe (i) In closed organ pipe only odd harmonic are present. Ratio of harmonic is \[{{n}_{1}}:{{n}_{3}}:{{n}_{5}}~....=~1\text{ }:\text{ }3\text{ more...

Suppose two strings of different material and lengths are joined end to end and tied between clamps as shown. Now after plucking, stationary waves are established only at those frequencies which matches with any one harmonic of both the independent string \[{{S}_{1}}\] and \[{{S}_{2}}\]  As the frequency of the wave in both strings must be same so \[\frac{p}{2{{l}_{1}}}=\sqrt{\frac{T}{{{m}_{1}}}}=\frac{q}{2{{l}_{2}}}\sqrt{\frac{T}{{{m}_{2}}}}\]\[\Rightarrow \] \[\frac{p}{q}=\frac{{{l}_{1}}}{{{l}_{2}}}\sqrt{\frac{{{m}_{1}}}{{{m}_{2}}}}=\frac{{{l}_{1}}}{{{l}_{2}}}\sqrt{\frac{{{\rho }_{1}}}{{{\rho }_{2}}}}\]

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