
Leander Paes, India's Tennis pride was born in Goa on June 17, 1973 and brought up in Kolkata. Born into a family of sportsmen Leander began playing tennis at the age of live. While his father, Vece was it member of the Indian field hockey team which won a bronze medal in the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, his mother, Jennifer was a member of the basketball team. Leander studied at La Martiniere, Calcutta at St. Xavier's College of the University of Calcutta. Leander joined the Britannia Tennis Academy in Madras (now   Chennai) in 1985 where he was coached by Dave O'Meara. He came into international limelight when he captured the 1990 Wimbledon junior Title and rose to being ranked as the No.l junior player in the world.  Since then, he has been representing India at various international events winning matches and bringing glory to the country. In 1992 Barcelona Olympics, more...

Women's Reservation Bill or The Constitution (108th Amendment) Bill, Is a pending bill in India which proposes to reserve thirty three per cent of all seats in the Lok Sabha, the Lower House of Parliament of India, And state legislative assemblies. The Bill says the seals to lie reserved in rotation will be determined by draw of lots in such a way that a seat .shall be reserved only once in three consecutive general elections. This Hill has been passed by the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of the parliament in March 2010. It needs to be passed by the Lok Sabha and at least fifty per cent of all state legislative assemblies. In-lore it is put before the President of India for her approval. Women already enjoy 33 per cent reservation in gi.iin panchayats and municipal elections. In addition, women in India get reservation or preferential treatments in education more...

An allergy refers to an exaggerated reaction by our immune system in response to bodily contact with certain foreign substances. It is exaggerated because these foreign substances are usually seen by the body as harmless and no response occurs in non-allergic people. Allergic people's bodies recognize the foreign substance and one part of their immune system are turned on. The substances that are foreign to the body and can cause an allergic reaction in certain people are called 'allergens'. Examples of allergens include pollens, dust mite, dander, and foods. When an allergen comes in contact with the body, it causes the immune system to develop an allergic reaction in persons who are allergic to it. So, people can be referred to as allergic if they inappropriately react to allergens that are normally harmless to other people. Allergic disease is more common in highly developed countries in North America and Europe more...

Stress is unavoidable and it is not possible to eliminate it from our live entirely. Life is full of challenges, and a life without some turmoil is not only impossible but is also undesirable. The hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands of modern life have made stress so commonplace that it has become a way of life for many people. In small doses, stress can help people perform under pressure and motivate them to do their best. But it is not desirable to constantly be in an emergency mode as the mind and body would have to ultimately pay the price. Stress is a normal physical response to events that make us feel threatened or upset our balance in some way. When a threat is perceived, our nervous system responds by releasing flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones rouse the body for emergency action. As a result, more...

The fourteenth Prime Minister of independent India and the original architect of the economic liberalization. Dr. Manmohan Singh is a man of high moral standing and accomplishment. He is also the first Sikh in have reached the country's top legislative position. Singh's rise to the position from humble beginnings and basic simplicity can be described as a rise from the masses. Singh was born in Gah in West Punjab (now in Pakistan) on September 26, 1932. Displaced by partition, he came to live in Amritsar along with his parents. He studied economics in Chandigarh and later went to Cambridge and Oxford UK for higher studies. His qualification reads MA, DPhil (Oxford), DLitt (Honoris Causa). He then taught Economics at the Punjab University, Chandigarh while serving there. a Senior Lecturer (1957-59), Reader (1959-63) and Professor (1963-65) . He was Professor of International Trade, Delhi School of Economics, and University of Delhi more...

Until World War II, the world was familiar with only mechanical, chemical, acoustic, thermal, optic,magnetic and electrical forms of energy. Buton a fateful day in 1945 when the U.S. exploded atom bomb over Hiroshima, the world got aware of nuclear energy. How exactly is energy got from the atom? The atom is the tiniest speck of matter? Each atom has a central core called the nucleus, around which revolve the electrons. The nucleus is built up of two kinds of very minute particles called protons and neutrons. The electron has a negative electrical charge, the proton has an equal positive charge and the neutron has no charge. The nucleus of the radium atom constantly disintegrates ejecting alpha particles which are nuclei of helium atoms. This phenomenon is called radioactivity. Uranium is another radioactive element. In 1938 Hahn andStrassman bombarded uranium with neutrons and found traces of barium in the material. more...

Education means full development of the human personality and attainment of full stature. Man has a body, mind and spirit. Accordingly education aims at the physical, intellectual and spiritual and moral development of man. Education merely does not give knowledge to a human being and to enable him to earning his livelihood; but it does much more than this. Education cannot ignore the physical side of man. Man has been blessed with a beautiful body. Poets, painters and sculptors have gone into raptures over the human body and have tried to depict it in their arts in many ways. Games are a means of keeping the body healthy and fit. Physical fitness from all kinds of ailments is the desire and ambition of every human being. Indeed, good health is first condition of happiness in life. Those who play games generally maintain good health. Games are also a source of more...

Man is a social animal. Where ever, he goes, he makes friends but few are real friends. Rakesh is my real friend. He is of my age and studies in my class. Rakesh is quite tall. Fair and healthy. He is an ideal student. He is hard working. He listens to the teachers attentively. He is good in Cricket and Table Tennis, the game I like. He is well behaved and liked by all. Rakesh is always ready to help me. Whenever I have any difficulty in studies, he tries to solve it. He is good at mathematics and I am weak. He helps me when needed. The problems that I do not understand are explained by him. He does not lose patience, if I am slow in grasping it. In the evening we always play together. We visit each other's houses too. My parents like him very much. He more...

Internet research Childhood depression is not just a mood swing where a child can plainly snap out of it. This disorder goes beyond the sadness of having a bad day and having to cope with it. It's even worse than dealing with a deceased parent or loss of a friend when the child has to move. This disorder involves the brain, and affects the way the child feels, thinks, and acts. This disease is highly treatable if detected early on and the child can avoid school failure, thoughts of suicide and the like. Here are some facts regarding childhood depression: "Youth under stress who experience a loss or who have attention, learning, or conduct disorders are at a higher risk for depression. (American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry [AACAP], 1995)" Almost one-third of six- to twelve-year-old children diagnosed with major depression will develop bipolar disorder within a few years. more...

We are all the slaves of our emotions. There are both negative and positive emotions that govern our minds. Positive emotions are those that bring happiness to us as well as to all those around us. These emotions are love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness etc. Negative emotions are those that make us restless and unhappy and also force us to spread the same to everyone around. Hate, envy, jealousy, possessiveness, suspicion etc are negative emotions, Anger however, is perhaps the most destructive of all emotions. Anger is one emotion that changes the person completely. Anger causes certain changes in the body - the blood begins to circulate faster, the eyes become red and some people even tremble with anger. When anger takes control of anyone, it makes him violent, aggressive and unreasonable. The main problem is that the angry person refuses to listen to any sense and he continues to bum more...


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