Art represents beauty. It represents the soul and spirit of the artist. It is a form of communication that the artist can use as a substitution for words. Art has flourished in the world for thousands of years and it has no intentions of stopping. One of the most important figures in modern art is a man by the name of Pablo Picasso. He has taken the world into many places and has enabled us to see many abstract creations through his artwork alone. Born on October 25, 1881, Picasso was a miracle right from the start. There were complications during his birth and everyone was sure that he was not going to make it, but then Picasso's uncle, Salvador Ruiz, was able to make this tragedy a miracle. He exhaled a puff of cigar smoke into the baby's nostrils and suddenly... he joined the world of the living. Picasso's more...

In the past thirty years since Friedan's book, feminists have learned much about the pervasiveness or sexist patterns, the difficulty of changing these patterns, and the media's role in the establishment, continuity, and breaking of these patterns. Although most feminist writers began their work by acknowledging issues of women's differences such as race and class, the vast majority of books and articles, according to Valdiva, focus primarily on the white, middle-class, heterosexual. Western woman. Some feminist writers believe it is this absence of multicultural issues, particularly concerning women and the media, that divides women instead of uniting' them. The following will discuss some popular feminist perspectives in relation to women and the media and introduce a more recent one, that being, the multicultural feminist approach. Of particular concern to many feminists is how the media has contributed to the cultural conversation about feminism at different historical moments over the past more...

William Shakespeare was a great English playwright, dramatist and poet who lived during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest playwright of all time. No other writer's plays have been produced so many times or read so widely in so many countries as his. Shakespeare was born to middle class parents. His father, John, was a Stratford businessman. He was a glove maker who owned a leather shop. John Shakespeare was a well-known and respected man in the town. He held several important local governmental positions; William Shakespeare's mother was Mary Arden. Though she was the daughter of a local farmer, she was related to a wealthy family. Mary Arden and John Shakespeare were married in 1557. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford in 1564, He was one of eight children. The Shakespeares' were well- respected prominent people. When William Shakespeare was about more...

The youngsters in the age group of thirteen and nineteen are called teenagers. They seem to stand at a crossroad and are a bewildered lot. They are restless to forge ahead in the fields of knowledge and careers and so are under great pressure and strain. The competition in schools, colleges and careers is growing tough day by day. Parents expect tailfin to have excellent grades in their examinations and tests. Many of them commit suicide every year as they fail to have results expected by their parents and elders. Failures make them frustrated and they revolt and become in disciplined. They do not conform to customs and traditions and follow the western styles of living and thinking. There is no proper guidance and understanding of these youngsters. There is hardly any role model on the regional or national levels to follow and they feel lost, neglected and uncared for. more...

Raja Ram Roy was born in Radhanagar village in Bengal's Hooghly district on May 22, 1772, to conservative Bengali Brahmin parents. Ram Mohans' parents, Ramakanta Roy and Tarini Mukherjee, were devout Hindus. His father was a worshipper of Lord Vishnu. Ram Mohan showed a religious disposition from an early age. At the age of 14 he wanted to be a "sanyasi" hermit, but his mother persuaded him otherwise. Another example of his devoutness was his habit of not even having water each morning until In- had recited a chapter from the Bhagvata Purana. Ram Mohan was reputed to have a "tenacious memory", and showed signs of intelligence at an early age. He learnt Bengali at school first. He also went to Tibet to learn about Buddhism. He learnt Persian, which was the court language. This gave him the ability to read the mystic poerty and philosophy of the Persian Sufis. more...

According to Judeo-Christian tradition, divine edict clearly relegates women to a position of subservience beneath men, as expressed in the Genesis creation account. This idea of female servility has dominated Western culture for thousands of years with virtually no significant changes; only in the past several decades has the notion of male dominance lost wide- spread acceptance in America. Prior to this cultural shift, American ideology mandated that women dutifully obey their husbands and confine themselves to managing the home and raising children, thus depriving them of any power beyond the sphere of the home and rendering them dependent on their husbands. This mentality is especially apparent in the movie the Sound of Music. In The Sound of Music, female characters are portrayed to be highly dependent upon men, a central aspect of the traditional woman's role. This is initially shown in the scene where Ralph and Liesi are singing more...

His Holiness, the XIVth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso was born in a small village called Takster in northeastern Tibet. Born to a peasant family. His Holiness was recognized at the age of two, in accordance with Tibetan tradition, as the reincarnation of his predecessor the 13th Dalai Lama. His enthronement ceremony took place on February 22, 1940 in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. The Dalai Lamas are the manifestations of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, who chose to reincarnate to serve the people. Dalai Lama means Ocean of Wisdom. Tibetans normally refer to His Holiness as Yeshin Norbu, the Wish- fulfilling Gem, or simply, Kundun, meaning The Presence. Born Lhamo Dhondrub, he was, as Dalai Lama, renemaed Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso - Holy Lord, Gentle Glory, Compassionate, Defender of the Faith, Ocean of Wisdom. He began his education at the age of six and completed the Geshe Lharampa more...

Long ago, the Earth had a green belt of rain forests around its middle that covered almost twelve percent of the earth's land surface. Today, the rain forest covers two percent of the earth's land surface and it is declining rapidly. The following will be a description of the rain forest, factors in its destruction and if there are any answers to slow or halt the process. Today, as we enter the last decade of the twentieth century, we have reached a turning point, we can no longer use the excuse of ignorance. People need to try harder to stop rain forest depletion. There are two major areas on earth where rain forests are located. One of these areas is called The Old World Tropics', which includes Africa and Asia. In Africa, the rain forests are primarily located around the Zaire River. The other area in which rain forests are more...

Buddhism is the religion and philosophy based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Sanskrit, in Pali, Siddhattha Gotama), who lived between approximately 563 and 483 BCE. This religion originated in India and gradually spread throughout Asia, to Central Asia, Tibet, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, as well as the East Asian countries of China, Mongolia, Korea and Japan. "To shun all evil. To do good. To purify one's heart. This is the teaching of the Buddhas." — Dhmmnapada, XIV, 5 Buddhism largely consists of the doing of good action, the avoidance of bad action and mental training. The aim of these practices is to put an end to suffering and achieve enlightenment, either for one or for all beings. Enlightenment is considered to be touching or abiding in nirvana, which means 'extinguishing'. Buddhist morality is guided by principles of nonviolence and moderation. Buddhists frequently use formal sitting meditation and also often more...

The earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the universe. It is the only planet in our galaxy that has enough water to support life. Unfortunately our planet is suffering due to many problems which should be solved before it is too    late. The major problems that are facing our world today are population, pollution and animal extinction. One of the problems facing our world is population. It began about ten thousand years ago when the humans settled and began farming. The farming provides more food for the people thus making the population grow. Now we are about 6 billion in population and in a few years we will be around 10 to 11 billion. Therefore, our population will almost double in size. This means that we will need more food to support us. A study in 1986 by Peter Vitonesk, a Stanford biologist, showed that more...


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