A sample slum project should act as an inspiration for eradicating the plight of millions of slum dwellers in India. The project may have brought about qualitative changes in the lives of lakhs of slum dwellers, but an estimated 45 million people continue to live in sub- human conditions in thousands of slums across the country. They do not have access to many of the basic necessities of life. This despite the fact that they live amid an ocean of plenty and prosperity. This is a major cause for major concern as slum dwellers not only form a significant proportion of the total population but also play a significant role in the urban economy. By providing cheap labour for the construction work, selling green vegetables to the urban health-conscious citizen, pulling rickshaws where public transport is not available, and providing cheap domestic help are some of the major economic functions more...

Smoking is a rising problem these days. 'One out of three people who use tobacco will die from it.' Nearly 3,000 young Americans each day become regular' smokers- Of these, 1,000 will die early from tobacco-related diseases- More Americans die due to complications from smoking than from any other major killer such as AIDS, car accidents, drug abuse and homicide. Why do so many people continue to smoke when they know the possible risks involved? Many have become addicted to cigarettes because of the addictive substance, nicotine, which cigarettes contain. How much did tobacco companies know about this addictive substance and what is their defense for making addicts of their customers? Also, do people realize how much money they are actually spending on cigarettes? The reason for such and addiction is tobacco, which contains a very addictive substance Nicotine. Nicotine, the chemical substance found in tobacco leaves, is recognized as more...

Team Rodent For nearly seven decades Corporate Disney has dazzled its audiences; generation after generation have been entertained through avenues ranging from movies to elaborate theme parks. While many find this massive establishment to be a significant part of American culture and welcome the Disney spirit with open arms, one man in particular looks past the hype and into his own theory of the Disney Corporation. Carl Hiaasen, a journalist for the Miami Herald, paints a witty and sarcastic portrait in this nonfiction account of a company, Hiaasen criticizes the company for manifesting evil, enveloping perfection to a sickening extent, and whose sole purpose is to inhale as much money as feasibly possible. The book opens with Times Square-an area home to many things: MTV, Morgan Stanley, and the world’s largest Mariot Hotel, the Ford Center for the Performing Arts, and Peep Land, as well as the glittering new Disney more...

Cigarette smoking is one of the major killers in the world. The biggest side effect from smoking is cancer. Cancer is a group of many related disease. All forms of cancer involve out-of-control growth and spread of abnormal cells. The risk' of dying from lung cancer is 22 times higher for males and 12 times higher for female smokers as opposed to non-smokers. Additionally, smokers are at an increased risk of cancer of the larynx oral cavity, oesophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas. Smoking causes a five time increase in the risk of dying from chronic bronchitis and emphysema and a two-time increase in deaths from diseases of the heart and coronary arteries. Smoking also increases the risk of stroke by 40-50% in men and 60% in women. Researchers have also proven that mothers who smoke while pregnant or before they got pregnant usually give birth to babies with birth defects, more...

Environmental Economic Impact of Pollution in the Chesapeake Bay the Chesapeake Bay is the nation's largest estuary with six major tributaries, the James, the Potomac, the Susquehanna, the Patuxent, the York, and the Rappahannock Rivers, feeding into the bay from various locations in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. These areas depend on the Bay as both an environmental and an economic resource. Throughout the last 15 years the Chesapeake Bay has suffered from elevated levels of pollution. Nitrogen and phosphorous from wastewater treatment plants, farmland, air pollution, and development all lead to reduced water clarity and lowered oxygen levels, which harm fish, crabs, oysters and underwater grasses. There are other types of pollution in the bay such as toxic chemicals, but because nutrient pollution is the most significant and most widespread in the Bay its effects are the most harmful to fisheries. Nitrogen and phosphorous fuel algal more...

Many have pondered upon the- meaning of abortion. The argument being that every child born should be wanted and others who believe that every child conceived should be born. This has been a controversial topic for years. Many people want to be able to decide the destiny of other Pro-life activists carry a strong argument and continue to push their beliefs. They feel so strongly about these beliefs that violence has broken out in some known instances. Pro-choice activists, on the other hand, also carry very strong points. They believe that the child inside them is their property and its life doesn't until birth. In 1973, the United States Supreme Court decided that as long as the baby lived in the womb, he or she would be the property of the mother. Because of this decision almost every third baby conceived in America is killed by abortion, over one and more...

The Color Red The beauty that addresses itself to the eyes is only the spell of the moment; the eye of the body is not always that of the soul. George Sand hit the nail right on the head when he said this in 1872. Appearance versus reality has been a central theme in many American creative works including the film American Beauty. American Beauty is a film that delves into your typical, middle-class suburban American home and slowly uncovers all of the abnormalities that lie within. The family is portrayed as normal but as the films tag line suggests look closer then it is possible to fully understand the implications that takes place in this seemingly happy home. The film is masterfully directed by the famous theater director Sam Mendes and encompasses a great number of cinematic techniques that appear fresh and exciting. Critics have mentioned many of these more...

When most people hear of someone with an eating disorder they almost automatically assume the person has a problem with food, eating disorders are not a sign that a person has a problem with food, lather eating disorders are actually only the symptoms OF underlying problems in that person's life. With proper treatment, people can hilly recover. This section will provide you with definitions, signs and symptoms and physical/medical complications for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and compulsive eating. This section will also provide you with information in regards to the dangers associated with certain products used in an attempt to lose weight and who's at risk. One of the hardest things to do is admitting and accepting that you have an eating disorder. The next hardest thing to do is reaching out and asking for help. Many of us feel that since this is our problem that more...

Roman Folanski incorporated religious themes into his films, "A Knife in the Water" and "Rosemary's Baby". "A Knife in the Water" contains some Christian imagery that is not incorporated into the plot or theme of the film. In contrast, the central theme of "Rosemary's Baby" is religion. I believe this difference illustrates the fact that Polanski desired to make a radical religious film but was unable to do so until he came to The United States. "A Knife in the Water" is a film about money and power. A wealthy couple picks up a young hitchhiker and invites him to spend the day with them on their yacht. Throughout the day the older man, Andre, and the boy struggle for power. The struggle erids with Andre thinking he has killed the boy, and the boy sleeping with Andre's wife. Christian imagery, and illusions to Biblical mythology, is subtly woven into more...

Sexually Transmitted Infections and Disease There are many '.sexually transmitted infections and disease. This is also called STI's and STD's. Many of these infections and diseases are deadly. For an example AID and HIV are sexually transmitted diseases. HIV and AID is a virus not bacteria. These diseases are very deadly and they kill off the helping T cells. T cells are anti-bacteria that fight off bacteria and other harmful cells. HIV and AID attack the immune system in your body. Your body gets weaker and weaker as your T cells are getting attack by the virus. Another STD's are herpes, gonorrhea, and syphilis. The way that this virus is transmitted is by sexual contact and by open wounds. Having sexual intercourse with a partner is one of the ways of getting the virus. Another way to get the virus is by oral sex. When the mouth makes contact with more...


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