
Prices are risingevery day in all parts of the world.Inflation isaffecting every section of the society. About three decades ago we could purchase wheat at thirty rupees a quintal, but today we cannot get it at less thanhundred rupees a quintal in big cities. Everything was inexpensive in the past. Today there is no limit to the prices of all kinds of items. Millions of People in the world have to go hungry. They have to world to make both ends meet. A clerk used to earn Rs. 60/- in pre-independence days, but now he gets about thousand in most places. Office pay is much higher. The government tries to raise the pay scales, but the employees are not satisfied. They have large families to maintain and it becomes difficult for them to feed somany mouths with hardly any money. There is a dearth of cheap accommodation and there are more...

People living in cities do not know what living in .a village means. They cannot understand the charms of village life. It is rightly said, "God made the country and manmade the town." India is a land of villages who’s more than 80% of the population lives in rural areas. The people living in villages lead a simple and peaceful life and majority of them are farmers or agricultural laborers. The village people are very hard-working. Early in themorning when most people in the cities and towns an A sleep, village is awake and full of activity. The farmer'are seen going to their fields with the plough and bullocks to till the land. The women tend to their cows and buffaloes and milk them. When free from this work they cook food and take it to the fields for their husbands to eat. They also come to the village well more...

Ones when I was going to my school which is at a distance of two miles from our town, we found Ourselves caught in a dust storm. Some people started screening "Duststorm" even before it hit us. I felt that Somthing extraordinary was about to happen. The nextminute it actually took place. I found something wrong with the sky. It looked dark and murky. Soon, dark clouds began to close in on us. Suddenly there- was a lot of confusion all around the roads and on the streets. I started driving my bike at full speed but the dust laden wind would not allow me to do so. The wind was blowing from the front. I got down and drafgged my bike. I found shelter under a tree but the fear of the tree being uprooted began to haunt me. The tree swung and Dreaked dangerously but it did not more...

A bus stand is a very busy and important place in every town and city. It is a central place where the people ofthe city reach to catch a bus to reach their destination. Last week, I had to see off my friend/ Rahul. I reached the- local bus stand with him. We saw a long row of buses parked there. But there was none by which my friend had to go. We had to wait for quite some time. I bought the ticket for my friend. He stood in a queue silently. After Sometime, the bus came. It was overloaded. Only a fewpassengers alighted from it. The number of passengers who wanted to board it was quite large. The result was that the queue got broken. Everybody now wanted to board the bus out of turn. There was a sort of scuffle there among the passengers who wanted to more...

All men and women want success, but only a few have it. They know the secret of success. Success comes by hard work and perseverance. A lazy man or won cannot succeed. A lazy student can seldom achieve good grades. If you are not prepared to work hard you should not expect good results. If you want to succeed you must know the value ofTime is money. Lost time means a lost opportunity. The punctuality and economy of time lead to success and happiness. Life is too short to be wasted. And there is so much to be done. All great man and women have complained of shortness of life. One becomes great and successful just as one knows how to make best use of time. For success it is necessary that we know our aim. We must select wisely a career or a profession. Choosing Bin' right path is more...

People all over the world have found an easy way to get out of tricky and awkward situations. Whenever we do something that we know is wrong or that whichdoes not meet the approval of others, we lie. If we break something that is very precious to our, we lie and say that we did not have anythingdo with it. If we lose something or if we get late for .an appointment, we make excuses and say that we got held up in a traffic jam or any other lie that comes to our mind seems useful to get us out of the embarrassing situation. Not only children but adults also tell lies. In fact as people grow older the nature of the untruth that they speak also becomes more calculated and sometime harmful. Deceiving people by telling those lies about them – inother words flattering them to get something more...

Last Sunday was our school Annual Day. We had been preparing for it since a long time. We spent a month in Practicing for a drill which included the students of the entire senior school. It needed a lot of coordination and our uniforms had to be in perfect condition. We had arranged a military band to play the music the March Past. Even marching had to be done carefully so that all of us walked in step with each other. Parents were invited to the annual day and thus caused great deal of excitement in our hearts. There was Race organized. The three legged race/ the potato relay race the hop skip and jump race etc. were the various race that were organized. Every student hoped thathe may be able to win the first prize at these events. Besides races, dances and other such cultural events were organized. We more...

I am the eldest child in my family. I have two younger sisters. However, I have always wished that I was the Youngest as the youngest child in the family always seems to be the most pampered one. Being the eldest child has a lot of disadvantages. I have been expected to have a lot of sense. My parents always put a great deal of responsibility on my shoulder and Ioften find myself stuck doing things that I would have hated to do. But being the eldest I have no choice but to carry out my parents' orders. Now if I had our elder brother I would have been the happiest boy on this earth. My brother would have taken care of me and my sisters. I would have gone to school with him and he wouldI Live been my guide in the school bus and also at school.  Older more...

The name of my country is India. It is a very big country. In the matter of population it is next only to China. Itspopulation is more than 100 crore of people. India is divided into several States. Some of the bigStates are Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, etc. Among the UnionTerritories there are Chandigarh, Pondicherry, etc. Jammu and Kashmir lies in the north of India. Thesouthernmost Indian State is Tamil Nadu. India is spread from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari and fromAssam to Gujarat. The Indian people believe in different religions. They eat different kinds of food and wear different kinds of Clothes. They speak different languages. But they are are Indians. India is an ancient country. It remained under foreign rule for many centuries. In 1947, it became independent. If adopted a democratic set up. It became a republic in1950. India is a sovereign, secular country. All more...

It is true that we should avoid living in make-believe World. Day-dreaming often leads a dreamer to disappointment, frustration and discontentment. It is neither Thriller practical; nor a possibility in real life. But it has often been witnessed that miracles do, at times, occur in a man's life. The advice that I should act only in the living presentwith heart within and God overhead doesn't seem to Have been coined for me. I am a human being made up of blood and flesh. I can’t prevent myself from lapsing into reveries, if i choose so. So if I ever succeed in becoming a millionaire, By virtue of a miracle, or by love of my day-dreaming, I-know in advance as to how I shall spend my newly Acquired money. My first priority will be the homeless people who are old have been rejected as useless wretch. These people are considered parasites more...


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