Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Communication systems can be classified according to the nature of information or mode of transmission or types of transmission channel. (1) According to the nature of information source (i) Speech transmission (ii) Picture transmission (iii) Facsimile transmission (FAX) : This involves exact reproduction of a document or picture which are static. (2) According to the mode of transmission (i) Analog communication : The communication system, which make use of analog signals are called analog communication system. Few analog communication system
System Specification
Telegraphy Message in the form of codes are sent.
Television broadcast Both sound as well as pictures are sent.
Telephony It sends voice signal from one place to another by means of wire.
Radar It means radio detection and ranging. It is used for determining the distance and direction of objects using microwave.
Teleprinting Message can be typed and telegraphed to distant receivers
  (ii) Digital communication : In this system digital signals are used. Few digital communication system
System Specification
Facsimile transmission (FAX) This involves exact reproduction of more...
  A basic communication system consists of an information source, a transmitter, a link and a receiver. (1) Information : The idea/message that is to be conveyed is information. The message may be individual one or a set of messages. The message may be a symbol, code, group of words or any pre decided unit. (2) Transmitter : In radio transmission, the transmitter consists of a transducer, modulator, amplifier and transmitting anteena. Transducer :       Converts sound signals into electric signal. Modulator :        Mixing of audio electric signal with high frequency radio wave. Amplifier :           Boosting the power of modulated signal. Anteena :            Signal is radiated in the space with the aid of an anteena. (3) Communication channel : The function of communication channel is to carry the modulated signal from transmitter to receiver. The communication channel is also called transmission medium or link. The term channel refers to the frequency range allocated to a particular service or transmission. Different channels
Type of communication Channels or links
Radio communication Free space
Telephony and Telegraphy communication Transmission line
Optical communication Optical fibre
  (4) Receiver : The receiver consists of Pickup anteena :      To pick the signal Demodulator :           To separate out the audio signal from the modulated signal Amplifier :                   To boost up the weak audio signal Transducer :               To convert back audio signal in the form of electrical pulses into sound waves.                

The term communication refers to the transmitting, receiving and processing of information by electronic means.

    (1) In medicine (i) For testing blood-chromium \[-51\]   (ii) For testing blood circulation - \[Na-24\] (iii) For detecting brain tumor- Radio mercury \[-203\] (iv) For detecting fault in thyroid gland - Radio iodine \[-131\] (v) For cancer - cobalt \[-60\] (vi) For blood - Gold \[-189\] (vii) For skin diseases - Phospohorous \[-31\] (2) In Archaeology (i) For determining age of archaeological sample (carbon dating) \[{{C}^{14}}\] (ii) For determining age of meteorites \[-{{K}^{40}}\] (iii) For determining age of earth-Lead isotopes (3) In agriculture (i) For protecting potato crop from earthworm- \[C{{O}^{60}}\] (ii) For artificial rains \[-Agl\] (iii) As fertilizers \[-{{P}^{32}}\] (4) As tracers - (Tracer) : Very small quantity of radioisotopes present in a mixture is known as tracer (i) Tracer technique is used for studying biochemical reaction in tracer and animals. (5) In industries (i) For detecting leakage in oil or water pipe lines          (ii) For determining the age of planets.

Suppose a radioactive element A disintegrates to form another radioactive element B which intern disintegrates to still another element C; such decays are called successive disintegration. Rate of disintegration of \[A=\frac{d{{N}_{1}}}{dt}=-{{\lambda }_{1}}{{N}_{1}}\]  (which is also the rate of formation of B) Rate of disintegration of \[B=\frac{d{{N}_{2}}}{dt}=-{{\lambda }_{2}}{{N}_{2}}\] \[\therefore \] Net rate of formation of B = Rate of disintegration of A - Rate of disintegration of B \[={{\lambda }_{1}}{{N}_{1}}-{{\lambda }_{2}}{{N}_{2}}\] Equilibrium In radioactive equilibrium, the rate of decay of any radioactive product is just equal to it's rate of production from the previous member. i.e.\[{{\lambda }_{1}}{{N}_{1}}={{\lambda }_{2}}{{N}_{2}}\Rightarrow \]\[\frac{{{\lambda }_{1}}}{{{\lambda }_{2}}}=\frac{{{N}_{2}}}{{{N}_{2}}}=\frac{{{\tau }_{2}}}{{{\tau }_{1}}}=\frac{({{T}_{1/2}})}{{{({{T}_{1/2}})}_{1}}}\]

(1) If the isotope that results from a radioactive decay is itself radioactive then it will also decay and so on. (2) The sequence of decays is known as radioactive decay series. Most of the radio-nuclides found in nature are members of four radioactive series. These are as follows Four radioactive series
Mass number Series (Nature) Parent Stable end product Integer n
\[4n\] Thorium (natural) \[_{90}T{{h}^{232}}\] \[_{82}P{{b}^{208}}\] 52
\[4n+1\] Neptunium (Artificial) \[_{93}N{{p}^{237}}\] \[_{83}B{{i}^{209}}\] 52
\[4n+2\] Uranium (Natural) \[_{92}{{U}^{238}}\] \[_{82}P{{b}^{206}}\] 51
\[4n+3\] more...
(1) Law of radioactive disintegration : According to Rutherford and Soddy law for radioactive decay is as follows. "At any instant the rate of decay of radioactive atoms is proportional to the number of atoms present at that instant" i.e. \[-\frac{dN}{dt}\propto N\]\[\Rightarrow \]\[\frac{dN}{dt}=-\lambda N\]. It can be proved that \[N={{N}_{0}}{{e}^{\lambda t}}\] In terms of mass  \[M={{M}_{0}}{{e}^{-\lambda t}}\] where N = Number of atoms remains undecayed after time t, \[{{N}_{0}}=\] Number of atoms present initially (i.e. at \[t=0\]), M = Mass of radioactive nuclei at time t, \[{{M}_{0}}=\] Mass of radioactive nuclei at time \[t=0,\,\,{{N}_{0}}-N=\] Number of disintegrated nucleus in time t \[\frac{dN}{dt}\]= rate of decay, \[\lambda =\] Decay constant or disintegration constant or radioactivity constant or Rutherford Soddy's constant or the probability of decay per unit time of a nucleus. Properties of \[\alpha ,\,\,\beta \] and \[\gamma -\]rays
Features \[\alpha -\]particles \[\beta -\] particles \[\gamma -\] rays
1. Identity Helium nucleus or doubly ionised helium atom \[{{(}_{2}}H{{e}^{4}})\] Fast moving electron \[(-{{\beta }^{0}}\text{ or }{{\beta }^{\text{--}}})\] Photons (E.M. waves)
2. Charge \[+2e\] \[-e\] Zero
3. Mass \[4\,{{m}_{p}}\](\[{{m}_{p}}=\] mass of proton \[=1.87\times {{10}^{-27}}\] \[4\,\,{{m}_{p}}\] more...
According to Rutherford's experiment when a sample of radioactive substance is put in a lead box and allow the emission of radiation through a small hole only. When the radiation enters into the external electric field, they splits into three parts (\[\alpha -\]rays, \[\beta -\]rays and \[\gamma -\]rays) (1) \[\alpha -\]decay : Nearly 90%  of the 2500 known nuclides are radioactive ; they are not stable but decay into other nuclides (i) When unstable nuclides decay into different nuclides, they usually emit alpha \[(\alpha )\] or beta \[(\beta )\] particles. (ii) Alpha emission occurs principally with nuclei that are too large to be stable. When a nucleus emits an alpha particle, its N and Z values each decrease by two and A decreases by four. (iii) Alpha decay is possible whenever the mass of the original neutral atom is greater than the sum of the masses of the final neutral atom and the neutral helium- atom. (2) \[\beta -\]decay : There are different simple type of \[\beta -\]decay \[{{\beta }^{-}}\], \[{{\beta }^{+}}\] and electron capture. (i) A beta minus particle \[({{\beta }^{-}})\] is an electron. Emission of \[{{\beta }^{-}}\] involves transformation of a neutron into a proton, an electron and a third particle called an antineutrino \[(\bar{\nu })\]. (ii) \[{{\beta }^{-}}\] decay usually occurs with nuclides for which the neutron to proton ratio \[\left( \frac{N}{Z}ratio \right)\] is too large for stability. (iii) In \[{{\beta }^{-}}\] decay, N decreases by one, Z increases by one and A doesn't change. (iv) \[{{\beta }^{-}}\] decay can occur whenever the neutral atomic mass of the original atom is larger than that of the final atom. (v) Nuclides for which N/Z is too small for stability can emit a positron, the electron's antiparticle, which is identical to the electron but with positive charge. The basic process called beta plus \[{{\beta }^{+}}\] decay \[p\to n+{{\beta }^{+}}+\nu \]    (n = neutrino) (vi) \[{{\beta }^{+}}\] decay can occur whenever the neutral atomic mass of the original atom is at least two electron masses larger than that of the final atom (vii) The mass of n and \[\bar{\nu }\] is zero. The spin of both is \[\frac{1}{2}\] in units of \[\frac{h}{2\pi }.\] The charge on both is zero. The spin of neutrino is antiparallel to it's momentum while that of antineutrino is parallel to it's momentum. (viii) There are a few nuclides for which \[{{\beta }^{+}}\] emission is not energetically possible but in which an orbital electron (usually in the k-shell) can combine with a proton in the nucleus to form a neutron and a neutrino. The neutron remains in the nucleus and the neutrino is emitted. \[p+{{\beta }^{+}}\to n+\nu \] (3) \[\gamma -\]decay : The energy of internal motion of a nucleus is quantized. A typical nucleus has a set of allowed energy levels, including a ground state (state of lowest energy) and several excited states. Because of the great strength of nuclear interactions, excitation energies of nuclei are typically more...

The phenomenon of spontaneous emission of radiatons by heavy elements is called radioactivity. The elements which shows this phenomenon are called radioactive elements. (1) Radioactivity was discovered by Henery Becquerel in uranium salt in the year 1896. (2) After the discovery of radioactivity in uranium, Piere Curie and Madame Curie discovered a new radioactive element called radium (which is 106 times more radioactive than uranium) (3) Some examples of radio active substances are : Uranium, Radium, Thorium, Polonium, Neptunium etc. (4) Radioactivity of a sample cannot be controlled by any physical (pressure, temperature, electric or magnetic field) or chemical changes. (5) All the elements with atomic number (Z ) > 82 are naturally radioactive. (6) The conversion of lighter elements into radioactive elements by the bombardment of fast moving particles is called artificial or induced radioactivity. (7) Radioactivity is a nuclear event and not atomic. Hence electronic configuration of atom don't have any relationship with radioactivity.  

(1) In nuclear fusion two or more than two lighter nuclei combine to form a single heavy nucleus. The mass of single nucleus so formed is less than the sum of the masses of parent nuclei. This difference in mass results in the release of tremendous amount of energy (2) For fusion high pressure (\[\approx {{10}^{6}}\] atm) and high temperature (of the order of \[{{10}^{7}}\,K\] to \[{{10}^{8}}\,K\]) is required and so the reaction is called thermonuclear reaction. (3) Here are three examples of energy-liberating fusion reactions, written in terms of the neutral atoms. Together the reactions make up the process called the proton-proton chain. \[_{1}^{1}H+\,_{1}^{1}H\to \,_{1}^{2}H+{{\beta }^{+}}+{{\nu }_{e}}\] \[_{1}^{2}H+\,_{1}^{1}H\to \,_{2}^{3}He+\gamma \] \[\frac{_{2}^{3}He+\,_{2}^{3}He\to \,_{2}^{4}He+\,_{1}^{1}H\,+\,_{1}^{1}H}{4{{\,}_{1}}{{H}^{1}}{{\to }_{2}}H{{e}^{4}}+2\,{{\beta }^{+}}+2\gamma +26.73\,MeV}\] (4) The proton-proton chain takes place in the interior of the sun and other stars. Each gram of the suns mass contains about \[4.5\times {{10}^{23}}\]  protons. If all of these protons were fused into helium, the energy released would be about 130,000 kWh. If the sun were to continue to radiate at its present rate, it would take about \[75\times {{10}^{9}}\,years\] to exhaust its supply of protons. (5) For the same mass of the fuel, the energy released in fusion is much larger than in fission. (6) Plasma : The temperature of the order of \[{{10}^{8}}\,K\] required for thermonuclear reactions leads to the complete ionisation of the atom of light elements. The combination of base nuclei and electron cloud is called plasma. The enormous gravitational field of the sun confines the plasma in the interior of the sun. The main problem to carryout nuclear fusion in the laboratory is to contain the plasma at a temperature of \[{{10}^{8}}\,K\]. No solid container can tolerate this much temperature. If this problem of containing plasma is solved, then the large quantity of deuterium present in sea water would be able to serve as in-exhaustible source of energy. Nuclear bomb (Based on uncontrolled nuclear reactions)
Atom bomb Hydrogen bomb
Based on fission process it involves the fission of \[{{U}^{235}}\] Based on fusion process. Mixture of deutron and tritium is used in it
In this critical size is important There is no limit to critical size

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