
The city that my parents have chosen to live in is Delhi. Delhi is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world. The forts in Delhi are masterpieces from the glorious past. The old bazaars, the British architecture and Mughal buildings-all these make Delhi a beautiful city. However I could do a lot to help to make it more beautiful. The first thing to do is-to keep my city clean. There are wide and smooth roads in Delhi but they have to be kept tidy. We can all do this by being careful about where we throw our litter. Some people eat packed food and throw the wrappers out of the car or bus windows. Others throw all the waste from their kitchens on to the road outside. Dogs, crows and other pests throng around this waste and further contribute to con very the whole city into more...

Libraries are the storehouse of knowledge and books. They are a key to wisdom. A library contains books on various subjects that meet the requirements of the readers. Library caters to the need of every reader. There are periodicals, magazines, different newspapers besides volumes of other books. Books have become very expensive. Those who enjoy reading cannot afford to by all these books, we may however, buy two or three book sat a time but we all cannot afford to buy them every month. Thus, we have to depend on the library. Moreover we can get books on a variety of subjects. There are encyclopedias on a number of subjects. Encyclopedias are very costly and the buy them is beyond the reach of the common man. Again there are reference and other rare books which may not sometimes be available in the market. There is a vast explosion of knowledge. more...

I do not like to visit a dentist. But one day I had a bad toothache. I could not bear the pain so I phoned my dentist, and made an appointment with him. As I entered his waiting room, I saw many patients. They were all awaiting their turn to go in. Most of them seemed to be in great pain. Some even had swollen cheeks. I sat on a chair and looked through some magazines as I waited to be called in. Suddenly I heard a scream from the next room. I became very frightened. I wanted to get up and run back home. But everyone would have laughed at me if I did this. So I kept on sitting. At last it was my turn to go in. The dentist was kind and gentle. He felt my tooth with his instrument. He said that there was a cavity more...

India is a democratic republic where people elect their own representatives. All grown-up citizens of the country, with certain exceptions, have a right to elect their representatives. General Elections are held once in every five years normally. All citizens of 18 years and above, male and female have the right to vote. A few days before the elections various political parties carry on intensive propaganda in favour of their candidates. Meetings are held, posters are pasted on walls and leaflets are distributed. We have an Election Commission which decides when elections would be held and notifies its order. On the scheduled day people come to the polling booth to cast their votes for candidates. There is great hustle and bustle there. Polling is held in a room under the strict supervision of an officer-in-charge. There is an entrance and an exit for the voters. Every voter is given a ballot more...

What a change in women's status from the Vedic age to the present day? Looking back at history pages of ancient Limes, we find that women were treated with respect in the Indian society. In the Vedic age women were educated. However, as society became orthodox, there was change in their status. They were confined to the four walls of kitchen and occupied in rearing children. Men became bread earners. The roles of men and women were thus separated. But now the social scene has considerably changed. Women all over the world are being educated in almost every field that men so far dominated. The knowledge of arts science. Technology and politics is no longer the privilege of men alone. Every school and college is now conscious of imparting education to girls as it is absolutely essential to educate women in society. If the woman is an educated mother, she more...

In India, education has been provided to a few fortunate people and this has widened the gap between a few literate and millions of illiterate people in India. Since the population of the country is so large, it has been a very difficult task to educate all the people of India. It has been estimated that by 2008 AD, 28% of the world's illiterate people will be found in India alone. There are still about 45,000 villages in India that do not have a primary school. Adult education has now become a great necessity in India. It is obvious that an adult will be interested in studying only that which can help him with his occupation. He won't be interested in learning from scratch and that too all those subjects that can never help him with the earning of his livelihood. The Adult education programme was first launched in 1978. more...

The family was extremely excited that day. My parents had taken me to the mandir the previous day and my bag was packed with great care. I was to go to School for the first time in my life. I was three years old and I still remember the day I first went to school. My father came to drop me to my classroom and helped me to get familiar within teacher and class. I hated the thought of being away from home for so many hours. Tears rolled down my checks as I got off the car and held my father's hand. MY father could sense my fear and tried to cheer me up by drawing my attention to the playground where the swings were inviting me to come and play. I fet a little better as I saw many other boys and girls entering the class where that more...

The progress of a country is to a great extent is measured by its industrial development. To be a strong power in the world, a country needs to be industrially advanced too. Although agriculture has its own importance and provides the basic necessities of life, but it alone cannot take a country forward. Even to modernize and improve agriculture, industrialization is necessary. The modern equipments that are used by farmers are produced by industries. Industries in India contribute to more than half of the national income; items of daily use like toothpaste, soaps, processed foods, medicines, etc. are manufactured by industries. The population of India is so large that we need many such industries to produce enough material so that things are available in plenty and at reasonable prices. Goods can be exported after they are manufactured in various industries. If quality is maintained by the manufacturers, the reputation of more...

Sonia Maino, now Sonia Gandhi, was horn into a family of modest means in an Italian village called Ovassanjo, KO km from Turin, on Dec. 9, 1946. Born to a building contractor and his wife, she was raised in a traditional Roman Catholic household along with her two sisters. She went to Cambridge University to study English in 1964. Her life changed forever when she met her future husband, Rajiv Gandhi, who was studying engineering at Cambridge at that time. They were married in 1968 after three years of courtship which began in a Greek restaurant in the university town. The simple ceremony was held on Vasant Panchami day in February, the same day when Indira Gandhi married Fezoze decades earlier. The wedding was a simple ceremony in the garden of 1, Safdarjang Road. Sonia wore a pink sari made from cotton Which Nehru had spun while in prison—the same more...

Economic growth has been used with other terms such as development, modernization, westernization and industrialization. It is, in other words, a transition from a simple, low-income economy to a modem, high- income economy. Its scope includes the process and policies by which a nation improves the economic, political, and social well-being of its people. Though it is often measured by rate of change of gross domestic product, it is generally understood in terms of increase in per capita income, and attainment of a standard of living equivalent to that of industrialized countries. Economic growth implies a change in the way goods and services are produced, not merely an increase in production achieved using the old methods of production on a wider scale. It also involves improvements in a variety of indicators such as literacy rates, life expectancy, and poverty rates. In addition to increasing private incomes, economic growth also generates more...


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