
The promotion and protection of human rights has been a major preoccupation for the United Nations since 1945, when the Organization’s founding nations resolved that the horrors of The Second World War should never be allowed to recur. The 1948 Universal Declaration of human Rights (UDHR) by the General Assembly declared that respect for human rights and human dignity "is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world". Subsequently in 1950, all States and interested organizations were invited by the General Assembly, through its Resolution 423(V), to observe 10 December as Human Rights Day. The Day marks the anniversary of the Assembly's adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. When the General Assembly adopted the Declaration, with 48 states in favour and  eight abstentions, it was proclaimed as a "common standard of achievemer for all peoples and all nations", towards which individuals and societies should more...

Parents do not want their children to idle away thentime at home. Instead, they want them to explore thru hidden talents, brush up their skills and become mencreative. While most of the parents prefer their kids to joincoaching for dance, music and painting classes, other Want them to take up sports activities like skating, karate and swimming. My most loving father ran from pillar to post to get me a seat for the summer camp in some hi-fi school in the mega city. He always made it a point to take me with him. As he presented me to the principals of differentschools, one after the other, I felt small as if I were an Animal for sale or some saleable commodity. But I knewmy kind papa was only after my long term benefit. We got the reply big "No" everywhere since everyschool was allowing only the students of its more...

My uncle lives in Mumbai. He is a big police officer there. Once he promised me to take me to Mumbai by air. But for long he could not fulfill his promise. It was because his duties were so strict that he could not visit us in Delhi for quite some time. Last week, he had to come to Delhi in connection with some criminal case. He had also to go back hurriedly. But he remembered his promise and took me along with him. As we reached the airport, soon we heard the announcement asking us to board the Boeing-21 by which we had to travel. We climbed up the stairs and entered the aeroplane. We took our seats. My uncle asked me to fasten the safety belt. I did so. Soon, the aeroplane made a deafening sound. Its wings began to rotate. At first the rotation was slow but more...

Pocket money is what parents give to their sons and daughters to spend. A child can spend his pocket money as he or she likes. Sometimes parents guide a child as how to spend it wisely. Poor parents may not give pocket money to thenchildren regularly. But they do give as often as they can afford. They give it especially on festivals and fairs. My parents allow me a good amount of pocket money It is not fixed. It varies from month to month. My farheris a businessman. Whenever he is in a jolly mood because of good business, he gives me a fat purse as inpocket money. I do not spend all my pocket money. I save a part of it and deposit it in my bank account. I have opened a 'Savings Bank account in a nearby bank. I buy book on chess as it is my hobby. more...

The dowry system is an age old system and a peculiar phenomenon of the Indian society. It is, as today, a curse to the society. Dowry is the name given to all that, parents of a girl give to her when she gets married. At the face of it, the system seems quite appropriate healthy and logical, for, in this simple way, the pan-in of the girl help her in setting a new home. So far, sogood and, originally also the purpose of dowry was very justified and understandable. Let us now analyse how and why this system took birth at all? In the earlier times of Indian society, the Lighter had no share in the father's property so, by way of dowry the girl would get at least some portion of her share. Besides this, in those days, the girls were not educated so, this dowry could serve the more...

World Environment Day (WED) was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Commemorated on 5 June each year, WED is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action. The agenda for WED is to give a human face to environmental issues; empower people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development; promote an understanding that communities are pivotal to changing attitudes towards environmental issues; and advocate partnership which will ensure all nations and peoples enjoy a safer and more prosperous future.  WED, established under the premise of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), whose headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya, is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world. As a day that stimulates awareness of the environment and enhances political attention more...

In Sikhism, the word 'Guru' has a very specific definition. It means the descent of divine guidance to mankind provided through ten Enlighten   masters. The honour of being called a Sikh Guru is applied only to the ten gurus who founded the religion starting with Guru Nanak in 1469 and ending with Guru Gobind Singh in 1708. The divine spirit was passed from one Guru to the next, in the words of Guru Nanak, as "The light of ii lamp which lights another does not abate. Similarly spiritual lenders mid Ins disciple become equal." After the ten Gurus, the word (him is referred to the Sikh Holy Scriptures the Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Nanak Sahib, the founder of Sikhism was born in 1469 on full moon day of the month karthik at Rai-Bhoi-di Talwandi in the present district of Shukhupura (Pakistan), now Nanakana Sahib. Born to Mehta kalian das and more...

Discipline is the be-all and ends all of life. Life without disciplineis no life. Just as an unpruned garden is no Garden but only a wild forest, life without discipline is mere existence which even inanimate objects and animals and bacteria have. So to make human life worthwhile, discipline has to be observed. Nature follows all laws of discipline. It is thus the sun rises and sets and the flowers bloom and wither. The first lessons of disciplines are learnt at home when the child is taught to obey his parents, elders and Teacher When the children or young people play in the field or even in the street, they follow certain rules Of team-spirit. This set ' of rules is a part of the spirit of discipline, provided these are followed in all sincerity. Discipline is not denial of liberty. In fact, discipline and liberty hand in hand. If more...

Although I have many friends in India I have always wished for a friend who lives in a foreign country. The other day I was reading the magazine "Target" and came across the addresses of various children all over the world who want to make pen friends. I looked for a name and country that i liked. I wanted pen friend in the United States of America as found the culture of that country very different from ours. Finally I found the address of Jane Adams who livs in San Francisco. She is fifteen years old and she is the daughter of two doctors. Pier parents love her dearly as she is the only child. She wrote to me as soon as she received my firsi letter and I was very touched by her warmth and friend lines. Jane loves America a lot. She had never heard much about India more...

I know very well that to become the Prime Minister of India is not that easy. Since I have never taken any part In politics, nor I have any affiliations with any political party, it is almost impossible for me to become the Prime Minister of India. Still, I think there is no harm in imaging myself to be the Prime Minister of India. If I were the Prime Minister of India I'd do a lot of good work for the people. I do not mean to say that others, who have been the Prime Ministers of India, haven't done anything in this Connection. But, I think, there is no end to doing good as doing good like everything good and truthful, I Infinite. First of all, I’d give attention to India's defense, .as without being a strong country India cannot mill. Much progress and hold her head high in more...


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