
Our country is the second most populated country in the world after China. Out of every five people in the entire world one is an Indian. India's present population is over one billion and it is the source of major problems for the entire country. India that used to be a land full of lush green jungles and wild animals and birds in fast changing into a land often struck in various parts by famines, floods and droughts. Population is very much at the root of this grave problem. Every person needs a certain amount of space to live in. To make place for the billion strong population of our country to live, a huge amount of the forested areas of our motherland has been destroyed. The most alarming fact is that India's population is still increasing. The increasing population does not demand land only to house the new comers more...

Cricket is a gentleman's game. It is very popular and enjoyed all over the world. It is my favourite game. I like it very much. I play it and see it being played either on the ground or on the television. 1'liis noble game is full of excitement, thrill, discipline, team- spirit, co-operation and hard work. Once, we had a very interesting cricket match between India and Pakistan. Ajay Jadeja was the captain of the Indian team. It was a limited-over one-day cricket match and played in Feroze Shah Kotia ground, New Delhi. Both teams were equally good and the match was evenly poised. The match began at 9 A.M. with the toss of the coin. Umpire tossed the coin and India won the toss. India decided to bat first. Our openers played good strokes and played cautiously Pakistani opening bowlers were Shoaib Akhtar and Wasim Akram. Sourav Ganguly hit more...

The global economy has grown sevenfold since 1950. Meanwhile, the disparity in per capita gross domestic product between the 20 richest and 20 poorest nations more than doubled since 1960. Of all high-income nations, the United States has the most unequal distribution of income, with over 30 per cent of income in the hands of the richest 10 per cent and only I.X per cent going to the poorest 10 per cent. In India, (he introduction of more and more luxury cars every month that are being bought too, raise the question, "Is the rich-poor divide widening?" Conventional wisdom is being turned upside down. Petroleum prices, ruling at new highs, would have, in recent times, created a scare. Transportation costs rise and with them prices of all goods.  Both these have happened worldwide and in India. Yet there is no looking harks. The rising value of the Indian rupee has more...

October 31, 1984 was a black day for India when Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister and leader of the nation, was shot down by two of her own security guards, Beant Singh and Satwant Singh, as she was walking down to her office at 1, Akbar Road, from her adjoining residence at 1, Safdarjung Road, New Delhi where she had an appointment with an Irish television company. The team had accompanied Mrs. Indira Gandhi on her recently concluded tour of Orissa. The two houses are linked by a winding path, which passes through a wicket gate. Mrs. Indira Gandhi was near this gate, when these two men struck. The two assassins were members of a Delhi Police contingent, assigned to protect her. As many as 22 bullets were pumped into her body, from a pistol and a stengun. In the shootout that followed, Beant Singh was shot dead more...

I have always been interested and intrigued by computers, ever since using a P-3 when I was very young. Since then I have become fluent in writing BASIC and more recently I have learnt HTML, the language of the World Wide Web on which I have my own we site. I use computers for most of my exam coursework such as Solving Equations Using Numerical Methods for Pure maths 2 and also for recreation. My A-level studies are Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Design Technology. I have always been fascinated by numbers and this interest is continuing, hence my choices in A-level subjects. I enjoy the application of Mathematics to Physics. In Design Technology I can be creative and at the same time use my knowledge of Mathematics and Physics to help solve problems. I am applying for the course of Computer Science because I would like to increase my more...

Lately, volatility has come to characterize India's stock markets due to  Portfolio  adjustment made by the Foreign Institutional Investors  (                FIIs) resulting in destabilizing tendencies in the country's system. This volatility has been visible in the medium and long term as well.  From a low of 2924 in April 2003, the BSE Sensitive Index (Sensex) had risen to 6194 in January 2004, only to fall to 4505 in May 2004 and again rise to 6679 in January 2005. While the Sensex crossed 21000 in January   2008, n even witnessed a low of 8000 in September 2008 before climbing   To 17000 levels by the end of 2009. These wild fl8uctuations have meant that for those who bought into the market at the right time and exiled at the appropriate moment, the average return earned through capital  gains were higher in 2003 than 2004 and 2008-09, despite the extended bull runs in more...

Osho or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (11 Dec. 1931 - 19 Jan. 1990) was born Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain. He was also known as Acharya Rajneesh from the 1960s onwards. He called himself Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh during the 1970s and 1980s and took the name Osho in 1989. (un syncretic teachings emphasise the importance of meditation. ttwiiicncss, love, celebration, creativity and humour - qualities that he viewed as being suppressed by adherence to static belief systems, relegation tradition and socialization. He had international following ami (lit- popularity of his teachings has increased markedly since his death. Osho was a professor of philosophy and held controversial views against socialism, Mahatma Gandhi, and institutional religion. He earned the sobriquet "sex guru" in the Indian and the international press due to his advocacy of a more open attitude towards sexuality. In his discourses, he reinterpreted writings of religious traditions, mystics and philosophers from around more...

We are living in an age of grave ecological crisis- a-crisis which has been created by the imbalance between the population, resources and environment. A biological community is a balanced community. Its successful survival depends upon the inter-action and inter-relationship between the physical environment and the living beings themselves. In order to increase food production man has used powerful synthetic pesticides and inorganic fertilizers. Such modem farming practices have brought in Green Revolution but have caused serious environment problems. The non-biogradable chlorinated hydro- carbons like D.D.T. used as pesticides are found in every living plant and animal around the world. The crises of population versus food and resources alone would be a massive challenge for humanity to face over next 20-30 years. Rapid industrialization and modem technology have led to a serious deterioration in environment. As a factor in human health and well-being, environment pollution is a serious cause for more...

Once I had a wonderful dream. It was soon after I had read an article that how the Americans had landed on the moon. I dreamt I was an astronaut. At first I had many months of difficult training for my job. They saw that I was in perfect health. They also made me practice all that I had to do on my flight. I had two other companions undergoing the training with me. We were all excited as the day for our flight approached. Our space ship and capsule were kept in readiness for our flight. A big crowd assembled to see us take off from the earth. We suddenly shot into space and orbited the earth at an unimaginable speed. Soon we were about to land on the moon. We were thrilled at the thought that we were going to land on another heavenly body. We landed cautiously. more...

Inflation, to one degree or another, has become a fact of life. It is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. As inflation rises, purchasing power decreases, fixed-asset values are affected, companies adjust their pricing of goods and services, financial markets react and there is an impact on the composition of investment portfolios. The impact of any upward trend in prices is felt by consumers businesses and investors. Inflation is not intrinsically good or bad, but it certainly does impact the investing environment. Changing prices can affect financial statement market environments and investment returns. Hence, the reserve Bank of India takes steps to manage inflation and the pace of economic growth. If inflationary pressures are building and economic Growth is accelerating, the Reserve Bank will act in a manner so as to increase the cost of borrowing and slowdown the economy. Controlling more...


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