
Cricket is popular game in our school. Many studentsstudent play it while other enjoys seeing it. Our Principal is a' great cricket enthusiast. We often play and practice cricket we have a large play ground. The other day a very interesting cricket match was heldin our play ground. It was a One-Day 20-20 Over Match it was played between the team of Jain HappySchool and Our School team. We reached the school early that day. The matchstarted at 9 A.M. The Jain Happy School team also Arrived in time. The two Umpires entered the ground. They were followed by the two Captains. There was a'toss of a coin. We won the toss and elected to bat first. The players began to warm up. They stretched andjumped. Our openers went to bat. They were loudly cheered.There was crowd of about 500peeople. They made goodstart. But then Naresh was out when the more...

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar has undoubtedly been thecentral figure in the epistemology of the dalit universe. It isdifficult to imagine anything serious or important in theircollective life that is totally untouched by Ambedkar. For the dalit masses he is everything together; a scholar par excellencein the realm of scholarship, a Moses or messiah who led hispeople out of bondage and ignominy on to the path of prideand a Bodhisattva in the pantheon of Buddhism. He is always bedecked with superlative, quite like God,whatever may be the context in dalit circles. It is not difficultto see the reason behind the obeisance and reverence that dalits have for Ambedkar. They see him as one who devotedevery moment of his life thinking about and struggling fortheir emancipation, who took the might of the establishment head on in defence of their cause; who sacrificed all thecomforts and conveniences of life that were quite within hireach more...

When I think back about my childhood, many vivid memories spring to my mind. Some are pleasurable while some are painful. Regardless of the quality I attach to these memories, they constitute the early experiences of my life and they help to make me the person that I am today. The most vivid memory that I have is about the time I fell from a coconut tree. Though I fell from about three feet, I dislocated my elbow. I can still recall the process of falling and the immense pain and discomfort afterwards. I was about five at that time. That accident makes me extra careful whenever I climb a tree now. A repeat of a bad experience is definitely not welcome. As I grew older, I remember sitting side-saddle on the horizontal bar of my elder brother's bicycle while he pedalled us towards a small farm nearby- There we more...

Some parents think that once their children are at school, they can relax and let the education system take control. But this isnot the case at all. As research shows, parents have an even greater influence on their children's academic results than theschool does. Most of a child's ability to communicate, to relate to teachers and peers and their attitude to learning, is formedfrom home. Parents can help give their children a head start, by beginning their education at home. Many parents don't realize how they can help their children at home. Things as simple as baking a cake with their children can help them with their education. Measuring out ingredients for a cake is a simple form of maths. Another example of helping young children with their maths is simply planning a birthday party. They have to decidehow many people to invite, how many invitations they will need how more...

In hot countries, people generally welcome winter. Butin cold countries, they consider it a cruel season. However, even in hot countries, winter sometimes seems cruel when it is unbearably cold. This is how I felt on 28th January last. I had a disturbedsleep at night due to intense cold. As I woke up, I foundthe day no better. I took courage to open the door of bedroom. A waft of betting cold greeted me and I began to shiver. I at once shut the door. It seemed that my hands and feet were becoming numb. I at once rushed to my bed and coveredmyself with the warm woolen quilt. I asked my mother to prepare tea for me. She at once complied with my request and brought a cup of sizzling tea to me. As I sipped hot tea, I got some relief. I took courage to have a bath more...

Education of Sex in Schools Sex is something that almosteveryone will experience before they die. It is a subject that has been debated about for years. From the debate over birth control to the outbreak of aids. With all this history behindus, sex is becoming even more of an issue. With the newoutbreaks of sexually transmitted diseases and the fact thatsexually active persons are becoming younger, sex has nowbecome a daily topic. Sex scandals in the media and talk suchas "who slept with who at last night's keg party" are makingthese daily conversations apparent in high schools, middleschools, and in a lot of cases grade schools. As the sayinggoes "monkey see monkey do" one can only assume that thisconcept will pertain to these easily influenced children. Thatis why it is imperative that another side of this issue is presented on a regular basis, a side that demonstrates safesex as well more...

In India, summer season is very hot. Rivers, ponds and wells dry up. The people brave the heat and pray for rain. The rains are very useful for crops and forests. Last year, it was middle of July and there was no sign of rain. Everyone awaited the rains and wished for them. Oneday in the morning of 15th July, from a distance theClouds were seen. A cool wind began to blow. Theweather became very pleasant. In no time the sky was overcast with clouds. There was thunder and lightning. Soon it began to rain heavily.The people in my colony were happy. They came outand danced with joy. Soon there was water everywhere. The streets and roads were flooded and we could notgo to school. So our joy knew no bounds. My friendscalled me out and we played a lot in the rain. We madepaper boats and made them float more...

Picture a Typical Hard-working student. Each day she receives multiple assignments to complete for homework. She is involved in several extracurricular activities so she doesn't have much extra time. After sports practice, she struggles home lidden with books, to begin studying. On a typical evening she lies to work diligently for a couple of hours to complete her homework for school the next day. She has a rigorous schedule that includes honors and advanced placement classes so some nights she is forced to stay up very late to keep up with her classes. Other nights she has an extra packet of work to complete for her SAT Prep course. All thiswork puts a lot of pressure on her. This may not seem like anything out of the ordinary and for many students it's not. The push to be overachievers and get into the top colleges has caused many high school more...

First of all, what do we mean by 'discipline'? I would say that discipline means "controlling one's behaviour'. Why would one want to control one's behaviour? The reasons are obvious. We live in this world with many other people, each one unique and different. In order to live together harmoniously we must have some sort of etiquettes guiding our social behaviour. Without these we would differ so much that there would be chaos and we would not be able to live together at all. However, too much discipline can become inhibitive to the point that our creative energy does not find any outlet. This can cause more problems than solving some In school, there are codes of behaviour defined for the smooth running of the school. We have to come to school at a fixed time and all lessons and activities are carried out according to a schedule. This is more...

Atul is my next-door neighbour We live in a neighbourhood comprising people of different regions and cultures. Most of my neighbours are from the lower income groups and as such all of them work hard for a living. There are rubber tappers, labourers, clerks, fishmongers, doctors and contractors. Some are unemployed. Nevertheless, we live in harmony and we help each other out whenever we can. Of all these hard-working people, there is none who can match Atul He is a person with boundless energy and possesses a single-minded drive. By looking at a typical day in his life we can get an idea about his work-load. Atul gets up at three in the morning. I can hear him getting ready to leave the house because the thin wooden wall that separates our houses does not prevent sound from passing through, I know he goes straight to the fish market to more...


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