Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Applied voltage : \[V=\sqrt{V_{R}^{2}+V_{L}^{2}}\] (2) Impedance : \[Z=\sqrt{{{R}^{2}}+X_{L}^{2}}=\sqrt{{{R}^{2}}+{{\omega }^{2}}{{L}^{2}}}\]\[=\sqrt{{{R}^{2}}+4{{\pi }^{2}}{{\nu }^{2}}{{L}^{2}}}\] (3) Current : \[i={{i}_{0}}\sin \,\left( \omega \,t-\varphi  \right)\] (4) Peak current \[{{i}_{0}}=\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{Z}=\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{\sqrt{{{R}^{2}}+X_{L}^{2}}}\]\[=\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{\sqrt{{{R}^{2}}+4{{\pi }^{2}}{{\nu }^{2}}{{L}^{2}}}}\] (5) Phase difference : \[\varphi ={{\tan }^{-1}}\frac{{{X}_{L}}}{R}={{\tan }^{-1}}\frac{\omega L}{R}\] (6) Power factor : \[\cos \varphi =\frac{R}{\sqrt{{{R}^{2}}+X_{L}^{2}}}\] (7) Leading quantity : Voltage  

(1) Current : \[i={{i}_{0}}\sin \,\left( \omega \,t+\frac{\pi }{2} \right)\] (2) Peak current :  \[{{i}_{0}}=\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{{{X}_{C}}}={{V}_{0}}\omega \,C={{V}_{0}}(2\pi \nu \,C)\] (3) Phase difference between voltage and current : \[\phi ={{90}^{o}}\](or \[-\frac{\pi }{2})\] (4) Power factor : \[\cos \varphi =0\] (5) Power : P = 0. (6) Time difference : \[\text{TD}=\frac{T}{\text{4}}\] (7) Phasor diagram : Current leads the voltage by \[\pi /2\]     

(1) Current : \[i={{i}_{0}}\sin \,\left( \omega \,t-\frac{\pi }{2} \right)\] (2) Peak current : \[{{i}_{0}}=\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{{{X}_{L}}}=\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{{{\omega }_{L}}}=\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{2\pi \nu L}\] (3) Phase difference between voltage and current \[\varphi ={{90}^{o}}\] (or \[+\frac{\pi }{2})\] (4) Power factor : \[\cos \varphi =0\] (5) Power : \[P=0\] (6) Time difference : \[\text{T}\text{.D}\text{.}=\frac{T}{\text{4}}\] (7) Phasor diagram : Voltage leads the current by \[\frac{\pi }{2}\]

(1) Current :\[i={{i}_{0}}\sin \omega \,t\] (2) Peak current : \[{{i}_{0}}=\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{R}\] (3) Phase difference between voltage and current : \[\phi ={{0}^{o}}\] (4) Power factor : \[\cos \varphi =1\] (5) Power : \[P={{V}_{rms}}{{i}_{rms}}=\frac{{{V}_{0}}{{i}_{0}}}{2}\] (6) Time difference : T.D. = 0 (7) Phasor diagram : Both are in same phase      

(1) It may be defined as cosine of the angle of lag or lead (i.e. \[\cos \phi \]) (2) It is also defined as the ratio of resistance and impedance (i.e. \[\frac{R}{Z}\]) (3) The ratio \[\frac{\text{True power }}{\text{Apparent power }}=\frac{W}{VA}=\frac{kW}{kVA}=\cos \varphi \]  

In dc circuits power is given by \[P=Vi\]. But in ac circuits, since there is some phase angle between voltage and current, therefore power is defined as the product of voltage and that component of the current which is in phase with the voltage. Thus \[P=V\,i\,cos\varphi \]; where V and i are r.m.s. value of voltage and current. (1) Instantaneous power : Suppose in a circuit \[V={{V}_{0}}\sin \omega \,t\] and \[i={{i}_{0}}\sin (\omega \,t+\varphi )\]then \[{{P}_{\text{instantaneous}}}=Vi\]\[={{V}_{0}}{{i}_{0}}\sin \omega \,t\sin (\omega \,t+\varphi )\] (2) Average power (True power) : The average of instantaneous power in an ac circuit over a full cycle is called average power. It's unit is watt i.e. \[{{P}_{av}}={{V}_{rms}}{{i}_{rms}}\cos \varphi =\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{\sqrt{2}}.\frac{{{i}_{0}}}{\sqrt{2}}\cos \varphi =\frac{1}{2}{{V}_{0}}{{i}_{0}}\cos \varphi \]\[=i_{rms}^{2}R=\frac{V_{rms}^{2}R}{{{Z}^{2}}}\] (3) Apparent or virtual power : The product of apparent voltage and apparent current in an electric circuit is called apparent power. This is always positive \[{{P}_{app}}={{V}_{rms}}{{i}_{rms}}=\frac{{{V}_{0}}{{i}_{0}}}{2}\]

(1) Impedance (Z) : The opposition offered by ac circuits to the flow of ac through it is defined it's impedance. It's unit is ohm\[(\Omega )\]. (2) Reactance (X) : The opposition offered by inductor or capacitor or both to the flow of ac through it is defined as reactance. It is of following two type (i) Inductive reactance \[({{X}_{L}})\] : Offered by inductive circuit \[{{X}_{L}}=\omega L=2\pi \nu L\]\[{{\nu }_{dc}}=0\] so for dc, \[{{X}_{L}}=0\]. Capacitive reactance \[({{X}_{C}})\] : Offered by capacitive circuit \[{{X}_{C}}=\frac{1}{\omega C}=\frac{1}{2\pi \nu C}\]for dc \[{{X}_{C}}=\infty \]. (3) Admittance (Y) : \[Z=\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{{{i}_{0}}}=\frac{{{V}_{rms}}}{{{i}_{rms}}}\] Reciprocal of impedance is known as admittance \[\left( Y=\frac{1}{Z} \right).\] It?s unit is mho (4) Susceptance (S) : the reciprocal of reactance is defined as susceptance \[\left( S=\frac{1}{X} \right).\] It is of two type (i) inductive susceptance \[{{S}_{L}}=\frac{1}{{{X}_{L}}}=\frac{1}{2\pi \nu \,L}\] and (ii) Capacitive susceptance, \[{{S}_{C}}=\frac{1}{{{X}_{C}}}=\omega \,C=2\pi \nu \,C\].

Alternating current shows heating effect only, hence meters used for measuring ac are based on heating effect and are called hot wire meters (Hot wire ammeter and hot wire voltmeter) Measurement of ac and dc
ac measurement dc measurement
(1) All ac meters read r.m.s. value. (1) All dc meters read average value
(2) All ac meters are based on heating effect of current. (2) All dc meters are based on magnetic effect of current
(3) Deflection in hot wire meters     \[\theta \propto i_{rms}^{2}\]    (non-linear scale) (3) Deflection in dc meters \[\theta \propto i\]     (Linear scale)

Physical quantity which represents both the instantaneous value and direction of alternating quantity at any instant is called it's phase. It's a dimensionless quantity and it's unit is radian. If an alternating quantity is expressed as \[X={{X}_{0}}\sin (\omega \,t\pm {{\varphi }_{0}})\] then the argument of \[\sin (\omega \,t+\varphi )\] is called it's phase. Where \[\omega t=\]instantaneous phase (changes with time) and \[{{\phi }_{0}}=\]initial phase (constant w.r.t. time) Some important values
Nature of wave form Wave form r.m.s. value average value Form factor \[{{R}_{f}}=\frac{r.m.s.\,value}{Average value}\] Peak factor \[{{R}_{p}}=\frac{Peak value }{r.m.s.\,value}\]
Sinusoidal       \[\frac{{{i}_{0}}}{\sqrt{2}}\] \[\frac{2}{\pi }{{i}_{0}}\] \[\frac{\pi }{2\sqrt{2}}=1.11\] \[\sqrt{2}=1.41\]
Half wave rectified       \[\frac{{{i}_{0}}}{2}\] \[\frac{{{i}_{0}}}{\pi }\] \[\frac{\pi }{2}=1.57\] more...
(1) Peak value (\[{{i}_{0}}\] or \[{{V}_{0}}\]) : The maximum value of alternating quantity (i or V) is defined as peak value or amplitude. (2) Mean square value \[\mathbf{(}\,\overline{{{V}^{\mathbf{2}}}}\,or \overline{\,{{i}^{2}}}\,\mathbf{)}\] : The average of square of instantaneous values in one cycle is called mean square value. It is always positive for one complete cycle.  e.g.  \[\overline{{{V}^{2}}}=\frac{1}{T}\int_{0}^{T}{{{V}^{2}}dt}=\frac{V_{0}^{2}}{2}\] or \[\overline{\,{{i}^{2}}}=\frac{i_{0}^{2}}{2}\] (3) Root mean square (r.m.s.) value : Root of mean of square of voltage or current in an ac circuit for one complete cycle is called r.m.s. value. It is denoted by \[{{V}_{rms}}\] or \[{{i}_{rms}}\] \[{{i}_{rms}}=\sqrt{\frac{i_{1}^{2}+i_{2}^{2}+...}{n}}=\sqrt{\overline{{{i}^{2}}}}=\sqrt{\frac{\int_{\,0}^{\,T}{{{i}^{2}}dt}}{\int_{\,0}^{\,T}{dt}}}=\frac{{{i}_{0}}}{\sqrt{2}}\]\[=0.707\,{{i}_{0}}=70.7%\,\,{{i}_{0}}\] Similarly \[{{V}_{rms}}=\frac{{{V}_{0}}}{\sqrt{2}}=0.707\,{{V}_{0}}=70.7%\,\]of \[{{V}_{0}}\] \[\left[ \langle {{\sin }^{2}}(\omega \,t)\rangle =\langle {{\cos }^{2}}(\omega \,t)\rangle =\frac{1}{2} \right]\] (i) The r.m.s. value of alternating current is also called virtual value or effective value. (ii) In general when values of voltage or current for alternating circuits are given, these are r.m.s. value. (iii) ac ammeter and voltmeter are always measure r.m.s. value. Values printed on ac circuits are r.m.s. values. (iv) In our houses ac is supplied at 220 V, which is the r.m.s. value of voltage. It's peak value is \[\sqrt{2}\times 200=311V.\] (v) r.m.s. value of ac is equal to that value of dc, which when passed through a resistance for a given time will produce the same amount of heat as produced by the alternating  current when passed through the same resistance for same time. (4) Mean or Average value (\[{{i}_{av}}\] or \[{{V}_{av}}\]) : The average value of alternating quantity for one complete cycle is zero. The average value of ac over half cycle (\[t=0\] to \[T/2\]) \[{{i}_{av}}=\frac{\int_{\,0}^{\,T/2}{\,i\,dt}}{\int_{\,0}^{\,T/2}{dt}}=\frac{2{{i}_{0}}}{\pi }=0.637{{i}_{0}}=63.7%\] of \[{{i}_{0}}\], Similarly \[{{V}_{av}}=\frac{2{{V}_{0}}}{\pi }=0.637{{V}_{0}}=63.7%\] of \[{{V}_{0}}\]. (5) Peak to peak value : It is equal to the sum of the magnitudes of positive and negative peak values \[\therefore \] Peak to peak value \[={{V}_{0}}+{{V}_{0}}=2{{V}_{0}}\] \[=2\sqrt{2}\,{{V}_{rms}}=2.828\,{{V}_{rms}}\] (6) Form factor and peak factor : The ratio of r.m.s. value of ac to it's average during half cycle is defined as form factor. The ratio of peak value and r.m.s. value is called peak factor

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