Indian Ralways is the biggest Government institution of India which gives more than 17 Lakh people employment. Indian Railways is the biggest railway system of Asia and the second biggest railway system of the world. In India the first train was run between Mumbai and Thane. Lord Dalhousie was the Governor Genera! of India at that time the train was running by coal Railway Engine. The Britishers started the railway system to exploit the resources of India and carry the raw material from different ports of India to the ports for export the material to England tirul when tlie manufactured goods came to the ports from England then ilirbursed these goods all over the country within a very short time. During the freedom struggle the freedom fighter’s apposed the extension of railway network in the country because the railway system used by the Bruisers fur fulfilling and their interests were more...

Looking like a cross between a T'ai Chi master, a navy frogman, and the terminator, [you are] harnessed to electronic leads fitted with a strange piece of headgear, dice everything is in place you can see the fuzzy, cut, coloured and recognizable, outlines of a cartoon version of an office. Hovering in space in front of you is what appears to be a spaghetti fork (the virtual image of the glove you are wearing). Wiggle your thumb and, sure enough, the fork wiggles. As you ponder the mechanics of the glove you burst noiselessly and effortlessly through a wall and into a burnt-sienna space that seems to, and probably does, extend into infinity. Without a registered thought, you find yourself pointing. Matt Wielispach, of Cedar Rapids, IA, provides for us a concrete example of virtual reality furthering perceptions and reconstructing the reality of real life. He has been building airplane more...

National Flag: National Flag is a horizontal tri-colour of deep saffron (kesari) at the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom in. equal proportion. Ratio of the width of the flag’ to its length is two to three. In the centre of the white band is a navy blue wheel which represents the Charkha. Its design is that of the wheel which appears on the abacus of the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. Its diameter approximates to the width of the white band and it has 24 spokes. The design of the National Flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on July 22, 1947. Its use and display fire regulated by Flag Code-India. State Emblem : State emblem is an adaptation from the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. In the original there are four lions standing hack to back mounted on an abacus with more...

The potential of space technology for mass education, especially in terms of immediacy, omnipotence, visual power and outreach was recognised in the early 70's. Keeping in view the larger aspects of education, especially rural education, India undertook in 1975-76, the Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) to telecast a series of educational TV programmes on health, family planning, agriculture, adult education etc., to cover 2,500 Indian villages via the US satellite, ATS-6. It was the largest sociological experiment ever carried out in the world. The Satellite Telecommunication Experiment Project (STEP), conducted using Franco-German SYMPHONIE satellite during 1977-79, was another major demonstration of long distance satellite telecommunication application of space. India also launched its own APPLE (Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment), an experimental communication satellite, in June, 1981 using the opportunity offered by the European Space Agency (ESA) to launch this satellite on board the third developmental flight of ARIANE. A major development more...

Throughout history, humans have regarded snakes with both fascination and horror. In man y cultures, Snakes with have been symbols of evil, from the Biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden to the snake demons of Indian mythology. To the ancient Egyptians the emblem of judgment and death was a snake. However, The Indian Python is a highly arboreal snake, once fairly common throughout the jungles of India, Sri Lanka, and East Indies. Snakes are reptiles, the group of animals that also includes crocodiles, lizards, and turtles. Pythons are the most ancient type of snake; they have remnant spurs, tiny projections where their ancestors might once have had legs. In the wild, Indian pythons can grow from 10 to 20 feet. They length might weigh 100 or 150 pounds. The average weight for Indian pythons is 50 to 100 pounds- The Indian Python is one of the world's largest snakes. more...

We like to think of our generation in this Information Age as the smartest and most knowledgeable that has ever lived. Yet most people in modern Western culture have no idea what our universe looks like or how to begin to think about the way we humans may fit into the cosmos. Every traditional culture known to anthropology has had a cosmology—a story of how the world began and continues, how humans came to exist, and what the gods expect of us. Cosmology made sense of the ordinary world by defining a larger context and grounding people's sense of reality, their identity, and their codes of behavior in that grand scheme. Like modern science, it embedded everydayness in an invisible reality: Modern science explains by means of countless molecules; African cosmologies explain by means of countless spirits. Ordinary people in traditional societies accepted responsibility for maintaining the cosmos itself by more...

Discipline is the basis of the whole universe. The sun and the planetary movements around it are alt governed by a set of laws to maintain perfect harmony and beauty. Without this order, there would be utter chaos. Similarly, discipline is one- of the basic requirements of a civilized society. Societies which were not governed by discipline and order, fell prey to outside aggressions and degenerated. The strength of a nation lies in discipline. It helps to make progress, fight external invasions and maintain national unity. Citizens of a disciplined nation work with a spirit of cooperation and unity. History tells us that whenever a nation is torn apart by internal strife, it morale drops and opportunist neighbours often take advantage of the situation. Discipline means mode of life in accordance with rules. It, however, does not mean negation of personal liberty. Discipline means to subject oneself to control. In more...

Youth power is a recognized force in the world today. The youth are filled with tremendous energy and towering ambitions. They can be utilized as a constructive and as a destructive force by any nation. During the eighties, the youth power made itself prominent in many socialist countries of Europe and in China. Tianamen Square in Beijing, China witnessed a powerful demonstration. Thousands of Chinese youth sacrificed their lives in order to bring democracy in that autocratic State. Wherever there are riots in any country, political forces use the youth power to promote their interest;. During the riots against Mandal Commission in India, thousands of college students agitated in the streets of the cities. Many of them committed self-immolation. India is a large country with a population of 100 crore individuals. Those between the age of 15 to ^ form more than 50 per cent of the total population. The more...

Over the past few years, computers have become a vastly popular household item. The luxury of emoting messages as opposed to charging up the phone bill is more appealing. Checking news, weather, and sports via the Internet is a convenience that many are taking advantage of. Our children's lives are already getting influenced by technology - and this is just the beginning. Computers and Internet are here to stay and software titles targeting young children continue to increase. Computer science is has become a compulsory subject in Indian schools. Today, we find computers in use everywhere, whether we go to reserve a train ticket or to a Bank. Tins are because it is lasler and helps us complete our work without mistakes errors. So Parents too have realized the need to help their children develop strong computer skills. Children are learning to read and write with computer games instead of more...

Developmental Psychology I Teratogens are any medication, chemical, infectious disease or environmental factors that interfere with the normal development of a fetus that can result in a loss of pregnancy, birth defect, or a pregnancy complication. A wide variety of factors include: drugs, alcohol, and viruses. Through techniques of ultra sound and amniocentesis, one can determine the health of the fetus and determine whether terotagens have had any effect. Ultra sound involves directing high-pitched sound waves toward the fetus. A computer converts the waves into a sonogram (outline image of the fetus, uterus, placenta). Amniocentesis is the withdrawal and analysis of amniotic fluid to detect genetic abnormalties in the fetus. Diana Baumrind: Parenting Styles Parenting styles in the U.S. have been thoroughly researched by Diana Baumrind. Trained observers kept records of children's behaviors in nursery school. Through these observations, 3 contrasting parenting styles were identified: authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. Authoritarian more...


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