Punctuality is a necessary habit that must be cultivated by every person. Without it nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion, everything would be in a state of chaos. It is the mark of a civilized society. It has been rightly called 'the soul   of business'. In ordinary living there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality. But it is hard for energetic, quick-minded people to waste time, so they are often tempted to finish a job before setting out to keep an appointment. If no accidents occur on the way, like punctured tyres, diversion of traffic etc. they will be on time. To be on time is a great quality which is unfortunately possessed by a very few. In our daily life, we have to attend to various types of business. This brings us in contact with other people. If we are late, this may cause annoyance and more...

“I was always afraid of dying. It was my fear that... kept me...always alert in the cockpit." Chuck Yeager Supersonic airplanes fly faster than the velocity of sound, this being about 770 miles per hour (1,230 kph) at ground level. During World War II certain fighter planes, such as the Mitsubishi Zero and the Supermarine Spitfire could approach this speed in a dive but the near supersonic air passing over the plane produced disruptive shockwaves and turbulence. The propellers became much less efficient and chaotic effects amplified pressure, perturbations, producing an increase in drag and a loss of lift and control. These effects became known as the "sound barrier," which was "broken" by introducing the much more powerful jet engine and by strengthening the airframes and wings. Fortunately, flight became smooth again when the aircraft moved faster than the speed of sound. There is still a slight controversy over who more...

“... developments start with the desire of the developer to get what he... wants so that he can use it." Dr. Ray Dolby For most of the second half of the twentieth century, magnetic tape was used in the making of most audio recordings, but there was always some background noise present on them. This tape hiss, or "white noise," was most noticeable in quieter musical passages. In 1965 electrical engineer Dr. Ray Dolby (b. 1933) proposed the first magnetic tape noise reduction system. The task was to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the recording, reducing the level of hiss without affecting the quality of the sound. His approach was to "compand" (compress, then expand) the sound. During recording, an encoding circuit was inserted between the recording source and the tape recorder; this compressed the dynamic range of the recording. During playback, a decoding circuit was inserted between the tape more...

The year 2000 hosted a variety of new computer viruses that brought ruthless distribution to many computer systems as well as widespread damage to many businesses. During this year, a malicious Trojan horse program attacked Microsoft, and the "Melissa" virus terrorize (the cyber-community of users who used Outlook Express; as their e-mail program. While the sophistication of viruses continues to evolve, the basis for their pervasive nature remains the same. In general, computer viruses are programs [hat latch onto other program files that dwell on the hard drive of a computer, and are usually inadvertently downloaded by the user onto the computer. The virus is activated when the program it is attached to is launched, and its destructive acts include overwriting system files, deleting valuable data, and doing various other types of damage. These programs then replicate themselves, spreading to other disks or systems connected to the computer. Thinking on more...

There have been occasional noises being made from time to time. Mr. Vasant Sathe put forth the suggestion for system change, when Mrs. Gandhi was being exposed to dramatic and traumatic uncertainties during the emergency days. It was then argued that he was not speaking on his own, that his plea was a surrogate advocacy on behalf of his leader. According to Mr. R.K. Murthy, a noted constitutionalist, the situation of the Congress government at the Centre, is occasionally rocked by internal dissension, sometimes triggering the strokes of the old war-cry based solely on the assumption that if the nation is administered by a President, directly elected and free from the bonds of political support from the diverse parties/groups which are represented in the Parliament, the maladies which nag the nation will vanish. In other words, the Presidential system, in the eyes of those who see nothing but commendable perfection more...

India embarked on an ambitious nuclear programme over four decades ago. The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was set up in 1948, to lay down policies on use of atomic energy for peaceful applications. To execute these policies, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was formed in 1954. The activities of DAE can broadly be grouped under research and development, nuclear power production, and industries and. minerals. The Department also extends financial support to several institutions carrying out basic research in nuclear and allied sciences. To use uranium and vast thorium resources of the country, a three-stage atomic power programme was envisaged in 1940s. The ongoing first stage of the programme uses natural uranium fuelled pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs) for producing electricity. The spent fuel, when reprocessed, yields plutonium which will be used as fuel along with depleted uranium in the second stage fast breeder reactors (FBRs). Reprocessing of the more...

Politics is an essential part of every one's life directly or indirectly. Poliitics must effect the life of everyone. In dictatorship there must be a dictator who rule over the country by his own wish and will. But in democracy the role of politics is very important. India is now the biggest democracy of the world in which public elect their representatives in the Muncipil Corporation, State Legislative Assembly and Parliament of India and then those elected representatives rule the country on behalf of the public of India. When any person elect any leader it is expected from him that he must serve people and put the problems of the public before the Government and then solve those problems. But this is not done and the expectations of the public are totally crushed by their repsentatives. Now the politics became a shelter place of the criminals. Now a large number more...

Cicero defined superstition as "Fear of God". In earlier times people looked upon natural pehnomena as particular signs from the gods. Thunder warned of the displeasure of LordIndra and havoc of floods was a sign from Lord Varuna. Today in the age of computers, irrational fear appears to be an anachronism. It is considered holy to bathe in the Ganges especially during Kumbha Mela days, to get rid of one's sins. If sins could be washed by a holy dip, then fish would have the first claim to a place in Heaven, according to Sufi Saint Bulbe Shah. Our elders observe Shradhs by offering sumptuous meals and Charity (Daan) to Brahmins for the satisfaction of the souls of our forefathers. Does it not amount to pampering the Brahmins whom we are ourselves making divine agents? When one goes for an examination, it is a must to eat sweetened curd or more...

Much dust of controversy has been raised round the question whether or not the students should take part in politics. Some people are of the opinion that politics must, under no circumstances, be allowed to divert students from their studies, while others believe that it is necessary for students to take a very active part in politics so that they may receive some training for the struggle that awaits them. In fact, this controversy is the legacy of India's struggle for independence. During the days of non-co-operation movement, the students' participation in politics was deemed to be synonymous with their interest in the welfare of their country. It was a time when the whole country was ablaze with the fire of revolt. The new party of young revolutionary leaders set before the country the soul-stirring ideas of complete independence and gave a siren call to people of all classes and more...

At the Wallops Flight Facility at Wallops Island in East Coast, Virginia, USA, the base for NASA's sound rocketing programme, a visitor from India spotted a painting displayed prominently in the reception lobby, depicting a battle scene with a few rockets flying in the background. The visitor's curiosity was kindled when he saw that the soldiers launching the rocket were not white-skinned, but dark with racial features distinctly Indian. It soon turned out that Tipu Sultan's army was fighting the British with rockets. When the ruler of Mysore was killed in the battle of Turukhanahally in 1799, the British seized more than 700 rockets and subsystems of 900 rockets. Tipu's army had 27 brigades, called Kushoons, and each brigade had a company of rocket men, called Jourks. These rockets were taken to England by one William Congreve. History has turned full circle two centuries later in the land of Tipu more...


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