Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

The communication process utilising the physical space around the earth is termed as space communication. Electromagnetic waves which are used in Radio, Television and other communication system are radio waves and microwaves. The radio waves emitted from a transmitter anteena can reach the receiver antenna by the following mode of operation.
  • Ground wave propagation
  • Sky wave propagation.
  • Space wave propagation.
(1) Ground wave propagation (i) In ground wave propagation, radio waves travel along the surface of the earth (following the curvature of earth). (ii) These waves induce currents in the ground as they propagate due to which some energy is lost. (iii) The decrease in the value of energy (i.e. attenuation) increases with the increase in the frequency of radiowave. (iv) As the ground wave propagates over the earth, it tilts over more and more due to diffraction. (This is another cause of attenuation of ground wave). After covering some distance, the wave just lie down which means it's death. (v) Ground wave propagation can be sustained only at low frequencies \[\left( \tilde{\ }500\,kHz\,\,\text{to }1500kHz \right)\] or for radio broadcast at long wavelengths. (2) Sky wave propagation (i) These are the waves which are reflected back to the earth by ionosphere. Ionosphere is a layer of atmosphere having charged particles, ions and electrons and extended above 80 km ? 300 km from the earth's surface. (ii) These are the radio waves of frequency range 2 MHz to 30 MHz. (iii) Sky waves are used for very long distance radio communication at medium and high frequencies (i.e. at medium waves and short waves). (iv) The sky waves being electromagnetic in nature, changes the dielectric constant and refractive index of the ionosphere. The effective refractive index of the ionosphere is \[{{n}_{eff}}={{n}_{0}}{{\left[ 1-\frac{N{{e}^{2}}}{{{\varepsilon }_{0}}m{{\omega }^{2}}} \right]}^{1/2}}={{n}_{0}}{{\left[ 1-\frac{80.5N}{{{f}^{2}}} \right]}^{1/2}}\] where \[{{n}_{0}}=\] refractive index of free space, N = electron density of ionosphere, \[{{\varepsilon }_{0}}=\] dielectric constant of free space, \[e=\] charge on electron, m = mass of electron \[\omega =\] angular frequency of EM wave. (v) As we go deep into the ionosphere, N increases so \[{{n}_{eff}}\] decreases. The refractions or bending of the beam will continue and finally it reflects back. (vi) Critical frequency \[({{f}_{c}})\] : It is defined as the highest frequency of radio wave, which gets reflected to earth by the ionosphere after having been sent straight to it. If maximum electron density of the ionosphere is \[{{N}_{\max }}\] per \[{{m}^{3}},\] then \[{{f}_{c}}\approx 9{{({{N}_{\max }})}^{1/2}}\]. Above \[{{f}_{c}},\] a wave will penetrate the ionosphere and is not reflected by it. (vii) Maximum usable frequency (MUF) : It is the highest frequency of radio waves which when sent at some angle of incidence \[\theta \], towards the ionosphere, get reflected and return to the earth. \[MUF=\frac{{{f}_{c}}}{\cos \theta }\] (viii) Skip distance : It is the more...

(1) Modem : Modems are used to interface two digital sources/receivers. (i) Word modem has been obtained from the words modulator and demodulator. As the name implies both the functions (modulation) and demodulation) are included in a signal unit. (ii) Modems are placed at both ends of the communication circuit as shown. (iii) The modem at the transmitting station changes the digital output from a computer (or any other business machine) to a from (analog signal) which can be easily sent via a communication channel (Telephone line etc.). While the receiving modem reverses the process. (iv) There are three modes of operation of a modem. (a) Simplex mode : In this mode data is transmitted in only one direction. (b) Half duplex : In this mode data is transmitted between the transmitter and the receiver in both direction, but only in one direction at a time. (c) Full duplex : In this mode, the data are transmitted between the transmitter and receiver in both directions at the same time.   Modem data transmission speed
Types Speed in bits per sec and (bps)
Low speed modem 600 bps
Medium speed modem 600 to 2400 bps
High speed modem 2400 to 10,800 bps
(2) Fax (Facsimile transmission) : The electronic reproduction of a document at a distance place is known as facsimile transmission (FAX). The original written document is converted into transmittable codes at the sending end. These codes are converted back into a copy of the original document at the receiving end. The original written document is put into the machine. A scanner scans the whole document. The scanned written document is then moved on a glass plate. A beam of light from a given source is projected through the glass and is reflected from the surface of the document. more...

The term data is applied to a representation of facts, concepts or instructions suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by human beings or by automatic means. Data in most cases consists of pulse type of signals. The pulse code modulated (PCM) signal is a series of 1's and 0's. The following three modulation techniques are used to transmit a PCM signal. (1) Amplitude shift keying (ASK) : Two different amplitudes of the carrier represent the two binary values of the PCM signal. This method is also known as on-off keying (OOK) 1 : Presence of carrier of same constant amplitude. 0 : Carrier of zero amplitude. (2) Frequency shift keying (FSK) : The binary values of the PCM signal are represented by two frequencies. 1 : Increase in frequency 0 : Frequency unaffected (3) Phase shift keying (PSK) : The phase of the carrier wave is changed in accordance with modulating data signal. 1 : Phase changed by \[\pi \]  0 : Phase remains unchanged. The analog signal is sampled by the sampler. The sampled pulses are then quantised. The encoder codes the quantised pulses according to the binary codes. After modulating the PCM signal (by ASK, FSK or PSK method) the modulated signal is, then transmitted into free space in the form of bits.

The process of extracting the audio signal from the modulated wave is known as demodulation or detection. The wireless signals consist of radio frequency (high frequency) carrier wave modulated by audio frequency (low frequency). The diaphragm of a telephone receiver or a loud speaker cannot vibrate with high frequency. So it is necessary to separate the audio frequencies from the radio frequency carrier wave. Simple demodulator circuit : A diode can be used to detect or demodulate an amplitude modulated (AM) wave. A diode basically acts as a rectifier i.e. it reduces the modulated carrier wave into positive envelope only. The AM wave input is shown in figure. It appears at the output of the diode across PQ as a rectified wave (since a diode conducts only in the positive half cycle). This rectified wave after passing through the RC network does not contain the radio frequency carrier component. Instead, it has only the envelope of the modulated wave. In the actual circuit the value of RC is chosen such that \[\frac{1}{{{f}_{c}}}<<RC\]; where \[{{f}_{c}}=\] frequency of carrier signal.

The pulse amplitude, pulse width and pulse position modulations are not completely digital. A completely digital modulation is obtained by pulse code modulation (PCM).  An analog signal is pulse code modulated by following three operation. (1) Sampling : It is the process of generating pulses of zero width and of amplitude equal to the instantaneous amplitude of the analog signal. The number of samples taken per second is called sampling rate. (2) Quantisation : The process of dividing the maximum amplitude of the analog voltage signal into a fixed number of levels is called quantisation. e.g. amplitude 5 V of the analog voltage signal divides into six. Quantisation level viz 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Pulses having amplitude between ? 0.5 V to 0.5 V are approximated (quantised) to a value 0 V, amplitude between 0.5 V to 1.5 V are approximated to a value of 1 V and so on. (3) Coding : The process of digitising the quantised pulses according to some code is called coding. Coding more...
Here the carrier wave is in the form of pulses. (1) Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) : The amplitude of the pulse varies in accordance with the modulating signal. (2) Pulse width modulation (PWM) : The pulse duration varies in accordance with the modulating signal. (3) Pulse position modulation (PPM) : In PPM, the position of the pulses of the carrier wave train is varied in accordance with the instantaneous value of the modulating signal.

The process of changing the frequency of a carrier wave in accordance with the audio frequency signal is known as frequency modulation (1) Audio quality of AM transmission is poor. There are  need to eliminate amplitude sensitive noise. This is possible if we eliminate amplitude variation. (i.e. a need to keep the amplitude of the carrier constant). This is precisely what we do in FM. (2) In FM the overall amplitude of FM wave remains constant at all times. (3) In FM, the total transmitted power remains constant. (4) Frequency deviation : The maximum change in frequency from mean value \[({{v}_{c}})\] is known as frequency deviation. This is also the change or shift either above or below the frequency \[{{v}_{c}}\] and is called as frequency deviation. \[\therefore \] \[\delta =({{f}_{\max }}-{{f}_{c}})={{f}_{c}}-{{f}_{\min }}={{k}_{f}}.\frac{{{E}_{m}}}{2\pi }\] \[{{k}_{f}}=\] Constant of proportionality. It determines the maximum variation in frequency of the modulated wave for a given modulating signal. (5) Carrier swing (CS) : The total variation in frequency from the lowest to the highest is called the carrier swing i.e. \[CS=2\times \Delta f\] (6) Frequency modulation index \[({{m}_{f}})\] : The ratio of maximum frequency deviation to the modulating frequency is called modulation index. \[{{m}_{f}}=\frac{\delta }{{{f}_{m}}}=\frac{{{f}_{\max }}-{{f}_{c}}}{{{f}_{m}}}=\frac{{{f}_{c}}-{{f}_{\min }}}{{{f}_{m}}}=\frac{{{k}_{f}}{{E}_{m}}}{{{f}_{m}}}\] (7) Frequency spectrum : FM side band modulated signal consist of infinite number of side bands whose frequencies are \[({{f}_{c}}\pm {{f}_{m}}),\,({{f}_{c}}\pm 2{{f}_{m}}),\,({{f}_{c}}\pm 3{{f}_{m}})\,.......\] The number of side bands depends on the modulation index \[{{m}_{f}}\]. In FM signal, the information (audio signal) is contained in the side bands. Since the side bands are separated from each other by the frequency of modulating signal \[{{f}_{m}}\]so Band width \[=2n\times {{f}_{m}}\]; where n = number of significant side band pairs (8) Deviation ratio : The ratio of maximum permitted frequency deviation to the maximum permitted audio frequency is known as deviation ratio. Thus, deviation ratio \[=\frac{{{(\Delta f)}_{\max }}}{{{({{f}_{m}})}_{\max }}}\] (9) Percent modulation : The ratio of actual frequency deviation to the maximum allowed frequency deviation is defined as percent modulation. Thus, percent modulation, \[m=\frac{{{(\Delta f)}_{\text{actual}}}}{{{(\Delta f)}_{\max }}}\] Range of frequency allotted for FM radio/TV broadcast
Quantis-ation level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Binary code 000 001 010
Type of broadcast Frequency band
FM radio 88 to 108 MHz
The process of changing the amplitude of a carrier wave in accordance with the amplitude of the audio frequency (AF) signal is known as amplitude modulation (AM). In AM frequency of the carrier wave remains unchanged. The amplitude of modulated wave is varied in accordance with the amplitude of modulating wave. (1) Modulation index : The ratio of change of amplitude of carrier wave to the amplitude of original carrier wave is called the modulation factor or degree of modulation or modulation index \[({{m}_{a}})\]. \[{{m}_{a}}=\frac{\text{Change in amplitude of carrier wave}}{\text{Amplitude of original carrier wave}}=\frac{k{{E}_{m}}}{{{E}_{c}}}\] where k = A factor which determines the maximum change in the amplitude for a given amplitude \[{{E}_{m}}\]of the modulating signal. If k = 1 then \[{{m}_{a}}=\frac{{{E}_{m}}}{{{E}_{c}}}=\frac{{{E}_{\max }}-{{E}_{\min }}}{{{E}_{\max }}+{{E}_{\min }}}\] If a carrier wave is modulated by several sine waves the total modulated index \[{{m}_{t}}\] is given by \[{{m}_{t}}=\sqrt{m_{1}^{2}+m_{2}^{2}+m_{3}^{2}+........}\] (2) Voltage equation for AM wave : Suppose voltage equations for carrier wave and modulating wave are  \[{{e}_{c}}={{E}_{c}}\cos {{\omega }_{c}}t\] and \[{{e}_{m}}={{E}_{m}}\sin {{\omega }_{m}}t=m{{E}_{c}}\sin {{\omega }_{m}}t\] where \[{{e}_{c}}=\] Instantaneous voltage of carrier wave, \[{{E}_{c}}=\] Amplitude of carrier wave, \[{{\omega }_{c}}=2\pi \,{{f}_{c}}=\] Angular velocity at carrier frequency \[{{f}_{c}}\], \[{{e}_{m}}=\] Instantaneous voltage of modulating, \[{{E}_{m}}=\] Amplitude of modulating wave, \[{{\omega }_{m}}=2\pi \,{{f}_{m}}=\]Angular velocity of modulating frequency \[{{f}_{m}}\] Voltage equation for AM wave is \[e=E\sin {{\omega }_{c}}t=({{E}_{c}}+{{e}_{m}})\sin {{\omega }_{c}}t\]\[=({{E}_{c}}+{{e}_{m}}\sin {{\omega }_{m}}t)\sin {{\omega }_{c}}t\] \[={{E}_{c}}\sin {{\omega }_{c}}t+\frac{{{m}_{a}}{{E}_{c}}}{2}\cos ({{\omega }_{c}}-{{\omega }_{m}})t-\frac{{{m}_{a}}{{E}_{c}}}{2}\cos \,({{\omega }_{c}}+{{\omega }_{m}})t\] The above AM wave indicated that the AM wave is equivalent to summation of three sinusoidal wave, one having amplitude \[{{E}_{c}}\]and the other two having amplitude \[\frac{{{m}_{a}}{{E}_{c}}}{2}\]. (3) Side band frequencies and band width in AM wave (i) Side band frequencies : The AM wave contains three frequencies \[{{f}_{c}},\,({{f}_{c}}+{{f}_{m}})\] and \[({{f}_{c}}-{{f}_{m}}),\] \[{{f}_{c}}\] is called carrier frequency, \[({{f}_{c}}+{{f}_{m}})\] and \[({{f}_{c}}-{{f}_{m}})\] are called side band frequencies. \[({{f}_{c}}+{{f}_{m}}):\] Upper side band (USB) frequency \[({{f}_{c}}-{{f}_{m}}):\] Lower side band (LSB) frequency Side band frequencies are generally close to the carrier frequency. (ii) Band width : The two side bands lie on either side of the carrier frequency at equal frequency interval \[{{f}_{m}}\]. So, band width \[=({{f}_{c}}+{{f}_{m}})-\,({{f}_{c}}-{{f}_{m}})=2{{f}_{m}}\] (4) Power in AM waves : Power dissipated in any circuit \[P=\frac{V_{rms}^{2}}{R}\]. Hence (i) carrier power \[{{P}_{c}}=\frac{{{\left( \frac{{{E}_{c}}}{\sqrt{2}} \right)}^{2}}}{R}=\frac{E_{c}^{2}}{2R}\] (ii) Total power of side bands \[{{P}_{sb}}=\frac{{{\left( \frac{{{m}_{a}}{{E}_{c}}}{2\sqrt{2}} \right)}^{2}}}{R}+\frac{\left( \frac{{{m}_{a}}{{E}_{c}}}{2\sqrt{2}} \right)}{R}\]\[=\frac{m_{a}^{2}E_{c}^{2}}{4R}\] (iii) Total power of AM wave \[{{P}_{Total}}={{P}_{c}}+{{P}_{sb}}\]\[=\frac{E_{c}^{2}}{2R}\left( 1+\frac{m_{a}^{2}}{2} \right)\] (iv) \[\frac{{{P}_{t}}}{{{P}_{c}}}=\left( 1+\frac{m_{a}^{2}}{2} \right)\] and \[\frac{{{P}_{sb}}}{{{P}_{t}}}=\frac{m_{a}^{2}/2}{\left( 1+\frac{m_{a}^{2}}{2} \right)}\] (v) Maximum power in the AM (without distortion) will occur when \[{{m}_{a}}=1\] i.e. \[{{P}_{t}}=1.5P=3{{P}_{sb}}\] (vi) If \[{{l}_{c}}=\] Unmodulated current and \[{{l}_{t}}=\] total or modulated current  \[\Rightarrow \]\[\frac{{{P}_{t}}}{{{P}_{c}}}=\frac{I_{t}^{2}}{I_{c}^{2}}\]\[\Rightarrow \]\[\frac{{{I}_{t}}}{{{I}_{c}}}=\sqrt{\left( 1+\frac{m_{a}^{2}}{2} \right)}\] (5) Limitation of amplitude modulation (i) Noisy reception           (ii) Low efficiency (iii) Small operating range     (iv) Poor audio quality

(1) Digital and analog signals to be transmitted are usually of low frequency and hence cannot be transmitted as such. (2) These signals require some carrier to be transported. These carriers are known as carrier waves or high frequency signals. (3) The process of placement of a low frequency (LF) signal over the high frequency (HF) signal is known as modulation. (4) Need for modulation : The sound wave (20 Hz to 20 KHz) cannot be transmitted directly from one place to another for the following reasons. (i) Height of anteena : For efficient radiation and reception , the height of transmitting and receiving antennas should be comparable to a quarter of wavelength of the frequency used. For 15 KHz it is 5000 m (too large) and for 1 MHz it is 75 m. The energy radiated from an anteena is practically zero, when the frequency of the signal to be transmitted is below 15 Hz. (ii) Detecting signals : All audible signals are in the range of 20 Hz to 20 KHz so the signals from all sources remains heavily mixed up in air. It will be very difficult to differentiate or detect the broadcast signal at the receiving station. Thus modulation is necessary for a low frequency signal. When it is to be sent to a distant place so that the information may not die out in the way it self as well as for the proper identification of a signal and to keep the height of anteena small also

In communication system, a signal means a time varying electrical signal containing informations. (1) Analog signals : It is a continuous wave form which changes smoothly over time. (i) Such signals can be easily generated from the source of information by using an appropriate transducer e.g. pressure variations in the sound waves can be converted into corresponding current or voltage pulses with the help of a microphone. (ii) A simple analog signal is represented by a sine wave (iii) The frequency of analog signals associated with speed or music varies over a range between 20 Hz to 20 KHz. (iv) The range over which the frequencies of a signal vary is called band width. (v) The term base band designates the band of frequencies representing the signal supplied by the source of information. (vi) A signal consist of two or more waves of different frequencies is known as a complex analog signal. (2) Digital signals : A digital signal is a discontinuous function of time. It has only two voltage level i.e. either low (0) or high (1). Either of 0 and 1 is known as bit. A group of bit is called byte. A byte comprising of 2 bits can give on the four code combination i.e. 00, 01, 10 and 11. The number of code combination increase with number of bits in a byte is given by \[N={{2}^{x}}\], where x = number of bits in a byte. The number of binary digits (bits) per second, which describe a digital signal is called it's bit rate. Bit rate is expressed in bits per second (bps).

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