
The pervasive influence of caste characterizes India more than anything else. There may be other countries and societies where caste exists, but nowhere outside India is caste the very structure id social survival. In India caste is ubiquitous. It is overwhelmingly Hindu, but not exclusively so. Muslims, Christians and Jews too have, in varying degrees, succumbed to its influence in India. It is not mere custom, like manners, or a measure of social status like dress. It is the fundamental rhythm of life in India. A caste can be defined as a group of people traditionally pursuing a common occupation and living in a linguistically separated region. These people marry among themselves, and consequent on their common occupation and habits possess a generally accepted place in an essentially religious hierarchy. Caste penetrates every aspect of living. It even determines how and when and what and where an individual’s eats, washes, more...

Telephone is no doubt one of the important devices of communicating messages in a relatively short period, messages can be sent through letters and telegrams as well, but a telephone message is the fastest to receive. Over the telephone one even hears the voice of the person who sends us the message and this makes the message more personal. It is so useful that even those who live at a great distance from us can communicate with us. The telephone often brings a cure for loneliness and comforts anyone who can talk to the person he is missing. One can settle various problems within seconds over the phone. Quick decisions can be taken and one can function faster after speaking over the phone. There are telephones at home, but they are also installed elsewhere for the convenience of the public. Railway stations, shops, post offices all have telephones where one more...

God has very strange and mysterious ways of working. He has a Divine Plan for all his children on the earth. His plan is to make us all good human beings. To achieve his aim. God puts his children through various tests at each stage of their life. It is often said that "God does everything for the best" or "Whatever happens, happens for the best". Although at first this may not seem so, with time we realize that even our failures are only a preparation for greater success in the future. We often fail at our tests in life which naturally leads to frustration and disappointment. Yet God hides the future from us. He knows that often the passage of some more time, our days of hardship will disappear, yet he does not let us know this. The reason for this is that God wants us to become stronger more...

I have two uncles living abroad. One is in England and the other in the U.S.A. They have been writing constantly to my father to send me there during my summer vacations. This year my uncle, who is in England, invited me. I persuaded my father to allow me to visit him. He agreed after great persuasion. Dates and programme in connection with my departure were worked out. It was decided that I should travel by a British Airways plane. I applied for the passport and completed other formalities. After getting my passport, visa was obtained from the British Embassy. I was asked to report two hours before the departure of the plane at the airline counter. I. along with my parents, who came to see me off, reached Indira Gandhi International Airport and reported at the counter of British Airways. The usual formality was gone through. They took away more...

Mountains have always thrown a challenge to the spirit of man and he has always accepted it. The loftier a mountain, the greater is his desire to conquer it, to climb the highest peak and to enjoy I he thrills of victory. Nearly all the mountains of the world have now been conquered by the persistence and perseverance of man. Even Mount Everest cannot now claim to be invulnerable, having already been scaled several limes, the first time by Hillary and Tenzing a Newzealander and an Indian. Several expeditions were organized to negotiate this highest mountain-peak in the world and at least four of them have been successful— British, Swiss, American and Indian. The Chinese too have climed to have conquered Mount Everest from the other side but their claim has not been accepted by many. Life offers challenge to man and some people are fascinated by it. Danger to more...

The human mind is essentially rational. Man is constantly in search of knowledge and answers lo the various questions that arise in his mind. His areas of interest may vary and he remains inquisitive all his life. To satisfy his thirst for knowledge and information man can always turn to books for help Hence, it is important to be selective about the kind of book that one decides to read. If we read books that are trash, we are liable to be corrupted by them. Reading sub-standard fiction and other trasht material is simply a waste of time. It is an error to believe that education can be measured by degrees and qualifications. It is in fact measured by the culture and manners that one imbibes. A person can enrich himself with good qualities and a commendable culture if he comes across books that have a definite message to convey. more...

Science has brought many wonders to this world. It has changed it completely. Television is one of the wonders of science. It is the latest scientific invention in the field of audio vision. In an age of science and technology, television has created a niche for itself in the hearts of people of all age-groups and sections. Hardly is there any home without a television set. It is needed by all-the rich and the poor and the young and the old. The television is an improvement on the radio. We can see the face of singer or speaker on the screen of television set. Television has become very popular. People see all important programmes in TV sitting at home. Lessons are telecast for the students of middle classes and senior secondary classes twice a day in TV. The morning lessons are meant for the first shift and day shift schools. more...

It had been pouring all through the night. I hardtop go to school the next day. When I woke up in the morning I was shocked to see the roads flooded with water. There was so much water on the roads that even a car could not drive through the water. If one had to cross the road, one would have to wade across or take a boat. This was the result of a cloud burst that had occurred the previous night. People were seen wading across with their umbrellas and rain coats. However even these were of no use because the rain was pouring so heavily that any effort to protect our self from it was futile. Water clogged all the drains and houses became dirty with slush. The muddy puddles made it impossible for anyone to walk even on the pavements. There was chaos everywhere as people tried more...

Niagara Ramarao Narayana Murthy better known as N.R. Narayana Murthy is the Non-Executive Chairman and Chief Mentor of Infosys Technologies Limited. He is credited for making India one of the known names in the IT world. He was born on August 20, 1946 in Mysore, Karnataka, India. He obtained his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (B.E.) from the National Institute of Engineering, University of Mysore in 1967 and his Master of Technology (M.Tech) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur in 1969. His first position was at IIM Ahmadabad as chief systems programmer where he worked on a time-sharing system and designed and implemented a BASIC interpreter for Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL). In the early seventies, Narayana Murthy took up employment with SESA in Paris. He worked with a team to design a real time operating system for handling air cargo for Charles de Gaulle airport. He came back more...

Population control refers to the practice of artificially altering the rate of growth of a human population. Historically, this has been made possible by limiting the birth rate, usually by government mandate. II has been undertaken as a response to factors including high or increasing levels of poverty, environmental concerns, religious reasons, and overpopulation. The idea that population control is needed to be implemented in society dates back to 1798, when Thomas Malthus suggested it in his Essay on the Principle of Population. In 1968, Paul Ehrlich noted in The Population Bomb that, "We must cut the cancer of population growth," and that, "if this was not done, i here would be only one other solution, namely the 'death rate solution' in which we raise the death rate through war-famine-pestilence etc." In die same year, Garrett Hardin, proposed in his landmark essay The tragedy of the Commons that society must more...


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