The discord that exists between Hindus and Muslims date back to the 16th century. The harmony between these two groups was ruined due to the abrasive Muslim rule that exists at the end of the 17th century. With the fall of the Mughal Dynasty the Indian subcontinent was exposed to intruders. With the onset of the British rule both Hindus and Muslims came together and fought against British rule. Hindus and Muslims were refused high-ranking jobs in the government and the military due to which tension increased between the two factions. The Indian National Congress had been-formed. The Indian National Congress comprised all religions but was dominated by Hindus. Citizens of India raises demand for equal rights and freedom from colonial rule. In the earlier stages of freedom struggle Hindus and Muslims rose together in a non-violence resistance lead by the head of the Indian National Congress, Mohandas K. Gandhi more...

"Through the years, rock stars have been providing entertainment with their unique and diverse style of music. However, a live performance by a rock star has an altogether different effect which elates one to higher levels of music thrill. An opportunity of such kind came my way and I grabbed it with both my hands. Music icon Bryan Adams performed in the city of Mumbai in India which I was fortunate to witness. What I did not expect coming was a memorable journey into the world of sheer rock music. The stage was set on a huge piece of land with lights and all the vital equipments needed for the concert. Giant speakers were placed in the four corners to make the music highly audible. Even before (he even! got underway, there were people everywhere. All of a sudden if felt like too many people in a small space. The more...

If a crime doesn't result in actual physical damage or loss, can it be considered a crime? Or is an) act that leaves a victim feeling violated a punishable crime? One way to look at the issue is through the approach that yes, cyber rape and other crimes are punishable. This can be argued through the fact that these crimes effect “real" life and stir up "real" emotion. It is a punishable violation because it involves actual victims and makes them feel violated. Another position is that because these violations can be avoided by the press of a button or the click of a mouse, they are in no way punishaalu and are more of a game than anything. The internet is something that affects most people, and anyone who logs onto it can become a victim to cyber crime. If found in the situation, users should know what exactly more...

One of the essential ingredients of a nation is the existence of a common language. Such a language is both useful and convenient medium for exchange of thoughts as well as a great unifying force. The ties of a common tongue are very close and strong. If is often observed that India is a Babel of tongues without any national language. The observation is far from true. India is a large country-almost a continent-peopled with several races and communities, having their own native tongues. Nevertheless, she had, even in the. Past, some common language, binding together the different sections of its people. In the hoary past, Sanskrit played its role and subsequently Prakrit took its place to a certain extent. During the Muslim period, especially in the times of Moghuis, Persian became the official language all over the country, while Urdu a product of Persian and Hindi came to be more...

From -thousands of years the Indian agriculture is based upon the monsoon. The Indian farmer always see the sky and waiting for rain and sometime his request was accepted by nature and sometime it was rejected. Sometimes his request was accepted by nature in" a different way and the excess of rain caused flood. So the Indian farmer was totally depend upon monsoon from thousands years. India is a country where a lot depends upon the moods of monsoons. This is truer in for the agricultural sector, A large part of the arable land in India is rain fed. If monsoon fails the budget goes haywire. There are a lot of plans winch try to decrease this dependence on monsoon. One such project is river water linking or National Water Grid. Lot of talks has been going about this project. Many view that the linking of water-surplus of Himalayan Rivers more...

Among other things, what distinguishes man from other animals is speech and language- The very fact of being man signifies speech and conversation. Conversation is an expression which is important in many ways. It lessens pain and suffering, multiplies joy, enjoyment and exaltation and enriches experience- Conversation as a tool and vehicle of expression of ideas, emotions and experience is of great importance. It is a great boon and blessing and one of the important means of preserving and increasing knowledge. Man can best reveal his mind, intentions, ideas, purpose and personality through words of the mouth or talk. A man is known by his words and talk. A talk reveals a man's inner being, his thoughts and emotions. A conversation is also a participation, cooperation and interaction. This is the best means of communication and expression and also the oldest and the richest. Our oldest and most cherished religious more...

The successful company will be driven to increase stakeholder value and profitability while creating a working environment that encourages and nurtures the growth of personal creativity and development as well as nurturing a sense, of well being for all members of the organization. When dealing with the forces that drive industry competition, a company can devise a strategy that takes the offensive. This posture is designed to do more than merely cope with the forces themselves, it is meant to alter their causes. The IT professional is increasingly being called upon to be a sleuth in the quest for the competitive market intelligence that is so necessary to support the enterprise's overall business strategy. In today's fast-changing marketplace, it is essential to monitor the techniques of similar businesses and IT is being called upon to fulfill that functional need. IT must provide marketing with answers to vital questions such as: more...

The question shakes us all to our very souls. For humans to consider the cloning of one another forces them all to question the very concepts of right and wrong that make them all human. The cloning of any species, whether they are human or non-human, is ethically and morally wrong. Scientists and ethicists alike have debated the implications of human and non-human cloning extensively since 1997 when scientists at the Roslin Institute in Scotland produced Dolly. No direct conclusions have been drawn, but compelling arguments state that cloning of both human and non-human species results in harmful physical and psychological effects on both groups. The following issues dealing with cloning and its ethical and moral implications will be addressed: cloning of human beings would result in severe psychological effects in the cloned child, and that the cloning of non-human species subjects them to unethical or moral treatment for human more...

E  Commerce An e-commerce solution for a business is the incorporation of all aspects of the business operation into an electronic format. Many well-established businesses have been selling on-line for years for example. Dell Computers Corp., has been selling computers directly to end-users for years. Currently, Dell is selling excessive of 1 million dollars worth of computers everyday on the World Wide Web (WWW). When a business has incorporated an e-commerce solution, the business will experience: a lower operation cost while at the same time increasing its profit. The commerce solution will allow businesses to eliminate unnecessary paperwork. All paperwork and data can be transformed into an electronic format. Thus, it will eliminate valuable shelf space and data can be searched and accessed in matter of seconds. E-commerce will also automate the sales process. Customers can point & click on the products they wish to purchase, fill out the customer more...

Computer engineering is a relatively new field of engineering and is one of the fastest growing fields today. Computer engineering is one of today's most technologically based jobs. The field of computer engineering combines the knowledge of electrical engineering and computer science to create advanced computer systems. Computer engineering involves the process of designing and manufacturing computer chips processors, memory systems, central processing units, and of peripheral devices. Computer engineers work with CAD (computer aided design) programs and different computer languages so they can create and program computer systems. Computer engineers use today's best technology to create tomorrow's. Computer engineers require a high level of training and intelligence to be skilled at their job. A bachelor’s degree from a college or university with a good computer engineering program computer science program is necessary. Then once employed their usually is a on the job type of training program to learn the more...


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