
Man is essentially a peace loving entity, but greed, passion, misguidance etc. lead a person to adopt a violent behavior. Violence has created havoc throughout the world. Every country in the world is facing some kind of violence or the other. Extremism, terrorism and assassinations have become the external expression of violent behaviour. Every day the newspaper reports various acts of violence and it is indeed disturbing to read about violence at home, in colleges, in politics and even in schools. People live under great pressure in these times of ours. There are political problems in all the countries of the world. Citizens want more freedom and more facilities from the government. When their demands are not met, they resort to violence against their fellow countrymen just to attract the attention of the government to their problems. They burn buses, bomb buildings, cause bomb blasts on stations, bus stops, in more...

With the onset of mobile revolution, most people have developed enough of a telephone style to get by. But still, there are some useful and effective phones skills that most people tend to overlook. It is not unusual to find people change their suppliers or vendors merely because they were treated rudely over the phone. In fact the biggest telephone offence is that the caller is treated as an annoyance and not as a welcomed guest. People make the mistake of assuming that the other person would be always readily available over the phone. Since more than half the  people are not there when you try to reach them, it would be a good idea to have a complete message prepared and ready before you call the other person. It would make your work easier in leaving a message, To avoid phone foul-ups it would be prudent to be aware more...

Ace Indian shuttler Saina Nehwal scripted history on June 21 2009, when she became the first Indian to win a Super Series tournament after clinching the Indonesian Open with a stunning victory over higher ranked Chinese Lin Wang in Jakarta. She is the first Indian woman In reach the singles quarterfinals at the Olympics and the first Indian to win the World Junior Badminton Championships. She was ranked number five in the world by Badminton World Federation as on March 31, 2010. Born in Hisar, Haryana on March 17, 1990, Saina was brought up in the southern city of Hyderabad. Her foray into the world of badminton was influenced by her lather Dr. Harvir Singh, a scientist at the Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad and her mother Usha Nehwal, both of whom were former badminton champions in Haryana. When saina was eight old, her father took her to meet Coach more...

Mobiles are no more a luxury or a life style product. Mobile phones which were one of the beautiful possessions of anybody not until a decade ago, have now become a necessity to the common man. The entry of private service providers with CDMA, GSM and of course, 3G technologies has changed the Communication sector in India beyond imagination. Many new competitors have entered the mobile market resulting in reduction of the STD rates and Local call rates. Plans are also on anvil to enable mobile users to switch over to other service providers without changing their number, also called Mobile Number Portability (MNP). The mobile users in India have increased tremendously during the last decade. Youth, both in rural and urban India, have welcomed an accepted mobiles with open hands. The decrease in call rates can be imagined from the fact that it cost around Rs.16 per minute when more...

One of the most common features of examinations is the involvement of students in cheating. When students fail to prepare themselves well before an examination, they resort to cheating. It is true that whenever rules are made, there are people who break them. An examination is a test where no one is allowed to consult the other find each question has to be answered by the child himself. Knowing the fact that this can't be done, students cheat. Cheating seems to delight the students but he ignores the fact that he Is simply cheating his own conscience. He may go ahead and cheat but lit some point of time it definitely haunts him. Students while away their time throughout the year and then become desperate when the examination approaches. Cheating is a short-cut to success. However, in cheating the teachers, the students may pass the examination but he will never more...

Dowry means those gifts and presents which are given by a father or guardian to his daughter at the time of her marriage. In ancient times, it was considered as a sort of help to establish their own home for the newlyweds. Mostly the dowry in those days was in kind; say a variety of things useful for new homes and not in cash, as the system now prevails today. These gifts were given voluntarily and without any; demands made under pressure. About a hundred years ago, there was a custom that the prospective husband used to; offer gifts and presents to his would-be bride's Father. But this custom proved a major handicap for many persons who could not marry early in life for want of funds to buy such gifts. Again, there were many unfortunates who could not marry at all for this reason. But custom are never stationary. more...

Introduction. India is a country of vast area. Our country is facing many serious problems. We daily read of famines, floods and earthquakes. The government is doing its best to solve these problems. Population explosion. Of all the present problems that most dangerous is the population problem. Here there is population explosion. The economists estimate about population is very discouraging. According to them, India's population is multiplying very rapidly. If this population continue increasing at this high rate, it will be about V03 millions a( the end of the 20th century. The situation would be of more explosive than that created by atom bombs. A sort of birth control is essential- it is therefore clear that some form of birth-control on the growing population is very essential. Steps taken by our government. Our planners have thought over this problem seriously. Allocation of funds for welfare in five Year Plans has more...

In various Hindu traditions, it is believed that there are 330 million or 33 crore Gods, Goddesses and supernatural beings. A large number of Personalities, or 'forms', are worshipped as murtisor idols. The exact nature of belief in regards to each deity varies between differing Hindu denominations and philosophies. Often these beings are depicted in   humanoid or partially-humanoid forms, complete with a set of unique mid complex iconography in each case. Each God again has several mimes. For example Lord Shiva is also called Maheshwara and parameshwara. Contrary to popular belief, Hindus believe in many gods, but one supreme God as well. Bhagavdn is a word used to refer to the personal aspect of God in general, and not specific to a particular deity. People worship god through an image or a picture, or simply thinking of God us a personal being. Ishvara is a name or title used to more...

Higher education in India today is ridden with many and varied problems including broadening of access, ensuring equity, and the financial crunch. India has quite a large system of higher education with 250 universities, over 10,500 colleges and nearly 55 lakhs of students being taught by over 3 lakhs of teachers. And yet the proportion of the university and college going student population in the relevant age group of 16- 23 is dismal 6 per cent. This is quite low even when compared   with developing countries, the figure being 20 per cent for both Egypt and Thailand, and 16 per cent for Mexico. In the developed countries, however, access to higher education is to the tune of 40 per cent and more. Thus, in spite of a general expansion of higher education in India, inadequate access continues to cause concern. Further, while enrolment of women and those belonging to SC/ST more...

In 1947, partition brought for India very little cultivable land and millions of mouths to be fed. From the very moment of Independence, it wasrealised that India is an over-populated country. According to 1981 census, India's population came around 68.38 crores and now in 2006 it is about 120 crores. The alarming and incessant growth of population is causing serious economic problems. The more people will be the harder will it be to feed them all. This is the only reason why, in spite of a very good crop, the country has to import good grains. Whatever progress our country makes every year is eaten up by the increasing population. Employment opportunities are created, but population unevenness much more than them. The direct result of which is unevenness in the distribution of income and resultant up poverty. There are many reasons why India could not firmly put a check on more...


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