
It is always better to look before you leap or else there is a great danger of falling into a ditch. To act without prior thinking will lead us into endless trouble. Elderly people often say that haste always makes waste. Rushing into things without prior thinking will lead to wastage of time, resource and energy. Rash decisions many a times lead to dangerous and unwanted consequences. It is similar to jumping into a river without knowing its depth and flow. It does not mean though that one should delay in making decisions or avoid taking a stand, Rather, one should think twice before taking a decision. One should think things out rationally and logically to reach to a conclusion. Quick decisions are always welcome but not rash decisions. Even if one has to act on impulse and has no time to think things out as in times of an more...

Introduction. A book has a great power to make us good or bad. A good book may prove very useful for us, while a bad book may do Great harm to us. Why has the Ramayana impressed me? Of all the books that 1 have read the Ramayana influenced me most- This is my favorite hook 1 love ii most. The book has many charms of its own it is more interesting than a novel- II is more   philosophic than any hook on philosophy. It is a complete moral code. Hence it has influenced me most. II contains the life story of Ram who is though! To be an incarnation of God, Hence it is a religious book which helps us t make us good and pious. Qualities of the Ramayan. The hook is lull of ideals-11 presents every situation of life. From I he examples given in this hook, more...

Every year when the fruit trees start to flower again, 1 know that another fruit season is just around the corner. With starting regularity and simultaneity, the trees become crowned with red, white or yellow flowers, depending on the type of the tree- It is such a wonderful event, this gift of fruits from the trees and I am very thankful to Nature that we can enjoy these sweet succulent fruits. However, something puzzles me—it is the trees themselves- How do they know when to flower? Do They communicate with one another? From what I have learned in school, trees don't possess calendars nor can they communicate with one another. If that is so then the trees should flower at random and we will not have 'fruit seasons'. Rather we would have fruits at unpredictable periods. However, we do have these 'seasons', the flowering of the trees are definitely not more...

The word 'Environment' is derived from a Greek word which means 'surroundings'. In simpler terms, we can say that environment is the atmosphere which surrounds an organism. It is in this atmosphere that an organism lives, thrives, nurtures and sustains itself. Thus, everything that we see around us - land, air. water, flora and the fauna - consists of our environment. The environment exerts its influence upon us and thus our living conditions are indirectly controlled and affected to an extent. Any change in the environment is thus bound to disturb the harmony of the environment with its organisms. It becomes necessary for human beings not to disrupt this balance by their activities. This inter-relationship between the organism and the environment is the Ecological Balance which should be maintained at all cost. Environment can be classified into the following categories - Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere. The land with its more...

In this day and age, most of us know the benefit of keeping fit. Modern society has come to the point where it is believed that we need to keep fit to stay alive. Our work normally doesn't involve hard physical labour. So many of us lack exercises, The consequences of not getting enough exercises is frightening. On a mild scale, we may simply grow fat. On a more ominous scale, we may develop sorts of ailments that can kill us before we grow old. So we exercise, for our lives, There are various means by which we can get the exercise we need. If we live in the city and can afford it, there are fitness clubs and gymnasiums that cater to our needs. They offer aerobic dancing, jazz dancing, weight reduction exercises and other sorts of body torture guaranteed to make us sweat. For the poorer ones there more...

Alexander Pope had very rightly said, "Hope springs eternal in human midst, Man never is but always to be blest." Yes, there is nothing but truth in the statement. It is this hope that continuously dwells up in a person's heart and makes him exclaim that if winter comes, can spring be far behind? Rather it is the coming of winter that makes the arrival of spring more surer than ever. It is the night that ensures that there will be another day. The sinking sun promises before it melts into the golden sea that it will come back tomorrow with a beautiful dawn and a better, sunnier day. It is the clouds that fur sometime hide the sun but that does not mean the sun is not there. It has been there all the time, only we could not see it. What if the earth seems to be barren more...

Floods comprise of another natural disaster in India which occurs year after year owing to excessive rains caused by the south-west monsoon which is the sole provider of maximum rains to India. Besides heavy rains, many a times, tropical cyclones occurring during pre and post monsoon time also cause severe damage. Sometimes silting of river beds, deforestation or change in the course of rivers too cause floods or flood-like situation. In 1979, a man-made flood occurred in Gujarat when Machhu dam bursted causing great destruction. The vast diversity of India, too geographically causes extreme situations many times. One part of the country suffers from severe famines or draughts while the other part gets destroyed due to floods and over-flow of rivers Approximately, one eighth of the total land area of the nation is considered as flood-prone area. In 2011, floods and landslides triggered by heavy monsoon rains, led to the more...

Introduction. Games and sports are an important factor in education. In the past there was no provision for them in Indian schools and colleges. But now no educational institution is complete without some arrangement for different games and sports. Their advantages— (i) they improve our health. Lames and sports have many advantages. They improve health and help in building up a good body. As games are played in the open air, the body gets plenty of sunshine and fresh air. The value of good health is well reseeding in the proverb-" A sound mind in a sound body". Hockey, ball and other games provide   better health than walks can. (ii) They develop a spirit of comradeship. Games have another advantage. They develop a spirit of comradeship. Students do not play for themselves only but for the team as a whole. Thus a sportsman develops a broad outlook and learns the more...

There is no place like home, as the saying goes, but I guess, it is just a matter of opinion. Nevertheless, I am sure everybody has some likes and some dislikes associated with his or her home, the amounts vary between different persons, I, for one has more likes than dislikes at home; when the weekends come, I simply love getting up late in the morning instead of having to force myself up early to go to school. Lying in bed on a sunday morning and listening to the sparrows chirping is what I consider as a pleasant change from the droning of teachers. Ah, it lifts my spirit up and makes the whole day good. Strange how the meaningless chirping can be—it is more pleasant than the intelligent droning. listening to the radio and watching TV (good programmes only) are what I like to do. especially during the weekends more...

For me, without hesitation, it is better to live a life in which risks are taken. The reasons are as follows : I am the one who subscribe to the saying "no venture, no gain," Only when we take risks, do we realize our full potential. Take learning to swim, for example. In order to learn to swim we must plunge into the water first. Initially, we might swallow a bit of water and become disoriented, but gradually our natural ability will take over and we feel at home in the water. If instead of taking the risk of plunging into the water, we elaborately study about all aspects of swimming, theorizing about it and then carefully testing things out, we would probably never get to the actual process of swimming. Even if we do learn to swim in this way, the ability obtained thus can never match a person more...


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