The one man who is known as "The Father of Indian Unrest" is "Lokmanya" Bal Gandhar Tilak. These two titles of Tilak have the different meanings. According to Britishers, he was the father of Indian unrest because he was the man who stood the Indian people for the first time against British Government and from that time the rest of British Government in India was gone and never came back. Tilak was the man who awaken the Indians about their rights and worst condition from where they had to live because of the British Raj. Tilak was strict against the rule of any other country or person over India.  He declared, Swaraj (self rule) is my birth right and I must take it" His slogan was on the mouth of every Indian and before Gandhiji he was the first man which approach towards Indians was so deep, that is why more...

Drug abuse has become a very openly rampant curse from the last few decades, and the curse defies any solution up to date. Young boys and girls take to these due to some frustrations of life, and, they just cannot come out of it, once they get deeply involved. A number of welfare organizations are doing good yeomen work in this area and trying earnestly to eradicate the menace. However, if we remember the adage, 'prevention is better than cure', we must realize that, unless we uproot the cause that results in the abuse, little can be really achieved in this regard. It would be more effective if we try to hit a blow at the root of it and try to uproot the plant! That has, by now fully grown. Let us thus analyze the obvious causes of this so called frustration among the young. The causes are generally more...

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar has undoubtedly been the central figure in the epistemology of the dalit universe. It is difficult to imagine anything serious or important in their collective life that is totally untouched by Ambedkar. For the dalit masses he is everything together; a scholar par excellence in the realm of scholarship, a Moses or messiah who led his people out of bondage and ignominy on to the path of pride and a Bodhisattva in the pantheon of Buddhism. He is always bedecked with superlative, quite like God, whatever may be the context in dalit circles. It is not difficult to see the reason behind the obeisance and reverence that dalits have for Ambedkar. They see him as one who devoted every moment of his life thinking about and struggling for their emancipation, who took the might of the establishment head on in defence of their cause; who sacrificed all more...

We have been greatly lucky to have had a galaxy of social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Kabindranath Tagore, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Vivekanand and many many others. They all worked hard whole-heartedly to rid the society of one or the other evil. These ills included the caste-system, untouchability, the 'purdah' system, which compelled women to be confined within the four walls of the house, the ban on widow remarriage and the 'Sati' practice. The last evil required a widow to burn herself on the pyre of her husband after his death. The problem is that many of these ills still persist and urgently require to be set right. The first and the most important of all of them is our caste- system, particularly in the villages this is, undoubtedly, a great social curse. This retards the progress in the rural areas. For example, if a school more...

Galileo Galilei was born at Pisa on the 18th of February in 1564. His father, Vincenzo Galilei, belonged to a noble family and had gained some distinction as a musician and a mathematician. At an early age, Galileo manifested his ability to learn both mathematical and mechanical types of things/ but his parents, wishing to turn him aside from studies which promised no substantial return, steered him toward some sort of medical profession. But this had no effect on Galileo. During his youth he was allowed to follow the path that he wished to. Although in the popular mind Galileo is remembered chiefly as an astronomer, however, the science of mechanics and dynamics pretty much owe their existence to his findings. Before he was twenty, observation of the oscillations of a swinging lamp in the cathedral of Pisa led him to the discovery of the isochronisms of the pendulum, which more...

There was a time when my Motherland, India, was considered a 'Golden Bird'. This was because of its riches, vast natural resoures and the great, bright future it was expected to have in store. Our rich, cultural lieritage, old civilization and vast knowledge in every aspect of life had endeared India and Indians even to the outside world. No wonder, foreigners had been taking keen interest in us right from the dawn of their awakening. But alas! It is all lost now. Gone are the days of past glory, riches, reverence and attraction. The country has witnessed a sharp decline in its over-all image and we have now become a nation, inviting mockery, neglect and indifference from outsiders. India of my dream is, naturally, the same ancient land, full of peace prosperity, wealth and immense knowledge. I want to see it free from the problems that are bringing bad name, more...

Gandhi was an important man in India, who influenced much of the country. He was born in Western India in 1869 and was raised Hindu. At age thirteen; Gandhi entered his arranged marriage and a few years later went to attend law school in London. In 1893, Gandhi became an attorney in South Africa, where he first practiced passive resistance against the British law enforcers who oppressed the Indian race. In 1915 after Gandhi had made Indians lives better in South Africa, he went back to India to begin his struggle for independence from the British. Gandhi also helped to gain Indian independence, when it 1.1 me, on August 15, 1947. To be such an influential leader in both South Africa and India, Gandhi had to get through many tough obstacles. Some obstacles are violence, religious persecution, racism, and discrimination of the castes. Gandhi opposed these things in order to more...

Chiang Kai-shek Chiang Kai-shek, also known as Chiang Chung-cheng, was the son of a middle-class wine merchant who lived in the village of Chikow in Chekiang Province. When he was fourteen years old, following the Chinese custom of that time, he was arranged to be marry by his mother (the bride's name is not mentioned). His bride and he did not see each other until In's walk down the aisle. He did this without complaints only to please his mother. Once he was married he met his bride's parents, as was tradition. Due to Chiang's bad temper, the meeting ended in arguments between Chiang and his bride's father. Once home he tried to keep his mind off of the marriage and concentrated more on what kind of man he wanted to become. He dreamed of becoming a soldier. He saw adventure in a military career and felt comfortable with the more...

George Washington is best known as the 'Father of United States'. He cared for this country much like a parent would care for a child. During his presidency, he solved many noteworthy problems. His achievements led to a democratic, wonderful country that is called "The United States of America'. Although he's not thought of as glamorous, George Washington is looked upon with the utmost respect and awe by all countries of the world. George Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia on February 22, 1802. Virginia was alarmed when a French expedition from Canada established posts on the headwaters of the Ohio River. Conflict over this area eventually erupted into the French and Indian War, in which Washington played a major military role that established his reputation as a commander. In the fall of 1758, the French were defeated. In 1759, he married Martha Dandridge Custis, a wealthy young widow. more...

In the ancient Indian scriptures, woman was given a glorified status. She was an embodiment of Shakti. No religious ceremony was complete without her. However, Manu made such statements about women as relegated her to a position of backwardness and timidity. Her status and respectful position in the society suffered a jolt during the times of Manusmriti. During the Mughal period, the status of women was degraded further. Purdah system came into vogue. Sati system was very prominent, which put serious scars on the contemporary society. The Sati system was stopped by legal action when Raja Ram Mohan Roy took up the issue with the State during the British rule over India. During the distant past, Savitri, Parvati, Seeta and Ahilya were the role models of Indian Society. During the freedom struggle, Aruna Asaf Ali, Sarojini Naidu, Kasturba Gandhi, Sucheta Kriplani and other women played steller roles for the liberation more...


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