The History of India dates back to a whopping 9,500 years. It began with the birth of The Indus Valley civilization (c. 3300- 1300 BCE, flowered 2600-1900 BCE) believed to be one of the oldest in the world, an ancient civilization along the Indus River and the Ghaggar Hakra River- now Pakistan and North -Western India. This was followed by the Vedic Civilization of the Indo -Aryans who were semi-nomads possibly from Central Asia or Northern Iran, which was associated with Vedas and the origin of the Sanskrit language. The merger of the Vedic culture with earlier Dravidian culture seemingly resulted in the classical Indian Culture. The birth of Mahavira and Buddha in the 6th century BCE (The 5th and 6th centuries BC were a time of empires, more essentially, times of learning and philosophy) celebrate the beginning of a well-documented Indian history. It is during this period that Hinduism more...

Our group topic: "Causes and Effects of Wars" provoked me to write about the threatening dispute of "Jammu and Kashmir" which has become more threatening after the nuclear capabilities of India and Pakistan. My main claim revolves around the theme that the burning dispute of Kashmir, between India and Pakistan can play a vital role in the emergence of third world war and can act as battle-field for a nuclear war. Due to geographical and social impacts on the world these countries have realized some big nations to resolve the issue. South Asia, a land of deep historical and cultural representations has more than one billion population. Dominated by British colonization for nearly a century, this region contains a variety of imprints of British rule. South Asia is the region that holds evidences of one of the ancient civilization of the world. The unsettled conditions of the eighteenth century provided more...

Dowry which is practiced in India is the payment in cash or and kind by the bride's family to the bridegroom’s family along with the giving away of the bride (called Kanyadaan) in Indian marriage. Kanyadanam is an important part of Hindu marital rites. Kanya means daughter, and dana means gift. Dowry first came from upper class lamilies as the wedding gifts from the bride's family to her to help her tamily or to the husband for his needs. Well after this started. Dowry evolved into a type of insurance that was offered along with money for the wedding. Dowry started in ancient times as varadakshina and still goes on today. The problem is that it has escalated to a very deadly practice. In Delhi, a woman is burned to death almost every twelve hours. The Dowry practice is linked to a historically sexist country and is an overall result more...

"An International Labour Organization study shows that "while women represent 50 percent of the world adult population and a third of the official labour force they perform nearly two-third of all working house, receive a tenth of world income and own less than one percent of world property." Therefore, reservation for women is not a bounty but only an honest recognition of their contribution to social development". Every political party for the last many years has been assuring its support to the Bill which disarms women activists. And then a farce rather than a tragedy is played out by so-called radical politicians, jumping it’s the well of the House, tearing copies of the Bill and making impossible for proceedings to continue-the House gets adjourned, the Bill is thrown into the dustbin till it is revived in subsequent years with the same result. It is time this mockery stopped, considering that more...

India, with a vast population of over 1,000 million individuals, is facing the biggest problem of the century in the form of unemployment of worthy and productive citizens. This includes unemployment and under-employment of the young and the old. This results in low productivity and nil or very low incomes. This also leads to the further degradation of household standards and poverty is perpetuated. There is a net loss of national income and the economy suffers on account of low productivity. Add to this, the violent measures taken up by the youth, agitations and individual frustration, which reaches a new pinnacle every day. According to the latest estimates, there are 37.6 million people on the streets and seek employment in one form or the other. There is an addition of 7 million people to this figure every year. A leisure oriented and unemployed person is a burden on his family more...

India now a days has to face many problems and hardships and all these problems provide heavy resistances in the journey of India towards development. The Government faces these problems and does the best efforts to solve them. The rapidly rising of prices is one of the major problems. In India today the price-rising is creating the big troubles to those people who are living below the poverty level. Price- rising is a joint process and many things' price is combine with each other. If the price of petrol and diesel rise then the price of all things must rise because all the goods are transporting here and there by the means of convince and when the rate of convence charges became high then this definitely increase the cost of the goods. India is a big country where there is a very big consumption of Petroleum Products in India and more...

Today at least for India corruption is the password, an oft- heard subject of discussions and conversations on all kinds of forums and platforms. The simple layman's definition of corruption is to get a job done in a wrong and unethical way. The first thing that we should analyze is that why do we do any work in a wrong way? The answer to tin's is quite simple and obvious. We do a job in a wrong way because firstly the right way to do it is very cumbersome, elaborate and time consuming, and even then, the chance is that the job may still not be done. Besides getting it done in the right way is not possible as, people are so used to wrong doing that, the person trying out the way to do it correctly will appear foolish. Moreover, doing a task in the right way has no more...

Around the world girls and women are treated as number two citizens - all luxuries, comforts and even necessities must first be provided for boys and men, and only then, if available, can percolate to girls and women. This is true to some extent throughout the world but more so and very conspicuously so in India. For the past few centuries in India, the girl has been completely neglected even as a human being and she lives as if only to support and satisfy men. In every home even today the boys are still pampered and given the best of everything and the girls of the same family are almost completely ignored. Even in the basic requirement of education, girls are left out because it is felt that, they in any case have only to look after their homes and the needs of their families, so, where is the need more...

A festival is a celebration of life. All nations have their religious and cultural festivals. However, Indian festivals have known to attract the world due to their harmony, variety, colorful appearances and excitement. Our festivals are basically of two types—religious and seasonal. Most of the Indian festivals are based on religion or myths. They change the monotony of life, bring peace and joy to the masses and above all, promote social interaction and harmony. The insipid routine of the is broken for good and juvenile masses celebrate their faith or seasonal change with gaiety and enthusiasm. The festivals mark the healthy depiction of human life and depict religious associations of the masses. Religious festivals include Eid-uI-Zuha, Eid-Ul-Fitr, Dussehra, Deepawali, Laxmi pooja, Mahavir Jayanti, Shri Krishna Jaiiamashtaini, Ram Navami, Navratras, Christmas, Guru Parav and the festivals of Parsis and Jews. Hindus Celebrate Dusschni and Deepawali in Northern India. The people of more...

Women's rights, as a term, typically refers to the freedoms inherently possessed by women and girls of all ages, which may be institutionalized, ignored or illegitimately suppressed by law, custom, and behavior in a particular society. These liberties are grouped together and differentiated from broader notions of human rights because they often differ from the freedoms inherently possessed by or recognized for men and boys, and because activism surrounding this issue claims an inherent historical and traditional bias against the exercise of rights by women. Feminism and most modern sociological theory maintain that the differences between men and women are, at least in part, socially constructed 'differences', (i.e. determined through history by specific human groups), rather than biologically determined, immutable conditions. Issues commonly associated with notions of women's rights include, though are not limited to, the right: to bodily integrity and autonomy; to vote (universal suffrage); to hold public office; more...


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