The future of communism in China is unknown, as the world economy becomes more international. Communism has been in China since 1949 and is still present in the country's activities. Presently China is undergoing incredible economic growth and promises to be a dominant power early in the next century. China's social tradition has come under heavy pressure from forces of modernization generated in a large part by the sustained contact with the West that began in the middle of the nineteenth century. The Western incursion not only refined China militarily but brought in its course new ideas- nationalism, science and technology, and innovations in politics, philosophy, and art. Chinese leaders have sought to preserve the nation's cultural uniqueness by promoting specifically Chinese blends of tradition and modernity. China has undergone several major political transformations from a feudal-like system in early historical times, to a centralized bureaucratic empire that lasted through more...

Nuclear weapons, nuclear explosions and the latest concepts in nuclear technology are being discussed in great detail now days. The reason could be attributed to the nuclear explosions conducted by India and Pakistan during May, 1998. The nuclear scenario in South Asia is hot. In the meanwhile, nuclear scientists are busy in discovering the new technologies in unclear science. Let us discuss a few latest concepts. It is quite amazing to imagine that the sizes of nuclear bombs of the future could be equal to the size of a tea cup. They could weigh, at the most, 1 kg. They could be very cheap they could be carried to the desired site with the help of small missiles and artilery systems. Therefore, we have now arrived at a new concept in nuclear bomb technology which claims — small is beautiful. These are the fourth generation nuclear weapons with a yield more...

India is a democratic country. According to our constitution, we, the citizens of India are bound to have the complete responsibility for the development of our country. For the efficient functioning of the democracy elections serve to be an important process. This is found to be true if the elections serve to be loyal and fruitful. But here, in our country elections are proving to be nothing other than mere wastage of people's money rather than being good enough to help in fulfilling the objective of democracy. Most of the people in India are mostly not interested in the political activities of the country (nearly 57% of the population). This might not be a considerable point in the countries with less population (like Japan and England). But for countries like India with a large amount of the population it becomes a great issue. As a result the elections become meaningless more...

Graphics Packages Graphics is a word used for all the different types of artwork, such as photographs, graphs, charts etc. Graphics packages Graphics packages may not be as detailed as you think. It can be a simple paint package, which has features of shading, drawing line diagrams and many other simple but effective features. These packages can be an Alternative to complicated DTP packages. As it is very difficult to draw with the mouse, many people scan the drawings on computer and now there (in.- software packages, which do not use a mouse. New equipment used by professionals so that they can get pictures from a variety of places. A video grabber lets you get pictures from the television or a video camera and you then can alter it on your computer. A digital camera is also very popular as you can cake pictures and then put them on your more...

The menace of terrorism has been increasing over the years, though there are spells of intense, widespread activity, followed by periods of relative calm as if to give respite to the innocent millions and the governments concerned. The evils of terrorism are so obvious and the world has become so familiar with them that it is perhaps unnecessary to describe them in detail. Even so, the multi-faceted, pernicious consequences of this challenge to mankind need to be fully known to all to facilitate the formulation of effective anti- terrorist plans. Notable among these are a soul-killing sense of insecurity and instability, the heavy loss of life and the erosion of confidence in the administration's capacity to ensure safety. Several countries, including the world's mightiest power, are affected by the scourge of terrorism which has taken many forms— bomb explosions, assassinations of selected people and sometimes indiscriminate killings, blackmail, threats of more...

Internet Addiction the Internet has become one of the most universal methods for communication with over 100 million users worldwide. From e-mail to the possibly billions of web pages, there is an infinite amount of information flowing. And another enticing aspect of the Internet is the opportunity to interact with other people. Chat Rooms and MUD (Multi-User Dimensional) games offer the person the ability to talk and mingle with others online. But with this newfound freedom, also comes the possibility of abuse and addiction. Internet addiction, also known as Pathological Internet use, has emerged as a very destructive force in today's society. David Greenfield believes "an estimated 6 percent of the web user’s 100 million people are thought to be online addicts and that number is growing every day." But what causes Internet Addiction? There are many different causes, but one of the most essential, is thought to be a more...

To let continue an unchecked growth of population is the most important problem before India. All our major ailments are related to this problem and quite a disaster awaits the country if this problem is not tackled effectively and urgently. Poverty is a problem in the country which we keep constantly lamenting about. But, surprisingly and woefully, we fail to understand that the problem of poverty is man-made-the more the population, the more the poverty. We have not been able to educate our poor class that more children are not an asset, they are a liability. For the present the poorer class thinks that every child born to them would in due course, be an earning member-an asset; while they fail to understand or we have failed them to understand that every new child would need more to eat, more to be fed, more space to live. There is an more...

Since the beginning of time, humans have been searching for the ultimate answer. Throughout many cultures, plants as well as manufactured substances are used both for healing and to broaden perceptions and challenge reality. Drugs are a part of the incessant evolution of the human species towards a higher and greater intelligence, empathy and awareness or consciousness. Gurus and shaman have eternally incorporated plant chemicals into methods for enlightenment. For America, the early 1950's marked the emergence in popularity of psychedelic drugs as a tool for mind expansion. Timothy Leary, an icon of 60's drug subculture, as well as cybernetic psychology explains, "The psychedelic drug movement of the 60's and the personal computer movement of the 80's are inner and outer reflections of each other." Leary also argues that only if you understand something about computers, can you begin to understand psychedelic drugs. Psychedelics deconstruct one's basic assumptions about life, more...

India, the land of varied cultures and traditions is a land of festivals and fairs. It is a land of festivity - religious as well as folkloristic. Whether you go to the East or the West, North or the South you would be able to enjoy every month a festival or a fair. Be it cultural or religious, it gives everyone an opportunity to enjoy and join the festivity. Festival is the time to rejoice and have fun. Many festivals celebrate the various harvests; commemorate great historical figures and events, while many express devotion to the deities of different religions. Every celebration centres around the rituals of prayer, seeking blessings, exchanging goodwill, decorating houses, wearing new cloths, music, dance and feasting. In India every region and every religion has something to celebrate. The festivals reflect the vigour and life-style of its people. Vibrant colours, music and festivity make the country more...

As the world becomes more and more reliant on computers the computer hacking industry is greatly rising. With people such as Kevin Mitnick, who is known as a 'computer terrorist', computerised information isn't safe any more. Kevin is known as 'the most high-profiled computer criminal and responsible for most havoc in the computer world today'. He considered this fun and easy task. He got caught and thrown into prison, but once he got out nothing changed. Kevin stated that as long as the technology is there it just calls to people to break into it. Computer hackers usually start off young, thinking that it is nothing but a little harmless fun. But as they get older, they realise it has turned into an addiction. The definition of a hacker, according to the Hacker's Dictionary is, 'a person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their more...


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